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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-order Chart Thread - Daily updates!

Berseria will reach 300 before release, I guess.

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Seems like some people switched their Persona 5 pre-orders lol

"I think it will be the HDS"-Me in regards to Nintendo's next handheld.

5 points for tales of, wonderful, and ff and persona got points too

Finally, it's nice to see the games actually earn some points!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Games that should get more points soon

Monster Hunter Stories
Final Fantasy XV

Games that should appear soon because otherwise...

The Last Guardian
World of Final Fantasy
Battlefield One

I would say COD IW but it will be released November in Japan (if i remember correctly) so it's 3 months away...

Also, i am curious to see how FIFA 17 will perform now that PES is dead in Japan and EA got the japanese license or something. IMO, Konami at one point should make a console version of the upcoming mobile game Powerful Pro Football which is basically Powerful Pro Baseball only with football instead of baseball. After seeing how well Powerful Pro Baseball 16 performed (400k) on PS4/PS3/PSV i don't think KONAMI will miss this chance.

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Bloody hell FF.. Never seen the franchise lacking any interest before

kopstudent89 said:
Bloody hell FF.. Never seen the franchise lacking any interest before

Final Fantasy Explorers and the last FF music game for 3DS kinda bombed in Japan.

FFT-0 HD sold around what it should sell (120k). It was an HD version of a PSP game that sold 700k back in the day and you could download it form PSN on your PSP/PSV for less than 1000Yen. It's purpose was the FFXV demo and if you compare it to FFXIII demo that was bundle with FF7 movie, the FFXV sold more than FFXIII.

FFXHD in Japan was a big success though. Sold 500k on a system that was dying (PS3) and on a system that was still lacking in sales (PSVITA). This is proof that FF is still alive in Japan, and that FFXV can't gather interest because it doesn't look like a FF game.

Great day for Tales of Berseria!!!

Roketan said:

Final Fantasy Explorers and the last FF music game for 3DS kinda bombed in Japan.

FFT-0 HD sold around what it should sell (120k). It was an HD version of a PSP game that sold 700k back in the day and you could download it form PSN on your PSP/PSV for less than 1000Yen. It's purpose was the FFXV demo and if you compare it to FFXIII demo that was bundle with FF7 movie, the FFXV sold more than FFXIII.

FFXHD in Japan was a big success though. Sold 500k on a system that was dying (PS3) and on a system that was still lacking in sales (PSVITA). This is proof that FF is still alive in Japan, and that FFXV can't gather interest because it doesn't look like a FF game.

While I agree with you about FF X HD,, 

Type-0 was overshipped ( < 60% sellthrough) at launch, suggesting it didn't sell what it should sell, and the massive worldwide discounts suggests it didn't do much better outside of Japan either.  It didn't seem to do a good job selling through the remaining shipment.

Theatrhythm was also overshipped (also < 60% sellthrough) but was more likely to have legs than an RPG, so seemed less of a disaster (though still not great).

Explorers did fine though.  It was a budget-looking game and sold like one.  Better than one if I'm honest.

Kresnik said:
Roketan said:

Final Fantasy Explorers and the last FF music game for 3DS kinda bombed in Japan.

FFT-0 HD sold around what it should sell (120k). It was an HD version of a PSP game that sold 700k back in the day and you could download it form PSN on your PSP/PSV for less than 1000Yen. It's purpose was the FFXV demo and if you compare it to FFXIII demo that was bundle with FF7 movie, the FFXV sold more than FFXIII.

FFXHD in Japan was a big success though. Sold 500k on a system that was dying (PS3) and on a system that was still lacking in sales (PSVITA). This is proof that FF is still alive in Japan, and that FFXV can't gather interest because it doesn't look like a FF game.

While I agree with you about FF X HD,, 

Type-0 was overshipped ( < 60% sellthrough) at launch, suggesting it didn't sell what it should sell, and the massive worldwide discounts suggests it didn't do much better outside of Japan either.  It didn't seem to do a good job selling through the remaining shipment.

Theatrhythm was also overshipped (also < 60% sellthrough) but was more likely to have legs than an RPG, so seemed less of a disaster (though still not great).

Explorers did fine though.  It was a budget-looking game and sold like one.  Better than one if I'm honest.

I wouldn't say that Explorers did fine. It was the first FF game on 3DS (excluding Theatrhythm). Not only that but it was released during holidays when 3DS was in it's prime. Let alone that it was going after the MH audience. When it was announced people thought that it will be big (like 500k) and rightfully so. Plus there were no other major games released on that period (competition). Square Enix also must have shipped a record low shipment worldwide because there was no interest for the game in US/EU. We could compare it with Builders. The two major IP of Japan trying to get different audiences. One failed (Explorers with 300+k) the other was a success (Builders with 700+k). Square also mentioned Builders as a ''successful attempt'' of moving an IP to other gernes while they didn't said anything about Explorers (unless i am mistaken).

Regarding Theatrhythm i doubt it had legs. I don't recall seeing it in Top20 weeks after it's release and after some short time it even left Top50 and that's why Square is releasing the sequel on Arcade. Speaking of Theatrhythm, DQ Theatrhythm also bombed. Less than 100k despite getting major price cuts on shops week after it's release (and was released during holidays).

Regarding Type-0 HD, i agree. They probably expected more but at least it got close of selling it's shipment (plus the game was probably dirty cheap to make).