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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 720 will Decide if WiiU RAM is enough.

VGKing said:
There's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to start....

1. Rumors say 3GB is reserved for OS and 5 for games. Seems a bit much to me so having the OS memory reduced to 1 or 2 GB is very likely.

2. RAM isn't everything. Based on Xbox 720 rumors, it is a generation ahead of the Wii U in terms of tech. Wii U won't be able to run games built for next-gen systems. It's already not getting UE4 and many other engines that will power AAA games.

PS4 and XBOX 720 GPUs anyways only work with 2GB RAM.

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Netyaroze said:
JakDaSnack said:
So if Tomb Raider needed 5 million to make even, can you imagine how much a game would cost to make that actually used 7 gb's of ram? It would take hundreds of artists/developers, and likely any of the big company's that actually try to make those games would likely take massive losses because of it.

The wiiU may end up getting 3rd party support simply because 3rd party publishers need the extra money to make even.

Assets are made in very high quality already and are scaled down for the actual game. Infact they will still scale them down for next gen consoles.

absolutely true.

Port costs and optimization costs for ancient hardware  will go massively down. Now Devs can spent more time with the creation of content.

Even more true

PS4 was designed to remove as many obstacles for developers as possible. This will make it easy to take advantage of the Hardware and I am pretty sure ìhe 720 too will be easier to develop for. Ports between PS4/720/PC will be cheap. Now devs can take more time to fill 5 -6- 7 GB.

Another true point.

The cost explosion we have seen this gen will not be repeated. Games on consoles are 1080p games we just don't see it but textures already have more detail than we can see for example.

completely agree.

It will get more expensive if games become bigger and have more things to do  but simply graphic (higher res, better textures, more polys) will not cost that much more than it does today.

"that much more than it does today" Tomb Raider needed 5 million units sold "today," if tomorrow they only needed 5 million and 1, well, they still wont be able to match it.

Costs go up with every gen, simply because, like you said, the games get bigger.  I do agree that "porting" will be easier, and with new tech it could be very easy to port games to the ps4/720/pc, but it will also be easier and cheaper to downscale games to the 3ds/psv/wiiU, which because of those high costs, this may end up being required to make a profit.  


TheLastStarFighter said:
Just to clarify, rumors state that 720 will have 4 gig for games and 4 gig for "other stuff", not just the OS. There is a lot of speculation that 720 will be doing lots of things beyond games. The OS could use up 2 gig, while skype, your cable feed and DVR, your always on connection and other features could be using up system memory while 4 gig is blocked off for games. This is all speculation on rumor, of course.

The point is, if games are designed to run on 4 gig of memory, it's not a crazy stretch to say they can run on 1 gig or so. Whether 3rd parties support Nintendo is a whole other matter.

YES IT IS!  4 =/= 1 !  It's like some of you don't even realize how rediculous you sound.  It would take at least 2.5 GB pf Ram to even try to run next gen games.  Not to mention you would need a GPU stronger than a cut down HD 6570 + 1.24 GHz Xbox 360 CPU to even use that much!  Nintendo massively dropped the ball in performance yet again!

I find it funny the 4 GB reserved story... for what? this is hmmm - yet another twist / spin.

Ex Graphics Whore.

Captain_Tom said:

YES IT IS!  4 =/= 1 !  It's like some of you don't even realize how rediculous you sound.  It would take at least 2.5 GB pf Ram to even try to run next gen games.  Not to mention you would need a GPU stronger than a cut down HD 6570 + 1.24 GHz Xbox 360 CPU to even use that much!  Nintendo massively dropped the ball in performance yet again!

You can call it dropping the ball. People who have followed the industry long enough know that it's called winning.

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Captain_Tom said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
Just to clarify, rumors state that 720 will have 4 gig for games and 4 gig for "other stuff", not just the OS. There is a lot of speculation that 720 will be doing lots of things beyond games. The OS could use up 2 gig, while skype, your cable feed and DVR, your always on connection and other features could be using up system memory while 4 gig is blocked off for games. This is all speculation on rumor, of course.

The point is, if games are designed to run on 4 gig of memory, it's not a crazy stretch to say they can run on 1 gig or so. Whether 3rd parties support Nintendo is a whole other matter.

