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So, God of War: Ascension sold about 550K by itself and about 620K with the GoW Legacy bundle, so can it still be considered a 'flop' just because it could barely sell half of what GoWIII sold even though it's still the 3rd biggest launch in the genre of all time after GoWIII & GoW II? Nope.

Tomb Raider: 630k > God of War: Ascension: 620k > Gears of War: Judgment: 610k. <<< These are great sales considering SE said TR isn't meeting expectations and game journalists are spreading nonsense around the internet based on a rubbish analysts estimates that GoW:A & GeoW:J completely flopped before they even got accurate data proving that they didn't. God of War: Ascension sold 56% of what the best selling game in the genre of all time sold at launch = Not a flop at all. Gears of War: Judgment flopped compared to Gears of War 3 by only selling 30.5% as much at launch but compared to most other exclusives this generation? It sold great.

And I was right about God of War: Ascension being undertracked by Vgchartz but I thought it'd be by a lot more so well done Vgchartz, only about 40,000 undertracked which is okay (hopefully you update your data this time instead of leaving it undertracked like you did with God of War 3!).

The useless analyst from Cowen and Company should be named and shamed for sucking at their job. They estimated GoW:A to sell just 360k (about 42% underestimated) and GeoW:J to sell just 425k (about 32% underestimated). I'm glad both games actually did well under such poor circumstances.