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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA taking too much heat for not supporting Nintendo?

JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Your original argument was not that and you know that.  It is very clear that these games are making MUCH more money on the HD twins.  Especially considering that they are selling about 5x as much.

And yes thos games was easy money for the wii, but considering they are averaging 600k on a userbase of 100m what do you suppose they are going to sell on a console with a 3m userbase?  

If you are going to come in here and act like that maybe you can do the math and tell me this.

It doesn't matter what the tie ratio is, that's bad logic.

All that matters is the MONEY. Relative to each source, how much profit is each source making. If the money is not good, then the source is no good. It doesn't matter what the total install base is as that is meaningless you showed that yourself the averages are off.

Profit, that's all you need to worry about.

And right now they are not profiting off of the WiiU.  Do you think a business would ignore money?  I have never seen a worst argument on VGC than what you just gave me.

Flip, flop, flippity, flippity flop. At first you talk about the Wii, I tell you about the U, you come back to the Wii, I talk about the Wii, you talk about the U.

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JayWood2010 said:
Cobretti2 said:

Yes but EA still keeps contradicting themselves. Only last week they said  relationship/support still strong with Nintendo. Well last I checked strong does not mean 0 games.

Also I bet that promise of hardcore games probably relied on EA to deliver.

Pimkim 3 is a delay, as yes it will come out so hardly a tragedy, and yes I have seen people pissed of with Nintendo for the delay. 

Tell me what games you want that would typically do well on a nintendo console?  Crysis wouldnt have.  What other recent EA games has there been?  I know they have some but which ones are important that you think would do well on WiiU?  

you are missing the point, I do not care for their games on a Nintendo platform I generally get them on the other consoles, unelss something unique was to come out.

What shits me is BS statements they make that contradict themselves every week and sound liek a bipolar person.



oniyide said:
Cobretti2 said:
oniyide said:
Cobretti2 said:
RolStoppable said:
JayWood2010 said:

I don't believe in conspiracy theories.  I also want to pouint out that NFS MW on the WiiU is the best version of the game.  Seems like they put effort into that ;)

This still only brings EA to 1 out of 4 in terms of development effort.
They are 0 out of 4 on marketing.
They are 0 out of 4 on pricing.

The thing I dislike most about such arguments is that Nintendo console owners are told to reward such efforts, if they wanted good third party support. But that isn't a solution either, because good sales for such efforts will only return more of these half-assed efforts, because third parties will take the sales as "since that's good enough, there's no reason to improve quality".

So you teliing me you were not stoked when RE onrails was bought int he hope CAPCOM would make a RE game on Wii only to get another onrails because that is what they thought they wanted?

Also I remember the arrogance of Dead Space Dev when they lwere ike we don't know why dead space such a cool franchise didnt sell on Wii. If was on one of those game video interviews. I was like OK...

as a fan of that genre i know i was stoked.

I didnt mind the onrails myself cause its still RE to me lol. But I would have much rather preferred a RE4 style game. 

I wouldnt have, I have enough of those on PS3, hell if anything i wanted to see MORE light gun games.

Agree with more light gun games. To me house of the dead was the perfect fit for that. It had cheezy comedy and worked well. This is where I wanted the void to be filled from.  Would have been nice to see a few more, but it wasn't to be.



happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Your original argument was not that and you know that.  It is very clear that these games are making MUCH more money on the HD twins.  Especially considering that they are selling about 5x as much.

And yes thos games was easy money for the wii, but considering they are averaging 600k on a userbase of 100m what do you suppose they are going to sell on a console with a 3m userbase?  

If you are going to come in here and act like that maybe you can do the math and tell me this.

It doesn't matter what the tie ratio is, that's bad logic.

All that matters is the MONEY. Relative to each source, how much profit is each source making. If the money is not good, then the source is no good. It doesn't matter what the total install base is as that is meaningless you showed that yourself the averages are off.

Profit, that's all you need to worry about.

And right now they are not profiting off of the WiiU.  Do you think a business would ignore money?  I have never seen a worst argument on VGC than what you just gave me.

Flip, flop, flippity, flippity flop. At first you talk about the Wii, I tell you about the U, you come back to the Wii, I talk about the Wii, you talk about the U.

What are you even talking about?  You have said nothing that makes any sense what so ever. 

