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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA taking too much heat for not supporting Nintendo?

osed125 said:
JayWood2010 said:
osed125 said:

 You obviously didn't clicked the links because you have a lot of examples of various tittles and genres.


I clicked on them.  Those are all big budget games.  Im saying you would need to look at individual games to figure out how much money each one makes.  

In the end a business will do what is good for them and if they can afford a big budget and they know they will make there money back they will do it.  We also know that they made money off of the wii or else they wouldnt be publishing on the wii.  The same can not be said for the WiiU at the moment.

And we are talking about big budget games here. 

@bold Not true, check the link with "$5 million" on it. Dead Space 3, Kingdoms of Amalur, Max Payne 3, Homefront, L.A Noire were all failures because they expected too much out of them and didn't even made profit. They can take the big budget stuff, but that won't warranty they will recover the money. If you accumulate this failures you'll end up in bankruptcy (see THQ). Square Enix is also suffering from constant failures, you have Tomb Raider as a recent example. If EA didn't had Madden and FIFA they would probably be in the same situation as Square.

Yeah there is failures as well.  Im aware of that.  For example on that list you posted Too Human Im pretty sure failed as well.  Im just saying that these are games the company had faith in.

As far as Tomb Raider the developers was happy with the sales.  It has been succesfful, just not as well as Square Enix wanted it to do.  


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JayWood2010 said:
Cobretti2 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Cobretti2 said:


What shits me is BS statements they make that contradict themselves every week and sound liek a bipolar person.

Ill agree with people on some statements EA makes may sound foolish.  But all of the excuses people make and all the blame placed on EA is just as bad.

. NFS MW does deserve better but I think it suffering risdual effect from the other games, which  as I previously said is sad cause the game is really that good.


Mass consumers doesnt work that way.  Only the few who visit forums are like that which are in the minority.  

And yeah we will see about games like watch dogs.  

Agreed about mass consumers, but where I am coming from is I don't think mass consumers (well not many) have purchased a wii U yet. Most those sale would be core nintendo gamers and strange people who liek just dance lol.



Cobretti2 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Cobretti2 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Cobretti2 said:


What shits me is BS statements they make that contradict themselves every week and sound liek a bipolar person.

Ill agree with people on some statements EA makes may sound foolish.  But all of the excuses people make and all the blame placed on EA is just as bad.

. NFS MW does deserve better but I think it suffering risdual effect from the other games, which  as I previously said is sad cause the game is really that good.


Mass consumers doesnt work that way.  Only the few who visit forums are like that which are in the minority.  

And yeah we will see about games like watch dogs.  

Agreed about mass consumers, but where I am coming from is I don't think mass consumers (well not many) have purchased a wii U yet. Most those sale would be core nintendo gamers and strange people who liek just dance lol.

considering the low sales of that game for WIi U, not even them

I'd say they're getting the right kind of heat.  Really you're missing one vital point.

Keep in mind it's not just that EA isn't supporting Nintendo. It's that this whole time they've claimed a "special" unique and strong support of the Wii U and Nintendo.

Which if anything would indicate the Wii U would have GREATER support then other consoles. Until they drop that particular claim, they pretty much deserve most the criticisms they get... when they don't even port very basic series.

EA could have the best reasons in the world to not release games on the Wii U... but really, they don't amount to much as long as they're claiming a unique strong partnership and support.

If they were just a regular company not releasing games on Wii U... sure.

Right now though?  They're analgous to claiming to be the Wii U's girlfriend while spending all their time hanging out with the other guys.

Multiplatform releases are one thing, but what about Crysis 3?
EA have said that they had a version up and running for Wii U, and stated this was not possible on
360/PS3 and yet they still didn't release it. Although it wasn't a great game it would have been a signifigant
sign that Wii U is a next gen console and they decided to not release it for some lame ass vague reason.

Cevat Yerli was quoted as saying " We did have Crysis 3 running on Wii U but there was a lack of business support
between EA and Nintendo so Crysis 3 Wii U had to die."

Nintendo should have been doing whatever it took to secure this console exclusive, and the fact it wont happen
shows how strained the relationship is....

Then you have the closing of Lucasarts and EA buying all the rights to the Star Wars franchise....
I look forward to Fifa Tattooine 2015 with tons of expensive DLC to allow me to use the force when taking a penalty kick....

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EA's WiiU offerings
-ME3 not available for download, I am not searching across a ton of stores for a copy... did not get
-FIFA 13 tried the demo... it was not good, waiting for PES
-Madden gimped version passed on it, plus I am a CFL fan not an NFL fan. Four downs, short field, WTF... girly football.
-NFSMW was a good game, available for download, bought it immediately

EA sucks (should not say this since my buddy works for them)
But if they make a game worth buying for the WiiU, I will buy it.

who the hell wants to defend EA... WTF! ...

that is all.


JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Big difference when EA has been very successful on the other two platforms and struggles on Nintendo's.  But hey, thanks for ignoring all of my comments and OP :)

LOL, you are hilarious. You're comparing two ESTABLISHED consoles with 75+ m units sold against a console that just came out with barely any units sold comparatively, and you expect things to be the same.

Good job.

Actually I compared two 75m userbase consoles with a console that has a userbase of 100m XD Maybe you missed that lol

And yeah good job for missing that ;)

No you brought up Wii U sales, regardless you were unclear ;0 if you mean Wii then still they made more money than on PS360 because the thing is cheaper to make games on end of story.

And no that is very doubtful when these games triple the sales.

No, profit > sales.

 Average sales for HD twins is around 4m on X360/PS3.  Both above 2m  And these games dont cost a lot to make.

on the Wii 600k.  Do you have any idea how foolish you sound?

For the first time I agree with you on something. The profit margin to make a game on the Wii yielded way more for the Wii and yet the HD twins profited more than Nintendo did from third party. The symptoms of having too large of a casual audience.

oniyide said:
Cobretti2 said:

Agreed about mass consumers, but where I am coming from is I don't think mass consumers (well not many) have purchased a wii U yet. Most those sale would be core nintendo gamers and strange people who liek just dance lol.

considering the low sales of that game for WIi U, not even them

well there was a week that I saw just dance 4 ahead of most the 3rd party games (i thought that was odd lol)

 Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)