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I'd say they're getting the right kind of heat.  Really you're missing one vital point.

Keep in mind it's not just that EA isn't supporting Nintendo. It's that this whole time they've claimed a "special" unique and strong support of the Wii U and Nintendo.

Which if anything would indicate the Wii U would have GREATER support then other consoles. Until they drop that particular claim, they pretty much deserve most the criticisms they get... when they don't even port very basic series.

EA could have the best reasons in the world to not release games on the Wii U... but really, they don't amount to much as long as they're claiming a unique strong partnership and support.

If they were just a regular company not releasing games on Wii U... sure.

Right now though?  They're analgous to claiming to be the Wii U's girlfriend while spending all their time hanging out with the other guys.