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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox Live adds 6 Million members in a single Year, is the hate unjustified?


Does Xbox Live deserve the criticism it gets in the forums?

Yes Xbox Live is a rip off 221 45.19%
No Xbox Live is the best ... 208 42.54%
No opinion / don't care 60 12.27%

I registered for X-box Live (well 'Live') sometime in 2011 (mainly just to claim my username), I have logged in twice. I never paid anything and I never owned an X-box. It's just an account which many of these new users probably are.

The X-box live gives great service and features to those willing to pay. The idea is that if I pay for something, I damn well hope it's better than a service which is free.

Hmm, pie.

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well we'll all be paying next gen so it won't really matter anymore

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The hate is justified if the users who are hating on it are people who have an Xbox and have paid for Xbox Live and just hate the service and feel it isn't worth a 60$ price tag. But I don't feel that's case here, though I may be wrong.

BenVTrigger said:

So even though this current generation of consoles is dieing Xbox Live certainly isn't.  In fact in their Earnings Report today it was confirmed that Live memberships were up by 18% and added 6 million new members in a year.

Now Ive seen many on this and other forums bashing Live and saying it has nothing on Playstation Plus but subscriptions and userbase certainly say otherwise.

So whats your opinion? Is the hate Live gets from some people unjustified?

Will people -in their desperate attempt to defend their favourite brand- stop calling solid arguments "hate" ?

There is no way to sugar coat or justify MS making people pay for essentially part of a game they have bought. Here's what all the xbox "soldiers" do: they want to turn the discussion into a matter of services, justifying the cost. But that's is the thing, it's not a about the better value for money. It's about the very basic access to the online part of a game you own. With this generation online gaming being fundamental, MS invented a whole new market by charging people for something they already bought. If a game has a built in online component and you bought the damn thing you are entitled to play it. What MS did is sell you half a console.

When people start comparing services between psn or psn+ to Live, they consciously mislead the consumer. It's not about services but the game itself. It's not about paying for a better network or demos or dlc or access to an eshop or voice chat. It's about cutting you out from a core part of a game you own and divert the attention with other stuff you may or may not even want.

people hate just to have something to hate, especially on the internet. xbl is a great service if you use it.


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Xbox Live - Great service. There is nobody that uses this service and hates it. 
PSN - Not so great. Xbox live hate comes from PSN users that can't fathom why a paid service is more popular than a free service. 

End of story

I have PSN Plus and it is appalling how long/tedious/broken the online/downloading experience is.

if I have to pay £30 a year for super fast downloads no stupid installs for downloads, small patches and a better user experience so be it.

Enough with these misleading excuses about services.

outlawauron said:
I think its a ripoff and I still pay for it. I HAVE to pay for it in order to take advantage of key gaming features and gameplay.

What this guy said: KEY GAMING FEATURES.

You buy Black Ops II.

Is this an online game ? Yes.

You buy an Xbox 360

 Can you play black ops II online out of the box ? No.

Guess what. Microsoft sold you half a bloody console.

Mr Puggsly said:
Zkuq said:
Steam is free and a great service and it manages it in an open environment where it has direct competition on the selling stuff side. Also, I've never seen an ad on Steam. XBL, on the other hand... Well, let's just say that I don't undestand at all how some think having to pay for XBL is acceptable when all other similar services do it for free

Steam is free and great... but PC gaming is a pain in the ass for most people.

Lets remember not all similar services offer the same content either.

Don't exactly see how it's a pain in the ass, especially if you use Steam. But that's not the point. I'm comparing services, not platforms, so even if PC gaming in general happens to be a pain in the ass, it's totally irrelevant here.

Really, the only people who complain seem to be people that don't play on or own a 360. And MS doesn't really care. Check their profit numbers. Check their increased market share. Check their internal consumer satisfaction numbers. Etc.

They've been the blueprint for online console gaming for a decade now. Everyone's still trying to catch up, both in service and as a business. Believe me, Sony's been kicking themselves for several years not taking a piece of that pie. They'd have been much better served outside of Japan having initial console costs lower for consumers but then adding a monthly fee. It COST them buyers, net, worldwide. Not added.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

DigitalDevilSummoner said:

You buy Black Ops II.

Is this an online game ? Yes.

You buy an Xbox 360

 Can you play black ops II online out of the box ? No.

Guess what. Microsoft sold you half a bloody console.

Hm? Half a console? Really now, DDS?