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Gooo Persona 5 & Tales of Berseria!!!

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BraLoD said:

Another couple of days before it's 56+ lead gets eaten into.  Hopefully it can stay ahead until at least 250 points. 

From gaf :
first 2 days sellthrough {2016.08.09}

[PS4] Ratchet & Clank (Sony Computer Entertainment) (¥5.900) - 70%


From Dengeki :

Hardware: 85 billion Yen (-17.2% Year on Year)
Software: 140 billion Yen (-19.6%)
Total: 225 billion Yen (-18.7%)

PlayStation 4: 6.9 billion Yen (+48.3%)
Nintendo 3DS: 9.1 billion Yen (-36.8%)
Wii U: 2.3 billion Yen (-32.3%)

Nice YOY increase for ps4

If this turned out to be true.
Than the good news (for Square Enix) is that FFXV wouldn't be competing with Persona 5 anymore.
The bad news: It'd be competing with Pokemon Sun/Moon instead.

Nice day for Persona 5

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Yas at the JRPGS gaining points. Berseria to open at#1 for sure!

Hope tales of can boost a little bit the hardware sales, ps4 needs it in japan

Roronaa_chan said:
Roketan said:
How much points did MGSV had 49 days before it's release?

104 (PS4+PS3)


Call me crazy but if the FFXV is true, it's good news for PS4. This means that FFXV will surely get a PS4SILM/NEO bundle (NEO is rumored to launch around that time). Plus, 29 November is Tuesday meaning that FFXV would launch Dec 2 in Japan. Maybe the delay also explains the absence of FFXV marketing not only in Japan but also worldwide.

Alex_The_Hedgehog said:
m_csquare said:


Didnt know lunar, BoF, Golden sun and prolly hundreds rpg out there belong to FF series.

Final Fantasy probably inspired a lot of other RPGs, though.

DQ is actually the first game that implemented turn based combat. FF just happen to have different world, story, and setting??? But what do i know, some fans must know the game better than squenix. Kek


Why dont we use something that's more consistent and exclusive to define FF series? As long as phoenix down still ressurect ppl in the game, it's Final fantasy.


Anyway back to the topic, still no movement beside the top 5. Kinda hoping to see more movement for yakuza and gt. Hopefully gamescom can liven up comg a bit

PAOerfulone said:

If this turned out to be true.
Than the good news (for Square Enix) is that FFXV wouldn't be competing with Persona 5 anymore.
The bad news: It'd be competing with Pokemon Sun/Moon instead.

Sqaure Enix should just delay it to 2017..

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---