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Zero999 said:

long post so i wont quote. you say directx 10.1 open gl equivalent, but that's unconfirmed and umprobable, dx11 equivalent is the one to bet.

look at that, I predicted console size to be the next excuse on another topic. by your logic the gamecube wouldn't be much more powerfull than N64, since it was smaller. anyway, wii u has a modern gpu (more gigaflops) and architeture and stuff. it's a clear step up from ps360, while ps4 and next box will have a smaller jump compared to ps2/xbox against ps360. basicaly, visible gap between wii u and ps360, more visible gap between ps4/next box and ps360, neither a big nor a relevant gap between wii u and ps4/nextbox.

No the N64 was not built at the same manufacturing process as the GameCube so its not the same.Did you even read my post ?


Wii U can not be a significant (twice or more) step up the physics just won't allow it.


The difference in raw performance between PS4/720 and Wii U will be huge.


Wii U is no doubt on the same level as PS3/350. Flops come from transistors and power draw. The Chip of the Wii U is simply too small and the power draw is too small for it to be possible to exceed a certain GFLOP performance.


All you have to do is find a 40nm AMD GPU with a 156mm2 size/30 Watt and you can see what ballpark the Wii U Gpu can be


Lets take the HD 6750 for example.


Its a 166mm2 GPU from AMD. It has 1 TFLOP Power and draws 90 Watt

The Wii U Gpu has 156mm2 and draws 30 Watt


Both are from AMD both are manufactured at 40nm


Now scale down to 1/3 of the Watts and suddenly you have a 0.33 gflop GPU. This is exactly the ballpark the Wii U plays in.there is no miracle happening. You can't cheat physics thats just not possible. And there is noway that AMD makes an Architecture twice as efficient and simply let it go and never speak of it again. 07 Tflops in the wii u is just not possible or else you could see it on the power draw. 


Again this doesn't mean Wii U will not have better graphics than PS3/360 someday but it will not be an obvious improvment and stay clearly behind modern PCs and the new consoles. But Nintendo will surely deliever, just not on the same level where fidelity, inage quality and render technologies are concerned.