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Otakumegane said:
Soundwave said:
Heavenly_King said:

I really hope with SS, the VITA can get more sales. The demo is really good.

I know the WiiU is doing like crap, but I only care about the Vita, which is doing worst lol. Sony needs to do something!!!

Good PS3 number :)

There's nothing Sony can do in the West for the Vita. It's done. Soul Sacrifice isn't even going to sell half of Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed.

Sadly, I agree with you.

Still see them trying for 1 last price drop in the west  at Killzone launch (which is a terrible time).

Last price drop? There hasn't even been ONE.

We all saw how well Vita sold on Black Friday at $199. With more brand awareness and a larger library of games, I think Vita can have a better holiday this year than the last.(paired with a price drop of course)

We have to remember that even the Nintendo DS wasn't an overnight success. It takes years before these products are in the mainstream consumers heads. 

Call of Duty Vita sold extremely well considering its install base and the horrible reviews. Imagine how well the next one will sell if its half-decent and the entry price for Vita is lower?