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JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Big difference when EA has been very successful on the other two platforms and struggles on Nintendo's.  But hey, thanks for ignoring all of my comments and OP :)

LOL, you are hilarious. You're comparing two ESTABLISHED consoles with 75+ m units sold against a console that just came out with barely any units sold comparatively, and you expect things to be the same.

Good job.

Actually I compared two 75m userbase consoles with a console that has a userbase of 100m XD Maybe you missed that lol

And yeah good job for missing that ;)

No you brought up Wii U sales, regardless you were unclear ;0 if you mean Wii then still they made more money than on PS360 because the thing is cheaper to make games on end of story.

And no that is very doubtful when these games triple the sales.

No, profit > sales.

 Average sales for HD twins is around 4m on X360/PS3.  Both above 2m  And these games dont cost a lot to make.

on the Wii 600k.  Do you have any idea how foolish you sound?

For the first time I agree with you on something. The profit margin to make a game on the Wii yielded way more for the Wii and yet the HD twins profited more than Nintendo did from third party. The symptoms of having too large of a casual audience.