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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

MONSTA HUNTA POWAA !! Number one at Amazon, and probably will still there until release date or month after :D
It'll maybe be hitting chartz this week.

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It begins!

Today's chart can't come out fast enough.

Have some time to kill? Read my shitty games blog.


monster hunter 4 wont get more than 100 points wen its all said and done......... lmao! Imagine that>>> :0 the last trailer made mh3 look like crap imo! all themovements and grappling. I hope it gets outside release in summer 2014

Tag for future monster hunter goodness

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I wouldn't be so certain MH shows up...

If it does I expect 100 points or more day one


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

i hope mh4 shows up :0

At least 80pts first day, or GTFO

35min to next update

fingers crossed