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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why are last bosses so easy?

Soriku said:

ToS is easy. At least most of it. Abyssion and the cameo battle in Mania comes to mind. And the Sword Dancer at early levels (the second one).

Yet at least two times harder than a typical, post FFVII Final Fantasy game. Especially Final Fantasy 8. One of the hardest RPGs I've ever played was Gargoyle's Quest on GB. It's a Ghosts and Goblins spin-off; enough said.

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RolStoppable said:
You play the wrong games. Try Contra, Ninja Gaiden, Viewtiful Joe or something else.
Do you mean the NES version? Because Murai is a friggin pushover!!

I thought Mega Man 2's main boss was really hard.  I'm having a hard time thinking of non 8-bit era main bosses that are difficult, though. 

I like the idea of an easy last boss, and an additional area for the harder bosses, like what they did in the recent FF games. In FFX i beat every single thing in the game, but FF12 sucked so much i never wanted to beat the other guys, i like the option to choose if i want to play a game more to level my character up or just turn the game off.

Well, generally the end bosses are always the head of the clan you're fighting against in a game. The people at the tops of these 'clans (even in real life) are usually just weaves with big brains.

SlorgNet said:
The final boss should NEVER, EVER, EVER be difficult. I cannot stress this enough. Want a challenge? Then turn up the difficulty level.

The reason is that gaming takes time. After spending 10 hours on a game, it's unfair to ask players to spend another 10 hours mastering some obscure point of ergonomic game design just to get some lousy final cutscene. (Metroid 3, I'm looking at you.) That's the logic of a training simulator, not a videogame.


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@Slorg: WTF? There's a difference between being difficult and taking 50% of the game, yanno...

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

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"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

You know what? I was just thinking the same thing. I beat Super Mario Galaxy for the first time last night. It was so f'ing easy that it just pissed me off. I beat bowser in like 2 minutes, and only got hit once. I was really disappointed.

As for final bosses that are hard, Lou from Guitar Hero III takes the cake. Beating him is a huge pain.

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The last time you fight Bowser in SMG is way too easy :( Its not really different from other times you defeat him. It was actually more difficult to fight Bowser + Bowser Jr. at the end of New Super Mario Bros.


Ratchet's final boss was way easy too. As was FF X.

Although I found FF IX pretty challenging for me. Depends on game.

Although, I have found most Nintendo games last bosses pretty easy. (Mario, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Paper Mario, and those are that Ive played.)

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I agree with you soriku, some of the hardest games have very easy final boses.

like battletoads and ghost and goblins for the nes, super ghost and goblins for the snes, god hand for the ps2, but the most disappointing of all is definitely ninja gaiden/ninja gaiden black for the xbox where the last two bosses are extremily easy even in the hardest dificulty, when all of the others are a real pain to kill, especially alma.

My definition of fanboy: An idiot that misses 2/3 of the fun.