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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox Live adds 6 Million members in a single Year, is the hate unjustified?


Does Xbox Live deserve the criticism it gets in the forums?

Yes Xbox Live is a rip off 221 45.19%
No Xbox Live is the best ... 208 42.54%
No opinion / don't care 60 12.27%
sales2099 said:
Haters gonna hate. Numbers speak for themselves.

Ugh! If numbers speak for themselves, then why does 360 do extremely well in America and the Uk and not so well in many (not most, many) other places? How can 360 sell well in the us and bad (?) in Spain? What do the numbers say in each case?

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naruball said:
BenVTrigger said:

Now Ive seen many on this and other forums bashing Live and saying it has nothing on Playstation Plus but subscriptions and userbase certainly say otherwise.

I think you're one of the best and least biased users on VGC, but I strongly disagree with this view.

I know I probably sound like a broken record, but sales really don't equal quality. Also, in my humble opinion, the reason 360 and Live are successful is the fact that they became very popular very fast.

Take my landlord's son for example. He was contemplating buying a ps3 over 360 for its exclusives and after some serious thinking decided to go with the ps3. I gave him some of my video games (such as LBP and even killzone, since he's an fps fan) and he had a blast (according to his dad). Fast forward a few months later, he sold his ps3 and all his games and got a 360. Why? Cuz all his friends had live. That was the one and only reason according to his dad. In other words, he didn't choose it because of smooth online or cross game chat, but in order to play COD on live, because of his friends. I firmly believe that that's the case with most people, not just with 360, but any popular product (I don't think iphones are that good, but still sell amazing compared to other devices with equal or arguably better features).

I actually agree with you on that.  I think the thing that really pushed Xbox Live early on was it's rapid adoption rate.  By launching early MS was able to get enough people rolled into their service that everyone else got into it because their friends were.

the main reason I worded it like that was there has been some major negativity on this site towards Xbox Live recently.  While I understand why some people don't want to pay for it or don't think it's worth it I think many of the complainers are bashing to the service for other reasons.

bonkers555 said:

Really? Coming from you? I believe he's more neutral then you are. 

I never claimed to be neutral. I have yet to collectively insult Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony fans, so I guess that's something. "Coming from you?" Got a problem with something I've said recently? PM me.

I better leave this thread, things are getting petty.

BenVTrigger said:

Get over it 

I made a positive 3DS thread

A negative Xbox thread

and a positive PS4 thread

in the past 2 weeks.  Your going to have to try a lot harder than that

Make as many as you like, it's still not going to change my perspective of you.

I didn't mean it as an insult, I just found it funny that Sales2099 was dictating who was neutral and who was not.

naruball said:
sales2099 said:
Haters gonna hate. Numbers speak for themselves.

Ugh! If numbers speak for themselves, then why does 360 do extremely well in America and the Uk and not so well in many (not most, many) other places? How can 360 sell well in the us and bad (?) in Spain? What do the numbers say in each case?

the numbers say the importance of knowing your market, both america and uk are known for liking fps, which microsoft has pushed, halo, exculsive dlc, blah blah, and they have pushed media, in the states it was the first to have netflix in uk i believe it has sky movies and some other providers, i need to double check but im sure that neither of these services are provided to spanish customers, i sure when a spanish customer sees whats available on xbox live it must seem barren i cant blame them for deciding xbox live is not worth it. 

"We're in the business of making money" said by every company ever known

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BenVTrigger said:
outlawauron said:
BenVTrigger said:
outlawauron said:
BenVTrigger said:
outlawauron said:
sales2099 said:
Thank god neutral vgchartz posters can correct PS fan propaganda alongside 360 gamers.

I salute you Jallard and Benvtrigger


Since when are either of those two posters considering neutral?

Since forever?

ive owned every single console and handheld for the past 3 generations.  I'm open that the 360 is my current favorite console but I have zero brand loyalty to them.  In fact I was a diehard Sony fan for two gens with the PS1 and PS2.  I go wherever the games are I enjoy most.  Ironically the main reason the 360 has been my primary console this gen is Xbox Live.  I still love my other consoles though, the only problem with Sony I have is its fans.  The die hard ones bother me FAR more than either Nintendo, PC, or Xbox fans

I don't think anyone actually believes this.