Let me sum this up for you since you are having a hard time with this.

X360/PS3 makes A LOT more money for EA than the Wii.

EA games did not sell well on the Wii.

And at this moment it isnt worth investing some games on the WiiU because they do not sell well on Nintendo consoles with a large userbase, then they definitely will not sell well on one with a small userbase.


Cobretti2 said:


What shits me is BS statements they make that contradict themselves every week and sound liek a bipolar person.

Ill agree with people on some statements EA makes may sound foolish.  But all of the excuses people make and all the blame placed on EA is just as bad.


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JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

And no that is very doubtful when these games triple the sales.

No, profit > sales.

 Average sales for HD twins is around 4m on X360/PS3.  Both above 2m  And these games dont cost a lot to make.

on the Wii 600k.  Do you have any idea how foolish you sound?

Let's see this scenario. A 360 and PS3 game cost on average $20 million, you sell aprox 1 million copies at $60, making a revenue of $27 million and profit of $7 million. Based on this, the publisher recovers $27 per game.

Wii games cost on average cost $5 million (sorry I couldn't add the specific line, just search for "Nintendo Wii titles cost" and you will find it) to make. Given that Wii games cost $50 lest say the publisher recovers $25 instead of $27 (given that the extra $10 are shared equally between all categories in the anatomy of a game sale) you sell aprox. 600k copies, making a revenue of $15 million and a profit of $10 million.

You are actually making more profit out of the Wii game. 

Granted this is an hypothetical scenario and doesn't apply to games like CoD, but you get the idea. 

Nintendo and PC gamer

bananaking21 said:
Cobretti2 said:
RolStoppable said:

See, this is exactly what many Nintendo fans on these forums have been saying weeks before the Wii U launch. All the signs that EA set up these games for failure were there before release, so it was clear that EA's games would do terribly. Consequently, these poor sales would then be used by EA as justification to pull Wii U support and forum members around here would jump to EA's defense and say that it is a logical business decision to pull support.

But where have you guys been when the Mass Effect Trilogy was announced for the other systems or when it was announced that the sports games would be missing features? Do you guys believe that those were smart decisions by EA or do you think that those were hilariously bad decisions by EA, if they wanted their games to succeed? I mean, it's pretty obvious that a trilogy for $60 is a much more attractive offer than $60 for a single game.

The most disappointing thing is that you, JayWood2010, concede that EA's games weren't up to par, yet defend EA for it. You picked the wrong side. If the unbiased gamer is confronted with a choice between gamers or companies, then he doesn't have to think twice which side he belongs to.

I agree with you. Only thing I woudl pull out of there is NFW MW. That game is pretty damn good. Criterion Games did an excellent job.

But sadly cause EA fucked the rest of those games, people did not give ths one a chance. Not to mention when the gaem launched in AUS it was like twice the price compared to PS360. I did however buy it as the extra Wii U features are great compared to my PS3 copy.

@bolded - so you are telling me that people bought a ME or fifa or madden game, went like "well this game is pure crap" and then when NFS launched they were like "well EA screwed me over with ME, im not buying this one because it will probably suck"? thats how consumers buy games now? if a game from a completely different genre wasnt as good as it is on another platform the consumer boycutts the entire publisher? you honestly believe that how the mass market works? or consumers buy their games ? 

also another flaw in your logic is that those games sold horribly, so even if they did effect the choice of consumers the number of consumers who were held off buying NFS were very very few, thus not effecting the reputation of the game, yet it sold as horrible as the other games

@underlined - people keep saying that but for some reason they dont see the full picture! the price PS360 versions of the game wouldnt effect an owner of a  WiiU console if he only had a WiiU. but by saying these people have the choice to buy the game on another platform for a cheaper price indicates that these consumers already have either a PS3 or 360. it means that EA already does cater to them. then why the fuck would EA spend money on a port for the WiiU when they are basically selling to the same people?!!

I wish people on here would use their brain more often.

@bolded comment - they do not need to buy them, core gamers will read reviews and also play the demos. Madden and Fifa used the engine from 2012 and had bits missing. You dont need to BUY a game to know it. As an example OUTSIDE the Wii U, look at Aliens CM, most of us said WTF happen to this game before we bought it.