YES IT IS!  4 =/= 1 !  It's like some of you don't even realize how rediculous you sound.  It would take at least 2.5 GB pf Ram to even try to run next gen games.  Not to mention you would need a GPU stronger than a cut down HD 6570 + 1.24 GHz Xbox 360 CPU to even use that much!  Nintendo massively dropped the ball in performance yet again!

bolded: say facts not random sh*t you invented. also, have you ever heard of a little something called scalability? drop resolution from 1080p to 720p and reduce some effects here and there and omg, it's totally runing on wii u. i just don't understand haters, they're alreaddy not going to buy wii u, why keep wishing it does'nt get suport?

Zero999 said:

those 0.35 tfolps you posted about a wii u are not only a rumor, it's a ridiculous rumor. even the ps3 has 0.4 tflops. wii u should probably be like 0.7 or 0.8. the fact is we just don't know the number.

0,4 TFlops are realistic for Wii U. PS3 has maybe 0.4Tflop. The number comes from the RSX which is an old architecture without unified shaders also old Nvidia which makes a comparison pointless its supposed to theoretically peak at 0.4 Tflops but if we look at the 360 GPU. The first GPU with unified shaders (and its from AMD aswell) it has 0.25 Tflop and is superior to the PS3 GPU. The Cell as found in the PS3 has a theoretical 200gflop with one SPU for security, PS3/360 are roughly in the 0.35 Tflop area.

Wii U is unknown yes but its a small chip and needs low power. PS3/360 need twice as much. Nintendo made an efficency monster but its based on older Architecture and newer AMD FLOPs>older AMD FLOPs.

Also look at the Graphics if Wii U would indeed be twice more powerful than PS3/360 it would be no problem to make all ports from PS3/360 1080p it would not even require much additional effort just up the internal rendering resolution from 720p to 1080p.


Wii U is definetly NOT 2x PS3/360. It might produce better graphics at some point but this is due to modern architecture. The Wii U just has more tricks than PS3/360 not twice the performance. Or we would see it. Unless Nintendo made everyone sign a contract ghat stops developers and themselfd to use all that power for framerate or resolution. 

Netyaroze said:
Zero999 said:

those 0.35 tfolps you posted about a wii u are not only a rumor, it's a ridiculous rumor. even the ps3 has 0.4 tflops. wii u should probably be like 0.7 or 0.8. the fact is we just don't know the number.

0,4 TFlops are realistic for Wii U. PS3 has maybe 0.4Tflop. The number comes from the RSX which is an old architecture without unified shaders also old Nvidia which makes a comparison pointless its supposed to theoretically peak at 0.4 Tflops but if we look at the 360 GPU. The first GPU with unified shaders (and its from AMD aswell) it has 0.25 Tflop and is superior to the PS3 GPU. The Cell as found in the PS3 has a theoretical 200gflop with one SPU for security, PS3/360 are roughly in the 0.35 Tflop area.

Wii U is unknown yes but its a small chip and needs low power. PS3/360 need twice as much. Nintendo made an efficency monster but its based on older Architecture and newer AMD FLOPs>older AMD FLOPs.

Also look at the Graphics if Wii U would indeed be twice more powerful than PS3/360 it would be no problem to make all ports from PS3/360 1080p it would not even require much additional effort just up the internal rendering resolution from 720p to 1080p.


Wii U is definetly NOT 2x PS3/360. It might produce better graphics at some point but this is due to modern architecture. The Wii U just has more tricks than PS3/360 not twice the performance. Or we would see it. Unless Nintendo made everyone sign a contract ghat stops developers and themselfd to use all that power for framerate or resolution. 

I could substitute wii u for xbox 360 in your post and would probably look the same as many posts from 7 years ago.

The other factor that not many are considering is that Nintendo tends to iterate console more often. On average Nintendo tends to iterate every 5 years. By the time the new consoles arrive the Wiiu will only have about 4 years left before the Nintendo next gen system. I do think that the Wiiu will run into problems with handle next gen games in a few years when they are maxing out those next consoles but that is nearing the end of the Wiiu lifespan and Nintendo will be prepping something spiffyer than than the PS4 by then.  I'm not too worried about it. Plus with the advent of the mobile market many next gen engines are being made much more scalable so it probably wouldn't be a big deal to have a scaled down version for the wiiu.  Alot of the extra power will go towards 1080p and 60 fps.. If you ran a game at 720p and 30 fps you wouldn't need the high res textures at that point so the ram becomes a bit less meaningfull.

Grandia said:

PS4 and XBOX 720 GPUs anyways only work with 2GB RAM.
