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BenVTrigger said:
J_Allard said:
VGKing said:

*SIGH* You're hell bend on refuting every single thing I say aren't you?

By DIFFICULTY, I mean the 4-month waiting period and having to re-download the content so it can be played online.


Do you not like it when people refute your biased, factually incorrect posts? Then don't make them.

If I trolled into a PS+ thread and said "LOL ur ps+ games only work online and if u change consoles then guess what gotta pay again LOL", I would expect a number of people replying correcting me. And I wouldn't be surprised if people who actually use PS+ replied laughing at the idea that I can read stuff on the Internet and get the same level of expertise as someone who actually uses the service.

Doesn't apply to me though, since I love my PS3 and use PS+.

Don't waste your time. At this point it's clear unless you post nothing but positive for Sony and say Xbox Live is a horrible rip off you are automatically a biased poster whose opinion can't be taken seriously.

and people wonder why there is almost zero activity in the Xbox forums here.

It has nothing to do with Sony. Live isn't horrible in its entirety. It's only "paying for playing online" that is horrible. This has nothing to do with people being Sony loyalists or anything stupid like this. People see what is available out there, Steam, PSN, Miiverse, and they realise that MS is the only one charging for online gaming. It doesn't take more than that to call it a rip-off. MS is charging people for what is readily available for free everywhere else.

Now, you have people like you who can't accept that people won't find value in Gold [because the same is available everywhere else for free with similar quality] who come up with all kinds of apologetics to justify their investment in the service. 

Paying for Live is just sending the message to the industry that you're fine paying for online play for any games you purchase. As if we didn't already have to pay enough to get complete games in the first place, with on disc DLCs, ending chapters, etc... MS is basically locking multi-player out for most games, and we should be ok with this and be all sunshine and rainbows? You really can't understand how people may have actual legitimate reasons not to support that kind of practice? All of this must fall on fanboyism or pure blind hate?