I've owned everything for the past 3 generations as well and I don't think that removes biases or somehow makes me instantly neutral. You can make an informed post or comparison, but I would never consider you a neutral poster as I'm sure you don't consider me one. Now, I have one bad bias over all others that supercedes consoles, but that's a publisher, not a manufacturer. 

No group of fanboys bothers me more than any other. Each can be cool, annoying, or neither.

Um. What? Why would I personally care what piece of plastic I stick another piece of plastic into?

your right, I buy more Sony exclusives than most "Sony fans" on this site, subscribe to PS Plus and actually bought and support the Vita because I hate Sony so much.

you people blow my mind sometimes that you guys actually care about this stuff.  

But seriously, you really jump off the deep end by assuming far too much about what I said. Just because you have preferences doesn't mean you hate the other. You just prefer the other platform. I don't think anyone think I'm a 360 fan, but I still bought over 100 games for it and use it daily.

I don't care about that stuff, but I was just surprised that someone thought you were neutral and you defended yourself saying yon were. You may think you are, but my perception is definitely not in line with yours.

Obviously everyone has a favorite console. I'm open Xbox is currently my favorite.

i literally have zero brand loyalty to them though.  If I like the PS4 more than the next Xbox it will be my primary console. That's just a fact. I work in the industry I don't have time nor care for the console war.

I think you have an odd idea that this is a bad thing. It doesn't really matter, and isn't something to get all up in arms about.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

BenVTrigger said:
naruball said:
BenVTrigger said:

Now Ive seen many on this and other forums bashing Live and saying it has nothing on Playstation Plus but subscriptions and userbase certainly say otherwise.

I think you're one of the best and least biased users on VGC, but I strongly disagree with this view.

I know I probably sound like a broken record, but sales really don't equal quality. Also, in my humble opinion, the reason 360 and Live are successful is the fact that they became very popular very fast.

Take my landlord's son for example. He was contemplating buying a ps3 over 360 for its exclusives and after some serious thinking decided to go with the ps3. I gave him some of my video games (such as LBP and even killzone, since he's an fps fan) and he had a blast (according to his dad). Fast forward a few months later, he sold his ps3 and all his games and got a 360. Why? Cuz all his friends had live. That was the one and only reason according to his dad. In other words, he didn't choose it because of smooth online or cross game chat, but in order to play COD on live, because of his friends. I firmly believe that that's the case with most people, not just with 360, but any popular product (I don't think iphones are that good, but still sell amazing compared to other devices with equal or arguably better features).

I actually agree with you on that.  I think the thing that really pushed Xbox Live early on was it's rapid adoption rate.  By launching early MS was able to get enough people rolled into their service that everyone else got into it because their friends were.

the main reason I worded it like that was there has been some major negativity on this site towards Xbox Live recently.  While I understand why some people don't want to pay for it or don't think it's worth it I think many of the complainers are bashing to the service for other reasons.

but why were the friends on live, at some point on this chain of friends someone picked live and like it without having any friends already onlive, i agree live purchases have been made because this same reason, shoot im sure some loser bought live just so he could stalk some girls gamer profile, but saying because it came out first and therefore it was given i dont know about that.

"We're in the business of making money" said by every company ever known

Farsala said:
outlawauron said:
sales2099 said:
Thank god neutral vgchartz posters can correct PS fan propaganda alongside 360 gamers.

I salute you Jallard and Benvtrigger


Since when are either of those two posters considered neutral?

They are not. I consider myself neutral though, although you could cherrypick a number of my posts and say I am biased. Ben recently said he disliked PS fans the most which is of course a bias. I do not really care either way, I just try to use facts.

Of course, I believe most users try to be objective and intelligent when they post about topics, but that's eliminate their biases. 

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

BenVTrigger said:
J_Allard said:
VGKing said:

*SIGH* You're hell bend on refuting every single thing I say aren't you?

