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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 720 will Decide if WiiU RAM is enough.

Rafux said:

For the time the next Crysis launches PS4 and 720 will have a install base decent enough to warrant a down port from PC and since PS4,720 are shaping up to be quite powerful the PC version won't be as held back as before.

I don't have a crystal ball just common sense, it happened before will happen again with triple AAA titles, expect very down ports for PS360 in the first year but nothing more.

So UE4 will be scalable to tablets, but for some reason downporting to WiiU isn't reasonable because of its architecture?

Give me a better reason than that. I mean if you just said "They wouldn't sell on a Nintendo console" I would agree, but all the points you guys bring so far are based on the fact that the U is just not powerful enough, which is BS. (given the _facts_)

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happydolphin said:
fillet said:

Yes the PS2 did run most the games the Xbox did with compromises.

Unfortunately those compromises were generally one's that made the game not worth playing.

Splinter Cell series, Max Payne series.

Any game that was ported from the Xbox to the PS2 ended up as one big horrible ropey mess, which is wrong as the PS2 was capable of better than those ports, but it goes to show that porting that way leads to bad results and awful games.

Even if the Xbox 360 only uses 4GB for game use, it's still a massive difference to 1GB.

Video game forums are generally full of optimists (as well as doom mongers), but I'm yet to be convinced by any argument at all by the optimists, and I'm fully behind the doom mongers. The Wii-U is almost definitely screwed by the looks of things and I think we all know it.

I take no pleasure in thinking that mind, it's just the logical conclusion.

Funny how I would be considered an optimist, yet I agree with your post 100%. Goes to show how putting labels on people doesn't always work.

Because as an optimist I can still make sense of things, whether they are correct or not, even though I may be looking at it from the opposite perspective from other users here.

lol thanks, have to a tread carefully, "optimist" was the word I decided to use in the end ;) hehe.

Nah, don't really mean it like that but the specs really do mean a lot more than some might think. Coming from a PC background where 12 years ago 1GB would be the recommended spec for top end games, like Morrowind for example, now these days a top end game needs 4GB.

The difference in those games is like night and day, well more so, it's hard to convey just what the difference in potential 1GB vs 4GB allows. PC gamers will know it, console gamers may not be aware...yet.

Grandia said:
VGKing said:
There's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start....

1. Rumors say 3GB is reserved for OS and 5 for games. Seems a bit much to me so having the OS memory reduced to 1 or 2 GB is very likely.

2. RAM isn't everything. Based on Xbox 720 rumors, it is a generation ahead of the Wii U in terms of tech. Wii U won't be able to run games built for next-gen systems. It's already not getting UE4 and many other engines that will power AAA games.

PS4 and XBOX 720 GPUs anyways only work with 2GB RAM.


happydolphin said:
Rafux said:

For the time the next Crysis launches PS4 and 720 will have a install base decent enough to warrant a down port from PC and since PS4,720 are shaping up to be quite powerful the PC version won't be as held back as before.

I don't have a crystal ball just common sense, it happened before will happen again with triple AAA titles, expect very down ports for PS360 in the first year but nothing more.

So UE4 will be scalable to tablets, but for some reason downporting to WiiU isn't reasonable because of its architecture?

Give me a better reason than that. I mean if you just said "They wouldn't sell on a Nintendo console" I would agree, but all the points you guys bring so far are based on the fact that the U is just not powerful enough, which is BS. (given the _facts_)

This has been discussed to death. UE4 doesn't support Wii U. Plains and simple.
If someone decides to put in the work to make UE4 Wii U compatible, that's a discussion for a different day.

VGKing said:

This has been discussed to death. UE4 doesn't support Wii U. Plains and simple.
If someone decides to put in the work to make UE4 Wii U compatible, that's a discussion for a different day.

No, you didn't follow the thread.

Rafux was telling me that companies won't waste their time downscaling to the U due to performance reasons, and I think that's BS because right now UE4 is downscalable to TABLETS.

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happydolphin said:
VGKing said:

This has been discussed to death. UE4 doesn't support Wii U. Plains and simple.
If someone decides to put in the work to make UE4 Wii U compatible, that's a discussion for a different day.

No, you didn't follow the thread.

Rafux was telling me that companies won't waste their time downscaling to the U due to performance reasons, and I think that's BS because right now UE4 is downscalable to TABLETS.

If UE4 is ever supported, it will be to used for CONSOLE GAMES. Specfically PS4/720 games. Porting these games down WILL bring performance issues to Wii U.

Zero999 said:

the wii u uses a custom gpgpu that is several years ahead of what we have on ps360. it's only logical it will have more gigaflops than 7 year old consoles. and before you come arguing about how the games look right now on wii u: at first the xbox360 titles looked no diffrent than their ps2 counterparts, so you can't judge wii u for last gen ports. and so far the few games made from scratch to wii u weren't meant to be technically impressive ( pikmin3, nsmbu, lego city, nintendo land).yet those games already show no sawy edges or blurry textures and has perfectly round 3d modeling. we already had a glimpse of wii u capabilities on project x trailer, it looked great with that huge open world so wii u is a very capable machine.

I am not saying Wii U is not a capable machine and is way more advanced than PS3/360. I just doubt that it has twice the gflops.

PS3/360 games were 720p at launch so yes it was evident that they clearly had the necessary horse power to render games at that resolution. 

And games looked better used techniques PS2/Xbox could not or just limited but if you knew what you are looking at it was visible that they are next gen.  


If indeed Wii U had twice the power why not render all games in 1080p or atleast 900p this should be no problem at all. Games would have to be deliberatly slowed down if they are in 720p. They could easily be in 60fps.


When the 360 and PS3 released they were big loud and hot in order to fuel the Chips they needed 180-200 Watts power. Both chips were build at 90nm and had roughly 500mm2 die size for both Chips. Thats  the surface of silicon where the individual transistors sit on.

The Wii U is build on a 45nm process. I am not going to go into much detail I will briefly explain how 7 years newer technology in the Wii U doesn't necessarily mean that it has to have more gflops.


 90nm means one transistor is a 90nm square at 45nm you can put 4 transistors in the same space as in 90nm. Flops are floating point operations which are performed by the transistors.

So Wii U could have theoretically alot more transistors (4 times as much) on the same space as 360/PS3 have. 

But first the overall space must be the same as in PS3/360. 

I am going to take PS3 as example:


RSX/GPU: 90nm had a size of 258mm2

Cell/CPU: 90nm had a size of 235mm2


Wii U:

 Has a 45nm 32mm2 CPU 

40nm156 mm2 GPU (and 3mm2 probably memory).

Ok but Wii U can fit 4times  asmuch transistors on the same chip surface so it could still have more transistors and more flops

45 nm Cell: 115mm2

45 nm Wii U CPU: 32mm2

40nm RSX: 114m2

40 nm Wii U Gpu 156mm2


 Overall the PS3 has at the same transistor size a CPU 3 times as big as the CPU in WII U and a 30% smaller GPU.


What we see is Wii U has a chipset with overall potentially less transistors. Now obviously its not just die size that plays a role. The old PS3 Slim was powered with 100 Watt during gaming. Transistors need electricity and the faster they run the higher the clock the more calculations they can do.

The PS3 Superslim that has the same internal manufacturing process as Wii U draws 75 Watts when gaming.

What does Wii U draw ? In a game 30-35 Watts.


So PS3/360 needed 180-200 Watts when they launched Wii u needs 35 Watts. 


Its not only possible but very likely that Wii U has the same or maybe even less gflop performance the PS3/360 did. The advantages Nintendo now has is they can use cheap parts for the chips they don't need such a huge casing cooling box. Its less likely to overheat. And they manage to make a console that only needs half the power their competitors need.


