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JayWood2010 said:
Cobretti2 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Cobretti2 said:


What shits me is BS statements they make that contradict themselves every week and sound liek a bipolar person.

Ill agree with people on some statements EA makes may sound foolish.  But all of the excuses people make and all the blame placed on EA is just as bad.

. NFS MW does deserve better but I think it suffering risdual effect from the other games, which  as I previously said is sad cause the game is really that good.


Mass consumers doesnt work that way.  Only the few who visit forums are like that which are in the minority.  

And yeah we will see about games like watch dogs.  

Agreed about mass consumers, but where I am coming from is I don't think mass consumers (well not many) have purchased a wii U yet. Most those sale would be core nintendo gamers and strange people who liek just dance lol.