@underlined comment - if a TRUE gamer not a fanboy has a Wii U and a PS360, and both trilogies come out at the same time and price and the Wii U version at a minimum had off screen play, then people would have chosen that over the trilogy pack on the other consoles.  An example outside Wii U, to use your words "why the fuck would EA spend money on a port for PS4/NextBox when are are basically catering to the same crowd on PS360?" The answer is simple, enhancements that make the game stand out other their other owned consoles.



osed125 said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

And no that is very doubtful when these games triple the sales.

No, profit > sales.

 Average sales for HD twins is around 4m on X360/PS3.  Both above 2m  And these games dont cost a lot to make.

on the Wii 600k.  Do you have any idea how foolish you sound?

Let's see this scenario. A 360 and PS3 game cost on average $20 million, you sell aprox 1 million copies at $60, making a revenue of $27 million and profit of $7 million. Based on this, the publisher recovers $27 per game.


You may want to search development on the specific titles of each game.  20m is pretty much AAA games.  Madden games as ive said before are not that expensive beyond licensing.


JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Your original argument was not that and you know that.  It is very clear that these games are making MUCH more money on the HD twins.  Especially considering that they are selling about 5x as much.

And yes thos games was easy money for the wii, but considering they are averaging 600k on a userbase of 100m what do you suppose they are going to sell on a console with a 3m userbase?  

If you are going to come in here and act like that maybe you can do the math and tell me this.

It doesn't matter what the tie ratio is, that's bad logic.

All that matters is the MONEY. Relative to each source, how much profit is each source making. If the money is not good, then the source is no good. It doesn't matter what the total install base is as that is meaningless you showed that yourself the averages are off.

Profit, that's all you need to worry about.

And right now they are not profiting off of the WiiU.  Do you think a business would ignore money?  I have never seen a worst argument on VGC than what you just gave me.

Flip, flop, flippity, flippity flop. At first you talk about the Wii, I tell you about the U, you come back to the Wii, I talk about the Wii, you talk about the U.

What are you even talking about?  You have said nothing that makes any sense what so ever. 

Let me sum this up for you since you are having a hard time with this.

X360/PS3 makes A LOT more money for EA than the Wii.

EA games did not sell well on the Wii.

And at this moment it isnt worth investing some games on the WiiU because they do not sell well on Nintendo consoles with a large userbase, then they definitely will not sell well on one with a small userbase.

4m Wii games sold at barely any cost, 18m 360 games at high cost, 12m PS3 games at high cost. Wii = easy profit.

Easy profit = easy logic.

Money talks, you know the rest.

happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:
happydolphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Your original argument was not that and you know that.  It is very clear that these games are making MUCH more money on the HD twins.  Especially considering that they are selling about 5x as much.

And yes thos games was easy money for the wii, but considering they are averaging 600k on a userbase of 100m what do you suppose they are going to sell on a console with a 3m userbase?  

If you are going to come in here and act like that maybe you can do the math and tell me this.

It doesn't matter what the tie ratio is, that's bad logic.

All that matters is the MONEY. Relative to each source, how much profit is each source making. If the money is not good, then the source is no good. It doesn't matter what the total install base is as that is meaningless you showed that yourself the averages are off.

Profit, that's all you need to worry about.

And right now they are not profiting off of the WiiU.  Do you think a business would ignore money?  I have never seen a worst argument on VGC than what you just gave me.

Flip, flop, flippity, flippity flop. At first you talk about the Wii, I tell you about the U, you come back to the Wii, I talk about the Wii, you talk about the U.

What are you even talking about?  You have said nothing that makes any sense what so ever. 

Let me sum this up for you since you are having a hard time with this.

X360/PS3 makes A LOT more money for EA than the Wii.

EA games did not sell well on the Wii.

And at this moment it isnt worth investing some games on the WiiU because they do not sell well on Nintendo consoles with a large userbase, then they definitely will not sell well on one with a small userbase.

4m Wii games sold at barely any cost, 18m 360 games at high cost, 12m PS3 games at high cost. Wii = easy profit.

Easy profit = easy logic.

Are you not listening at all or are you just simply ignoring me?  

Tell me the numbers for the WiiU with a low install base and then tell me why it is worth it?  You are only answering half of what I've said.

While yes the Wii has made some money (100m consoles)  the WiiU is not making them any at the moment (3m consoles)