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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which of your consoles has stopped working?

my SNES :( and my old G3 mac but that was expected it was repeatedly spilled on :P

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smbu2000 said:
TopCat8 said:
@smbu2000: What happened to your Saturn is what happened to my Gamecube. If you put something really heavy on top of the cube, the discs will spin, but that's the only way to make them work.

Does that really work? Why would that method work? Do you know?

Yeah, it really works, and I have no idea why. I found that out by accident one october when there was a pumpkin sitting on top of the cube, and when I turned it on (just to check if it started working), it actually was working. I was so happy. I really can't tell you why it worked though.

Add me on Xbox Live: TopCat8

I've never had a console completely quit working on me. Not once and not even my NES which was in really bad shape. It was missing the door, had huge cracks of it's outer casing, was missing the inner metal casing as the result of trying to repair the loading mechnism which had to be held down with a lego. I eventually got another and I gave it away to my nutcase freind who blasted it with a pellet gun depite the fact that it still worked. I also had a gameboy with missing line of pixels,  I returned it and got a new one.

Now PCs on the other hand, I've had one completely die because the processor quit, Intel accused me of overclocking (which I didn't) and wouldn't honor the warranty so I'll never buy a Intel chip again.

Kasz216 said:
elprincipe said:
terran77 said:
went through about 4 ps2's. Must have had some of the worst luck ever there.

I knew someone who went through 6 in one year. Face it, Sony hardware has never been reliable, especially PS1 and especially PS2.

basically. I had 2 PS2s that broke on me... only consolse i've had to break on me and i have a working NES, SNES, Atari, gameboy and a Balley Astrocade.

 Which is why I always say a large number of PS1 / PS2 sales are due to breakdowns and re-purcahses..

Technically none, though a few have issues now.

NES: Seems like it can't read carts more often than it used to.
SNES: No issues; rarely used, too.
PS1: Spindle's slightly damaged, but works; also loads slower than it used to.
PS2: No issues; soon to be 2 years old, so it'd better not have any.
Wii: No issues; soon to be 1 year old, so again, better not have issues.
GB: Screen's scratched to hell (not my doing), has a crappy battery pack superglued to the battery casing (also not my doing), never gets used (very much my doing).
GBC: Power adapter itself is broken; otherwise, no issues.
GBA SP: Power cord port is getting loose, meaning I have to jar it to get it to charge sometimes; also, 1 dead pixel.
DS Lite: Original power adapter died; otherwise, no issues.
PSP: No issues (amazingly enough, given the horror stories of the PSP-1001 model, which I have).

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

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I don't like to post negative about any consoles...but my:


...all had to be replaced during their lifetime. Only 360 for free.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


My N64, two days ago. I'm gutted. No more Goldeneye, Perfect dark, Jet Force Gemini and most devastatingly of all no more Blast Corps.



elprincipe said:
terran77 said:
went through about 4 ps2's. Must have had some of the worst luck ever there.

I knew someone who went through 6 in one year.  Face it, Sony hardware has never been reliable, especially PS1 and especially PS2.

 Despite my problems, I trust Sony hardware, since I dropped a camera down a hill (just a point and click one), in the night, while it was on with the lense cover ope, while it was raining. Got it the next day and it just had some scratches, no other problems at all.

My Console History

NES-1987---->2005 Dead (turns off after 5-10 mins of use)
Mega Drive-1991---->Still Works
GB-1992---->Still Works
GBC-1999---->Still Works
PSX-1997---->Still Works
PSone-2000---->Still Works
PS2-2001---->2008 Dead (disk read error)
GBA SP-2003---->Still Works


PSP - couldn't read discs anymore