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Pavolink said:
This thread feels so intense.


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Huge movement up top, but some solid days for various others titles, good to see.

This thread was a lot more peaceful a few days ago.... I wonder why?

PSN: extremeM

PlayStation Vita Japanese Software Sales (Media Create Physical/ Famitsu Digital)

BlowoverKing said:
This thread was a lot more peaceful a few days ago.... I wonder why?

Dog dug the bone under the yard and dug it up again.

Just joking, please don't be mad.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

tbone51 said:
Conegamer said:
tbone51 said:


But NinPie is right. The only reason it's behind Yokai Watch is because it's split into two; thus I must say that MK8 will not overtake the combined points to get to the top. That's not to say MK8 isn't doing very well, however. Indeed I know for a fact that NinPie is incredibly impressed with its performance as of late.

I think you just need to maybe step back a little and not get so worked up about it. That's his opinion, and the only thing that will come from you continuing like this is further tensions, and potentially, further bans. Noone wants that tbone!

No Ninpie is not right, Nobody is saying about split SKU etc, Nobody does it with pokemon on Tsytuya ranking/UK charts right? So no.

The thing is i never said MK8>YW2 combined SKU, look at the links, he clearly said that MK8 wont hit the top of the charts "AGAIN" which means MK8 was first before and he meant be placed on top.

This is an excuse of course cuz he was wrong, nuff said. Yes YW2>MK8 if you combine sku. Nobody denies that but spinning it is wrong. Except losses and move on. I pointed out he was wrong. 

Ex: Team A vs Team B in Football. Team A is winning 42 to 0 first half of the game. Then I say Team B wont even score again in the second half. End of the Game the Score is Team A 42 and Team B 7. Yes Team A won but i still said something that got proved wrong but instead i say "ButTeam A Won" Well duh, but imhiding the fact i was wrong.

That example makes zero sense. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

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BlowoverKing said:
This thread was a lot more peaceful a few days ago.... I wonder why?

Cone threw the bone too far out, and it took 10 days to get it back. 

Fusioncode said:
tbone51 said:
Conegamer said:



That example makes zero sense. 

Is this better for You?

We are watching the Giants vs Cowboys game. I say Giants will win the game while you go for the Cowboys.

Giants are winning 42 to 0 first half of the game. Then I say "Cowboys wont score any points in the 2nd half its impossible, dnt make me laugh"(Because, Giants didn't let them score the entire first half).

End of the Game the Score is Giants 42 and Cowboys 7. Yes Giants won but i still said something (Cowboys wont score) that got proved wrong but instead i say "Well, Giants still won" but im hiding the fact i was wrong about Cowboys not scoring at all.

This is the same thing going on here, With Giants beating Cowboys being YW2 combined SKU>MK8 part and what im arguing about MK8 being at the top with the example of how Cowboys wont score at all.

Simplified↑↑↑ :p

BlowoverKing said:
This thread was a lot more peaceful a few days ago.... I wonder why?

Hmmm...... I think its because MK8 is beasting and doing the impossible... Yeah thats definitely it!

vv00t for MK8 :D

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

Mario Kart 8 is diving by zero!!!!!

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