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By the way, for those who arent keeping up with whats going on outside of VGChartz, what looks like an Electroplankton stage has been confirmed.

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To me personally it looks like a guy from Tron.... O_O OMG TRON CHARACTER CONFIRMED WTF FTW 1337!!1!!1 *sarcasm*

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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In the select screen with break the targets, multiman brawl and homerun derby, what the heck is the fourth one?

Edit your signature or you will be banned. Aww :(

You know, there is a slight possibility it isn't Wolf.

Please don't hit me.

Aurally examine my music!

Wear gaudy colours or avoid display. It's all the same.

Be warned, I will use walls of polysyllables and complex clauses as a defence against lucid argument.

Wand to read a creepy thread?

All these updates are crazy. The internet exploded last night.

I was really excited for this game...until I realized that cloning is back in this game, and just as blatant as ever. Falco, Ness, Ganondorf, and WW Link all attack almost identical to their counterparts. I don't know what WW Link's final smash is, but so far Falco, Ness, and Ganondorf all have Final Smashes that are the same as their counterparts. Ganondorf's has slight variation..but it just in looks. It plays out exactly the same as Falcons.

By the way, when I say counterparts I mean Fox, Lucas, C Falcon, and Link respectively.

I just wish Sakurai spent more time on the character roster, making sure everyone was unique and amazing. We didn't need all of this bonus stuff in the game (stickers, demos, game archive, etc), what we needed was an amazing fighting game with great characters. I really am quite pissed off right now at Sakurai for neglecting these characters.

Especially considering that Ganondorf has magic and swords, he is NOTHING like C Falcon at all. It makes just as much sense making Ganondorf a clone of Falcon as it does making Link a Pikachu clone.

It just doesn't work.

Ganondorf had so much potential to be a great and unique smasher..but no.

I don't know what to think of this game anymore. I still love it and I'm sure it will be one of my favorite games of all time, but I feel so betrayed by Sakurai, especially after he gloated about how he "thought of everything for this game."

No he didn't. He has no right to gloat, no right.

(all of this is of course taken in my opinion)

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dtekdahl00 said:
In the select screen with break the targets, multiman brawl and homerun derby, what the heck is the fourth one?


wfz said:
All these updates are crazy. The internet exploded last night.

I was really excited for this game...until I realized that cloning is back in this game, and just as blatant as ever. Falco, Ness, Ganondorf, and WW Link all attack almost identical to their counterparts. I don't know what WW Link's final smash is, but so far Falco, Ness, and Ganondorf all have Final Smashes that are the same as their counterparts. Ganondorf's has slight variation..but it just in looks. It plays out exactly the same as Falcons.

By the way, when I say counterparts I mean Fox, Lucas, C Falcon, and Link respectively.

I just wish Sakurai spent more time on the character roster, making sure everyone was unique and amazing. We didn't need all of this bonus stuff in the game (stickers, demos, game archive, etc), what we needed was an amazing fighting game with great characters. I really am quite pissed off right now at Sakurai for neglecting these characters.

Especially considering that Ganondorf has magic and swords, he is NOTHING like C Falcon at all. It makes just as much sense making Ganondorf a clone of Falcon as it does making Link a Pikachu clone.

It just doesn't work.

Ganondorf had so much potential to be a great and unique smasher..but no.

I don't know what to think of this game anymore. I still love it and I'm sure it will be one of my favorite games of all time, but I feel so betrayed by Sakurai, especially after he gloated about how he "thought of everything for this game."

No he didn't. He has no right to gloat, no right.

(all of this is of course taken in my opinion)

 I think you're overreacting.  But honestly, it doesn't affect me at all.  If Ganondorf plays similarly like he did in Melee...well hell, I don't mind.  A sword would have been cool...but who knows, maybe a Ganondorf with a sword and crazy magic would have been too hard to balance.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Perhaps I am overreacting, but I just wanted him to be unique this time. Having hoped for something awesome from his fight in Twilight Princess, can you see how disappointed I am though? I'll get over it, and in the whole scheme of things it won't make such a big difference, but it just kinda irks me right now, especially considering how hot-headed Sakurai is, always mentioning "we've added everything in this game!" whenever he can. =\

Anyways has anyone seen WW Link's FS, or Lucario's?

With the news I've heard about Wolf being the 35th character, and the fact of him being a clone to Snake, I'm not too excited for when we finally see him. If he's in the game, that is.

In Loadedstatement's video he just posted on this page, pause it at 51 seconds. What is the fourth option on the right? And no. Its not Samus.

Edit your signature or you will be banned. Aww :(

I'm mostly disappointed in the clones. It especially bugs me that Toon Link has the same b-moves as Link despite him having different inventories and some original items of his own in his games.