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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Durango has always had 8 gigs GDDR5, sony matched specs

Funny how people argue one rumor by stating another rumor. " The next Xbox won't have GDDR5, the other rumor said DDR3". Although I could personally care less whether it has GDDR5 or DDR3 RAM. 

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walsufnir said:
Sal.Paradise said:
walsufnir said:
Sal.Paradise said:

Durango was rumoured to have 8GB DDR3 for a long time, not GDDR5. Still is. Others pointed it out to him but it looks like he didn't respond.

Take a look at his tag: 'derp' which links to this: 

Yes, from the famous Sony-fan Takuya :) I could name a few users here to show who and how he is but I won't :)

Do you want me to link all the other posts correcting him on it being DDR3 that aren't from Sony Fan Takuya? What does it matter? 

bonus edit:

"He claims he works at a dev with a devkit but there's no way he would be talking so openly about it if he really was due to NDA."

"Nah, never claimed anything of the sort. Just a guess, nothing more." 


Which could be backpedalling after being corrected and getting that tag. Or could be just trying to deflect and save his ass from Msoft ninjas? Wishful thinking though.


I just said that Takuya is not a reasonable user on GAF. But calm down. Perhaps you read the whole thread before such a post happens because I already said that the whole thread relying on one post is useless.

Ah, 'calm down bro'. The wet fart of internet discussion. 

I'm bringing up the guy's posting history and speculating on it, which is what one does when one is presented with people claiming to have insider knowledge on places such as Neogaf. 

Sal.Paradise said:
walsufnir said:
Sal.Paradise said:
walsufnir said:
Sal.Paradise said:

Durango was rumoured to have 8GB DDR3 for a long time, not GDDR5. Still is. Others pointed it out to him but it looks like he didn't respond.

Take a look at his tag: 'derp' which links to this: 

Yes, from the famous Sony-fan Takuya :) I could name a few users here to show who and how he is but I won't :)

Do you want me to link all the other posts correcting him on it being DDR3 that aren't from Sony Fan Takuya? What does it matter? 

bonus edit:

"He claims he works at a dev with a devkit but there's no way he would be talking so openly about it if he really was due to NDA."

"Nah, never claimed anything of the sort. Just a guess, nothing more." 


Which could be backpedalling after being corrected and getting that tag. Or could be just trying to deflect and save his ass from Msoft ninjas? Wishful thinking though.


I just said that Takuya is not a reasonable user on GAF. But calm down. Perhaps you read the whole thread before such a post happens because I already said that the whole thread relying on one post is useless.

Ah, 'calm down bro'. The wet fart of internet discussion. 

I'm bringing up the guy's posting history and speculating on it, which is what one does when one is presented with people claiming to have insider knowledge on places such as Neogaf. 

You can of course do whatever you want but, again, especially for you, taking a post from user "Kazuya" is useless because of his posting history.

But either way, of course the post was wrong and everyone can see in seconds that almost nobody cared for this post.

crissindahouse said:
JEMC said:
crissindahouse said:
JEMC said:
Well, it may be true or not, but it no longer matters.

The truth is that Sony revealed it first and if MSoft has the same RAM, they will still look like the ones who changed their specs.

That's what happens when you try to be so secretive.

and? do you think anyone won't buy the console because of that? "ohh see, microsoft changed the specs to the better, i won't buy it anymore because they want to be competitive"

and if that would be true, that would go around on the internet as all the other rumours as well and everyone who believed until now that sony was first with that idea would then know it's the opposite. if it's true, we will hear that from some devs as well in the next months, if not, everything is like before and no gddr5.

And nothing. Only fanboys who fight over the net claiming that their console is better will care about this and use it in their favor.

For the rest it won't mean a thing. Heck! Ask someone on the street what GDDR5 is and 90% of the people won't know, and it won't affect their decision to buy the console or not.

well, then i have no clue why you said

"The truth is that Sony revealed it first and if MSoft has the same RAM, they will still look like the ones who changed their specs.

That's what happens when you try to be so secretive."

there are the people who don't care or don't even know what it is and then there are the forum people who read all the stuff and would read from different devs in the next months (after the reveal) that they could work with 8gb gddr5 since last year or whatever and that they are happy that sony also changed to that.

so, if it's true (which i doubt), everyone who cares about it will know anytime soon that microsoft didn't change it because of sony and those fanboys can't use that for their agenda anymore. so no, microsoft wouldn't be too late with it and nothing would happen from "being so secretive" like you claimed.

The problem is that it doesn't matter if it is true or not because most of the people and the general media wil think that Sony did it first.

The people who will learn about the next xbox through the general media won't read/hear "MSoft's console has 8GB of GDDR5 memory", they will read/hear " the PS4, MSoft's console will also have 8GB of GDDR5" or "..the new Xbox also has 8GB of GDDR5, matching what Sony has done with the PS4" and things like that.

We, who are in a forum and talk and discuss about it will know the true, but what most of the illiterate consumers will get is that Sony did it first and MSoft did it later.

That's what happens when you are so secretive, your oponents may announce something before you and catch you on your pants. If this is rumor is true, then that is what happened. They had the advantage but because they didn't want to reveal anything, Sony did it first and "won" the idea that they did it first.

But as I said it won't matter because for the vast majority of consumers it won't affect the decision of purchasing the console or not.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

walsufnir said:
Sal.Paradise said:
walsufnir said:
Sal.Paradise said:
walsufnir said:
Sal.Paradise said:

Durango was rumoured to have 8GB DDR3 for a long time, not GDDR5. Still is. Others pointed it out to him but it looks like he didn't respond.

Take a look at his tag: 'derp' which links to this: 

Yes, from the famous Sony-fan Takuya :) I could name a few users here to show who and how he is but I won't :)

Do you want me to link all the other posts correcting him on it being DDR3 that aren't from Sony Fan Takuya? What does it matter? 

bonus edit:

"He claims he works at a dev with a devkit but there's no way he would be talking so openly about it if he really was due to NDA."

"Nah, never claimed anything of the sort. Just a guess, nothing more." 


Which could be backpedalling after being corrected and getting that tag. Or could be just trying to deflect and save his ass from Msoft ninjas? Wishful thinking though.


I just said that Takuya is not a reasonable user on GAF. But calm down. Perhaps you read the whole thread before such a post happens because I already said that the whole thread relying on one post is useless.

Ah, 'calm down bro'. The wet fart of internet discussion. 

I'm bringing up the guy's posting history and speculating on it, which is what one does when one is presented with people claiming to have insider knowledge on places such as Neogaf. 

You can of course do whatever you want but, again, especially for you, taking a post from user "Kazuya" is useless because of his posting history.

But either way, of course the post was wrong and everyone can see in seconds that almost nobody cared for this post.

Lol, I think you misunderstood why I linked that post. 

His 'tag' is the link under his name given by a moderator, not Takuya or whoever made the post.

There are multiple posts correcting him on it supposedly being DDR3 instead of GDDR5, from what we've heard from Edge rumours and so forth for a long while now.

The 'tag' could link to any one of those posts, it doesn't matter who wrote it, they are all saying the same thing. The mod just decided to link that post, probably because it was snappier. Nothing to do with taking Takuya's word over anyone else's.

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JEMC said:

The problem is that it doesn't matter if it is true or not because most of the people and the general media wil think that Sony did it first.

The people who will learn about the next xbox through the general media won't read/hear "MSoft's console has 8GB of GDDR5 memory", they will read/hear " the PS4, MSoft's console will also have 8GB of GDDR5" or "..the new Xbox also has 8GB of GDDR5, matching what Sony has done with the PS4" and things like that.

We, who are in a forum and talk and discuss about it will know the true, but what most of the illiterate consumers will get is that Sony did it first and MSoft did it later.

That's what happens when you are so secretive, your oponents may announce something before you and catch you on your pants. If this is rumor is true, then that is what happened. They had the advantage but because they didn't want to reveal anything, Sony did it first and "won" the idea that they did it first.

But as I said it won't matter because for the vast majority of consumers it won't affect the decision of purchasing the console or not.

well, i think that wouldn't change anything for the end consumer. reading "microsoft uses the same tech like sony" won't sell less consoles as "sony uses the same tech as microsoft". if both consoles release almost at the same time, the consumer will think both companies were first with the tech.

i don't even think that a reveal in february or only may will change anything. the only reason why i think companies should reveal the console before e3 is to have enough time at e3 to show more of everything. if they would first reveal the console at e3, the conference would take 3 hours which would be probably too long.

important are the weeks before release like the ad campaigns and the release itself and what the console has to offer.

i edited my last post which you probably didn't see. i already said there that only the final product really matters and not the dev kit stuff.

Thats what they all say

Remember when they tried to say the same thing about MS when Sony bought Gaiki? lol

we had that other rumor that said MS were matching what Sony announced so i expect them to have added the Gddr5.

NobleTeam360 said:

Funny how people argue one rumor by stating another rumor. " The next Xbox won't have GDDR5, the other rumor said DDR3". Although I could personally care less whether it has GDDR5 or DDR3 RAM. 

True story lol

Good. Everyone wins except fan boys/girls.

walsufnir said:
tres said:
walsufnir said:
pokoko said:
Wait a second. If the 720 matches the PS4 spec for spec, including an expensive 8 gigs of GDDR5, while also sporting Kinect 2.0 as a standard feature, aren't we climbing to a potentially dangerous price-point? I have trouble believing Microsoft would take too much of a loss or allow the PS4 to have a major pricing advantage.

The PSeye is also rumored to be included with every PS4.

that not a rumor i thought they said it at their event?


I don't remember but anyway, here is the source of the rumor:

cerny said the eye was develop in tandem with the the ds4.  hence the color bar on the front of them.  and tbh knowing kinect would come with every next gen xbox sony have to ante up.   it will be funny to watch the sony side talk about how great move is with the ps4 during e3 while bashing kinect 2.0 ... yes it will happen