Now we get to the technology part. The Wii U has a more efficent design, they can make more with less ressources. They can use effects (DX 10.1) that can do more stuff with less calculating.


What Nintendo did was make take a PS3/360 level Hardware cut back all useless things streamlined the design and make it work twice as hard with half the ressources (Electricity).


Wii U is capable and has moden technology and will eventually end up having better graphics than PS3/360 but its nowhere near 1 Tflop or 0.8 Tflop performance. In terms of raw power its on the same level as PS3/360. It just lacks the physical space to have enough transistors for twice as many calculations. It also lacks the power draw to make the transistors work twice as fast 

The technology jump  made the design possible, but don't expect some mysterious power boost. Graphics will improve because it has the technology to do things more easily than PS3/360 did, but don't expect Wii U to be significantly stronger than PS3/360.  


Zero999 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Zero999 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Zero999 said:
Zkuq said:
Zero999 said:
Zkuq said:
Zero999 said:
Zkuq said:
I'd be more worried about Wii U's other capabilities which don't seem very strong. Also, anything that's not linear is going to be trouble. And there's an even bigger problem: publishers and developers don't seem to be interested in the Wii U and its weak hardware makes it even less appealing because porting games to the Wii U is going to be lots of extra work.

devs didn't seem to mind porting games to ps3, wich was a complete pain in the ass. the games will be on wii u because it won't be a problem to port and devs need the money.

There's a difference: the PS3 actually had the power, even if accessing it was difficult. The difficulty of accessing that power is also the reason many games' PS3 version was inferior. And let me ask you a question: What makes you think devs are going to be porting PS4/Nextbox games to the Wii U when it's going to take huge amounts of work when they're not porting their PS3/X360 games to the Wii U, a more powerful system?

what makes you think it's going to take huge amounts of work? the ps360 games not yet confirmed to wii u were the ones that were probably already in development when wii u became an option and those titles like dark souls 2 and gta5 can still get wii u confirmation. games anounced recently like AC4 and Batman Arkhan Origins were confirmed for wii u immedeately.

What makes me think it's going to take lots of work? Well, the fact that the next Playstation and Xbox are much more powerful and I don't mean only RAM here. And really, two games were announced for the Wii U? What about all the games that weren't? Are you going to count on them being announced on the Wii U later? Are you an optimist perhaps? Also, when was the last time you saw a GTA game on Nintendo's home console? Have you heard devs praise the Wii U? I haven't, but they've been praising PS4 and most likely will do so with the next Xbox as well. And I'm going slightly off-topic here, but there's no chance you're going to see many multiplayer-focused games on the Wii U because Nintendo screwed up their online service yet again.

It's going to be the same as always: Nintendo's console won't get good enough third-party support, and those third-party games that make it to the Wii U are going to fail commercially. Well, not necessarily fail but won't be worth the effort for the publisher.

The nextbox and ps4 ARE NOT much more powerful than wii u, regardless of what you say. those two games were the ones anounced recently, in case you didn't understand, the games that aren't confirmed for wii u were the ones anounced a while back like gta5. and those will probably be on wii u anyway. no gta being on other nintendo consoles is of no relevance to wheter or not gta5 will be on wii u. by the same logic final fantasy and metal gear wouldn't be on xbox360.

Boy you're in for it at E3. Games were scaled down for consoles this gen because thats where the bulk of the money and commercialization was coming from. This gen games will be on par with the level they should be at. No one is scaling things down for Nintendo unless we're dealing with UE3.

about that, why don't you wait till E3 before making bold statements? certainly we'll see nintendo big titles like smash bros, mario kart and mario 3d, maybe zelda/star fox/metroid/, thus seeing the technical potencial of the machine. and there should be at least a glimpse of next generation multiplatform games, wich I'm positive will be on wii u.

I made bold statements because I read up on what third parties were saying last year before the Wii U even launched and today it was proven that Sony listened to their words. I'll make a bet with you right now that the Wii U gets dropped after last gen support gets dropped. 

It's a bet then.

I was right when I said 8gb of ram for next gen consoles and i'll be right again. I cant wait to win this and the major difference between our arguments is I actually listen to what devs say. Now I can stop talking.

My stipulation is that on your sig the loser must say I lost a bet that the Wii U would/wouldn't get third party support. So and so was correct. Deal?


PS4's GPU has 1154 compute cores compared to 320 cores in the Wii U (PS4 = 18 CU, 1 CU = 64 cores)

but when you factor in:

-almost 4 times the physical amount of cores

-roughly (14x) FOURTEEN TIMES the memory bandwidth

-7 times the ACTUAL physical memory (7gb for games, vs 1gb)

-the fact that those 1154 PS4 cores are likely GCN2 cores, while the Wii U's 320 are based on a core architecture from 2008, 

-cores are clocked faster (800mhz vs 550mhz) EDIT: Fixed.

-Oh, and the Wii U's CPU cores are the same architecture as the Wii, which was the same as the Gamecube.  Wii U is directly using the same CPU cores as the Wii and Gamecube, just using MORE of them and clocked higher.  This architecture was created in 1999 

long post so i wont quote. you say directx 10.1 open gl equivalent, but that's unconfirmed and umprobable, dx11 equivalent is the one to bet.

look at that, I predicted console size to be the next excuse on another topic. by your logic the gamecube wouldn't be much more powerfull than N64, since it was smaller. anyway, wii u has a modern gpu (more gigaflops) and architeture and stuff. it's a clear step up from ps360, while ps4 and next box will have a smaller jump compared to ps2/xbox against ps360. basicaly, visible gap between wii u and ps360, more visible gap between ps4/next box and ps360, neither a big nor a relevant gap between wii u and ps4/nextbox.

Zero999 said:

long post so i wont quote. you say directx 10.1 open gl equivalent, but that's unconfirmed and umprobable, dx11 equivalent is the one to bet.

look at that, I predicted console size to be the next excuse on another topic. by your logic the gamecube wouldn't be much more powerfull than N64, since it was smaller. anyway, wii u has a modern gpu (more gigaflops) and architeture and stuff. it's a clear step up from ps360, while ps4 and next box will have a smaller jump compared to ps2/xbox against ps360. basicaly, visible gap between wii u and ps360, more visible gap between ps4/next box and ps360, neither a big nor a relevant gap between wii u and ps4/nextbox.

No the N64 was not built at the same manufacturing process as the GameCube so its not the same.Did you even read my post ?


Wii U can not be a significant (twice or more) step up the physics just won't allow it.


The difference in raw performance between PS4/720 and Wii U will be huge.


Wii U is no doubt on the same level as PS3/350. Flops come from transistors and power draw. The Chip of the Wii U is simply too small and the power draw is too small for it to be possible to exceed a certain GFLOP performance.


All you have to do is find a 40nm AMD GPU with a 156mm2 size/30 Watt and you can see what ballpark the Wii U Gpu can be


Lets take the HD 6750 for example.


Its a 166mm2 GPU from AMD. It has 1 TFLOP Power and draws 90 Watt

The Wii U Gpu has 156mm2 and draws 30 Watt


Both are from AMD both are manufactured at 40nm


Now scale down to 1/3 of the Watts and suddenly you have a 0.33 gflop GPU. This is exactly the ballpark the Wii U plays in.there is no miracle happening. You can't cheat physics thats just not possible. And there is noway that AMD makes an Architecture twice as efficient and simply let it go and never speak of it again. 07 Tflops in the wii u is just not possible or else you could see it on the power draw. 


Again this doesn't mean Wii U will not have better graphics than PS3/360 someday but it will not be an obvious improvment and stay clearly behind modern PCs and the new consoles. But Nintendo will surely deliever, just not on the same level where fidelity, inage quality and render technologies are concerned.