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Forums - Sales Discussion - March 2013 NPD Thread! - 360:261k, 3DS:230k, PS3:212k, Wii:91k, DS:86k, WiiU:67k, PSV: 33k

VGKing said:
Nsanity said:

No new game > 1m
600k < gowj < gowa < tr, but the diff between each other is less than 10k
hunter / lego fan could be sad

Wow. So those God of War bundles really helped. So glad  to see God of War outsell Gears :D It'll most likely have better legs too

Gears games generally have better legs than God of War in America. At least, going by previous releases (Gears 2 and God of War 3, Gears 3 hasnt had long enough to judge).

God of War 3 released in 2010 and sold 89000 copies in 2012. Gears of War 2 released in 2008 and sold 94000 copies in 2012. Gears of War 2 has also currently sold more copies in 2013, than God of War 3.


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chapset said:
so games didn't help the wii U after all

Nope, weekly average actually decreased.

Otakumegane said:
Soundwave said:
Heavenly_King said:

I really hope with SS, the VITA can get more sales. The demo is really good.

I know the WiiU is doing like crap, but I only care about the Vita, which is doing worst lol. Sony needs to do something!!!

Good PS3 number :)

There's nothing Sony can do in the West for the Vita. It's done. Soul Sacrifice isn't even going to sell half of Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed.

Sadly, I agree with you.

Still see them trying for 1 last price drop in the west  at Killzone launch (which is a terrible time).

Last price drop? There hasn't even been ONE.

We all saw how well Vita sold on Black Friday at $199. With more brand awareness and a larger library of games, I think Vita can have a better holiday this year than the last.(paired with a price drop of course)

We have to remember that even the Nintendo DS wasn't an overnight success. It takes years before these products are in the mainstream consumers heads. 

Call of Duty Vita sold extremely well considering its install base and the horrible reviews. Imagine how well the next one will sell if its half-decent and the entry price for Vita is lower? 

M.U.G.E.N said:
I mean can you really blame EA with numbers like these? It was the best version of the game too

I doubt the average consumer would even know that.

I'll update everything tomorrow!

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So, God of War: Ascension sold about 550K by itself and about 620K with the GoW Legacy bundle, so can it still be considered a 'flop' just because it could barely sell half of what GoWIII sold even though it's still the 3rd biggest launch in the genre of all time after GoWIII & GoW II? Nope.

Tomb Raider: 630k > God of War: Ascension: 620k > Gears of War: Judgment: 610k. <<< These are great sales considering SE said TR isn't meeting expectations and game journalists are spreading nonsense around the internet based on a rubbish analysts estimates that GoW:A & GeoW:J completely flopped before they even got accurate data proving that they didn't. God of War: Ascension sold 56% of what the best selling game in the genre of all time sold at launch = Not a flop at all. Gears of War: Judgment flopped compared to Gears of War 3 by only selling 30.5% as much at launch but compared to most other exclusives this generation? It sold great.

And I was right about God of War: Ascension being undertracked by Vgchartz but I thought it'd be by a lot more so well done Vgchartz, only about 40,000 undertracked which is okay (hopefully you update your data this time instead of leaving it undertracked like you did with God of War 3!).

The useless analyst from Cowen and Company should be named and shamed for sucking at their job. They estimated GoW:A to sell just 360k (about 42% underestimated) and GeoW:J to sell just 425k (about 32% underestimated). I'm glad both games actually did well under such poor circumstances.

thismeintiel said:
Barozi said:
pezus said:
thismeintiel said:
EricFabian said:
Wii is the new PS2

Not quite.  In the March of '08, the PS2 sold 216K, more than twice the Wii's numbers.

And let's not even mention numbers outside of America

and that was 2008. Should've been much higher in March 2006, which is the better comparison, but there seem to be no official numbers.

Actually, I made a mistake.  The real year should have been '07, not '08, as that would be the corresponding year in the PS2's life.  So, the number is actually 280K.  More than 3x the Wii's numbers.  Oh, and the PS2 sold 273K in March of '06 according to this forum post.

And how about total sales comparison at this time (Wii x PS2 in USA)?

Fanatismo não leva a nada, apenas a colecionar antipatias.

Collection: Telejogo Ford-Philco, Dactar, TV Game 2600, Master System (2x), Master System Portable, NES, Dynavision 3, Mega Drive 3 (2x - Tectoy and Show Do Milhao Edition), Genesis 3, Genesis Arcade Motion, MD Play, SNES (2x), Super Famicom, Neo Geo CD, 3DO, Saturn, Playstation, Nintendo 64 (2x), Dreamcast, Playstation 2, Game Cube, Xbox, Zeebo, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 (Kinect Bundle), Wii (2x - White and Red), Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, DS Lite, 3DS, Vita, Wii U, Playstation 4 and Xbox One. Around 800 games. Preferred Generation: 16 bits. 

All this from a pie chart?

Nsanity said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
I mean can you really blame EA with numbers like these? It was the best version of the game too

I doubt the average consumer would even know that.

SUre...some average consumers doesn't know that wiiU is a new console still! Doesn't change the fact that it was a very solid effort and gamers knew about it. I mean it's less than '10'k...that's horrid

also from Cream

3DS: 3/5
Wii U: 2/5

Wii U ver is 13th of all Wii U SW LTD.

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

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reviniente said:
All this from a pie chart?

a pie chart. the exact numbers of the biggest piece of the chart and the correct order each console sold