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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

gigantor21 said:
Agreed. Between the severe droughts in the WiiU's software line-up recently, and how much they've been touting the game, I expected to see better numbers by now. Even if they weren't blockbuster pre-orders--something I never really expected out of Pikmin 3 anyway.

well 50pts for Wii U game on CMOG is enough to me. DQX finished with 17 (?) and did 37k first week. So 50pts could be 100k first week (or something close to this)

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I thought Pikmin would be good for Wii U as Persona 4 was for vita. Still a possibility, but not looking to good.


Edit: 1000th post bwahaha.

1000th post!

Edit: BEATEN!! So 1001st :'(

1001st Post!

edit: Nevermind :( 102nd

Playing Xenoblade 2 before I buy Xenoblade 3 (otherwise I couldn't wait to play 3).

Can they announce a new Fire Emblem? A remake of Genealogy or Tellius would suffice !

This is my 4000 and somethingeth post.

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1000 Posts? that's one week on vita's Thread xD

Anyway... Great news for a New thread... is growing faster than before...probably was needing a change a lot!


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

DemoniOtaku said:
1000 Posts? that's one week on vita's Thread xD

Anyway... Great news for a New thread... is growing faster than before...probably was needing a change a lot!

The Vita thread at this point is its own mini Chartz. 

People are in there that don't post at all outside that thread. Really is astounding how big it got. (And the comments are hilarious) Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

I can see Pikmin doing much better in the charts than this shows. But MH almost set for the 1k today! And Toukiden 100 points as well is mighty impressive.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Isn't Toukiden PSP going to hurt the Vita version ? Because we already know that COMG costumers tend more towards PSPs, so Vita > PSP in these charts means Vita version to be miles away from its brother ?

Otakumegane said:
DemoniOtaku said:
1000 Posts? that's one week on vita's Thread xD

Anyway... Great news for a New thread... is growing faster than before...probably was needing a change a lot!

The Vita thread at this point is its own mini Chartz. 

People are in there that don't post at all outside that thread. Really is astounding how big it got. (And the comments are hilarious)

I know... I'm there since arround 50 pages... XD


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread