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Forums - Sony Discussion - Tetsuya Nomura address Versus XIII on radio

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pezus said:
This is getting tiring. It's almost impossible at this point that it hasn't gone multiplatform or at least to next-gen...

Well you're kind of right. The reason they've delayed talking about it for so long is that they've had to wait for the Nextbox reveal! It's an Xbox exclusive! 

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A trailer of gameplay ,some scans ... please !!

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KHlover said:
pezus said:
KHlover said:
Soleron said:
KHlover said:
They need to step up their game, so much time and manpower wasted on "A Realm Reborn" :/

The whole attitude behind that comes down to, "We need to MAKE them like it!"

I'm pretty sure "A Realm Reborn" will bomb FFXIV and any other MMO developed in the last 2-3 years. MMO's are out and Square Enix needs to accept that. Time to move on...

MMOs aren't out, they just need the right formula. WoW, GW2 and Eve for example are all thriving very well as far as I know. F2P seems to be the way to go for new MMOs these days though

WoW is actually falling hard right now, I think it went from ~11-12Mil Uses to ~6-7Mil users in the time from 2011 - now. GW2 and EVE are exceptions. Just look at Rift, The Secret World, Star Wars: TOR, Star Treck Online, Final Fantasy XIV etc...they all went either offline or F2P.

You getting this very wrong. MMO's are doing fine last time i checked. You just happened to highlight the negative titles.

The Secret World, Star Trek Online and Final Fantasy 14 were all bad games when released. In FF14's case they actually still went with a subscription model...which made things worse.

As far as RIFT is concerned it is still doing relatively well for a subscription game. But it will obviously transition to a F2P model. Btw just because a game moved to a F2P model doesnt mean its doing just means that people are not willing to pay a premium for the game. This was always going to happen especially when about 80%? of MMO's are F2P. Theres no justification for the subscription anymore. Again this doesnt mean MMO's are out.

And like others have said WoW is actually doing well given how long its been out. It is still by far the most played MMO AND its still a subcription based game (after lvl 20 ). Crazy.

Lots of other MMO's are also doing well but you havnt listen them here? Dofus, Perfect World, AION, TERA, LOTRO...all are doing pretty well atm. All happen to be free to play. And then you also get MOBA games which are also considered MMO's like LoL and DOTA 2 doing crazily well. I would also add Diablo 3 and PoE to the list of MMO's doing well.

So i absolutely disagree with you here, GW2 and EVE are not exceptions. MMO's are still doing well and growing just not subscription based MMO's!

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“The date for our next reveal is set and we are working toward preparing information for that. Please wait a little while longer.”

That's hardly comforting, the next reveal could be a new trailer, gameplay footage, I'd be more interested if he said "We'll have an official release date soon".

Signature goes here!

Kyuu said:

Change every "Remake" you wrote with "Update/Port" then I'd perfectly agree :P

Haha, good point :P

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007BondAgent said:
they need to bring A Realm Reborn to the PS4, i would happily spend my time on that

Ditto this.

The funny thing was that a sizable portion of FFXI's loyal fanbase were playing it on PS2s. I was ready to buy FFXIV, as I am a fan of XI online but the delay and original press behind its release definitely spoiled the mood. Also, If MMO devs just weren't so greedy and charged a mild 5-6 a month, they might make headway. Honestly, I would add 6bucks a month for an mmo to my monthly expenses without a problem, $13 on the other hand is way too much. They can't tell me that $6 isn't enough to sustain them when the alternative is they simply going F2P.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Kyuu said:

VGhippy said:
This is not accurate, but it's how I view the JRPG situation this gen.

Namco-Bandai this gen:

Eternal Sonata
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Graces
Ni no Kuni
Tales of Xillia
And so on.


Please be patient,
A Final Fantasy so linear it makes Call of Duty look like an open world game + it's two spinoffs.
Please be excited

Edit: Forgot the MMORPG that was so bad they shut it down to rebuild it.

Jesus wept.

Change every "Remake" you wrote with "Update/Port" then I'd perfectly agree :P

Lets not forget the cancelled shit too! (The Last Remnant).


At this point Versus will ONLY be a reality when I have it in my fat pudgy hands.