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happydolphin said:
Rafux said:

For the time the next Crysis launches PS4 and 720 will have a install base decent enough to warrant a down port from PC and since PS4,720 are shaping up to be quite powerful the PC version won't be as held back as before.

I don't have a crystal ball just common sense, it happened before will happen again with triple AAA titles, expect very down ports for PS360 in the first year but nothing more.

So UE4 will be scalable to tablets, but for some reason downporting to WiiU isn't reasonable because of its architecture?

Give me a better reason than that. I mean if you just said "They wouldn't sell on a Nintendo console" I would agree, but all the points you guys bring so far are based on the fact that the U is just not powerful enough, which is BS. (given the _facts_)

This has been discussed to death. UE4 doesn't support Wii U. Plains and simple.
If someone decides to put in the work to make UE4 Wii U compatible, that's a discussion for a different day.