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The other factor that not many are considering is that Nintendo tends to iterate console more often. On average Nintendo tends to iterate every 5 years. By the time the new consoles arrive the Wiiu will only have about 4 years left before the Nintendo next gen system. I do think that the Wiiu will run into problems with handle next gen games in a few years when they are maxing out those next consoles but that is nearing the end of the Wiiu lifespan and Nintendo will be prepping something spiffyer than than the PS4 by then.  I'm not too worried about it. Plus with the advent of the mobile market many next gen engines are being made much more scalable so it probably wouldn't be a big deal to have a scaled down version for the wiiu.  Alot of the extra power will go towards 1080p and 60 fps.. If you ran a game at 720p and 30 fps you wouldn't need the high res textures at that point so the ram becomes a bit less meaningfull.