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outlawauron said:
Jranation said:
Sooooo Splatoon 2 and DQ is on the same month?..........

Splatoon 2 is one week before. That's one way to absolutely cannibalize its first few weeks.

Probably why theres no switch version at that time. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

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outlawauron said:
Jranation said:
Sooooo Splatoon 2 and DQ is on the same month?..........

Splatoon 2 is one week before. That's one way to absolutely cannibalize its first few weeks.

Just to see what your talking about, which is going to cannibalize which?

Jranation said:
outlawauron said:

Splatoon 2 is one week before. That's one way to absolutely cannibalize its first few weeks.

Probably why theres no switch version at that time. 

The reason there is no Switch DQ11 at launch is not because splatoon is launching in July.  Think about it for a second.. 

Great day for DQXI. 3Ds leading as expected

tomorrow I hope to see Splatoon geting some love as well

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tbone51 said:
outlawauron said:

Splatoon 2 is one week before. That's one way to absolutely cannibalize its first few weeks.

Just to see what your talking about, which is going to cannibalize which?

It's obvious. DQ is a much bigger game than Splatoon. That isn't even a question. Even though it doesn't share platforms, DQ puts a bit of drain on the purchasing power of the market. I'm saying that the first few weeks of Splatoon will likely be weaker because it's launching next to Dragon Quest.


I think it's more Nintendo is pushing out of the door faster so it can distance itself from the Switch version.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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I have a feeling SE hasn't shown any of DQ XI on Switch because there are problems with it. Pessimisticly I feel that way, of course.

what a day for dragon quest, both versions did great

tbone51 said:
outlawauron said:

Splatoon 2 is one week before. That's one way to absolutely cannibalize its first few weeks.

Just to see what your talking about, which is going to cannibalize which?

Do I sense another prediction thread?...... xD You know just like that FFXV vs Splatoon......... 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

outlawauron said:
tbone51 said:

Just to see what your talking about, which is going to cannibalize which?

It's obvious. DQ is a much bigger game than Splatoon. That isn't even a question. Even though it doesn't share platforms, DQ puts a bit of drain on the purchasing power of the market. I'm saying that the first few weeks of Splatoon will likely be weaker because it's launching next to Dragon Quest.

DQ is no doubt one of the top 5 if not top 3 franchises in japan. Top it off with the hype and situation of dq11 and no doubt this game will beast. (First mainline new game in many years and first hc mainline in 8 i believe).


That said splat2 isnt on the same level... Or is it? Like i said and some others b4, the franchise is yet to be seen where it potienally lies in terms of the best selling franchises in japan. It basically carried itself on a dead system, outselling even the biggest nintendo franchises on the same system (it being the number 1 HC game this gen)


Add the fact its portable and will be on hardware that will at least be a much better factor for it in many ways, i argue the franchise can be almost on the same level of dq.


As for the first few weeks, i doubt dq will impact splat2 2nd week and more to follow. Its hard for me to explain but i really do see both selling to their own potential side by side. I think your underestimating (again?) splatoon. Its also releasing right by the holidays (obon week) and if switch is in high demand, this game is going to sell extremely well. Even in week 2/3/etc


Edit:  only week itll overshadow splat2 is its op week but thats more due to dq opening to 2mil+ compare to splat2 2nd week numbers that will drop. Week 3 youll see that youll be wrong and dq wont cannibalize splat2 sales

Someone said splatoon2 will outsell DQ11 in Japan? interesting…dont worry,time will tell.