By DIFFICULTY, I mean the 4-month waiting period and having to re-download the content so it can be played online.


Do you not like it when people refute your biased, factually incorrect posts? Then don't make them.

If I trolled into a PS+ thread and said "LOL ur ps+ games only work online and if u change consoles then guess what gotta pay again LOL", I would expect a number of people replying correcting me. And I wouldn't be surprised if people who actually use PS+ replied laughing at the idea that I can read stuff on the Internet and get the same level of expertise as someone who actually uses the service.

Doesn't apply to me though, since I love my PS3 and use PS+.

Don't waste your time. At this point it's clear unless you post nothing but positive for Sony and say Xbox Live is a horrible rip off you are automatically a biased poster whose opinion can't be taken seriously.

and people wonder why there is almost zero activity in the Xbox forums here.

It has nothing to do with Sony. Live isn't horrible in its entirety. It's only "paying for playing online" that is horrible. This has nothing to do with people being Sony loyalists or anything stupid like this. People see what is available out there, Steam, PSN, Miiverse, and they realise that MS is the only one charging for online gaming. It doesn't take more than that to call it a rip-off. MS is charging people for what is readily available for free everywhere else.

Now, you have people like you who can't accept that people won't find value in Gold [because the same is available everywhere else for free with similar quality] who come up with all kinds of apologetics to justify their investment in the service. 

Paying for Live is just sending the message to the industry that you're fine paying for online play for any games you purchase. As if we didn't already have to pay enough to get complete games in the first place, with on disc DLCs, ending chapters, etc... MS is basically locking multi-player out for most games, and we should be ok with this and be all sunshine and rainbows? You really can't understand how people may have actual legitimate reasons not to support that kind of practice? All of this must fall on fanboyism or pure blind hate? 

sales2099 said:
Thank god neutral vgchartz posters can correct PS fan propaganda alongside 360 gamers.

I salute you Jallard and Benvtrigger

Gee thanks, sales2099.

naruball said:
sales2099 said:
Haters gonna hate. Numbers speak for themselves.

Ugh! If numbers speak for themselves, then why does 360 do extremely well in America and the Uk and not so well in many (not most,many) other places? How can 360 sell well in the us and bad (?) in Spain? What do the numbers say in each case?

Key market penetration and past loyalties.

Microsoft have put an ~80% focus on leading in the Western markets. Mainly English speaking countries. Its worked for them in a pretty big way. The other added focus on markets primarily dominated by Sony and Nintendo (mainland Europe and Japan) have worked out well enough too, as can be seen by the 360's huge gains there over last generation.

In Europe, the Xbox 360 has sold over 23 Million units. The original Xbox sold 7.17 Million units. The 360 has sold over 3 times as many units in Europe as the original Xbox had sold.

In Japan, the Xbox 360 has sold 1.64 Million units. The original Xbox sold 530,000 units. The 360 has sold over 3 times as many units in Japan as the original Xbox had sold.

In North America, the Xbox 360 has sold 42.7 Million units. The original Xbox sold 15.7 Million units.. By the end of the generation, the 360 will have sold 3 times as many units in North America as the original Xbox sold.

Areas outside of the main 3 markets, the Xbox 360 has sold 7.4 Million units. The original Xbox sold 1.2 Million units. Thats an increase of over 6 times the original Xbox outside of America, Europe and Japan.

Overall, the Xbox 360 has sold 3 times more units than the Xbox. The huge increases havent been exclusive to America and the UK. Its been a worldwide boost. The Xbox brand is now a serious brand in the videogame market. Its maintaining 

The 360 sells "bad" in Spain because it is a Sony dominated market. Its loyal. Sony put a fairly big focus on Spain, Portugal and in general anywhere that speaks Portugese and Spanish. The Kinect impact also wasnt felt as strong in many countries at the time of release. It only supported 3 languages - "English, Japanese and Mexican". Yes. Mexican, not Spanish. I shit you not. The lack of French and German support also really hindered the launch of Kinect in Europe, and as we know Kinect has been key to the 360's success from 2010 onwards.