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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto: give the Wii U time.

Max King of the Wild said:
Th3PANO said:
Desertghost said:
sethnintendo said:
sales2099 said:
Nintendo acts like MS and Sony can't release a peripheral in the future to compete......

But what they don't acknowledge is that the more time goes by, the more dated the WiiU will look by comparison. This aint like the Wii, where casuals didn;t care about graphics......WiiU is for core gamers, and in a couple years it will allready look ancient compared to PS4/Xbox

Wii U is for everyone.  I like the second screen because I can watch netflix in my bed (I have the Wii U in the living room), play some games off screen while lounging in my bed (it is where I get most of my high scores in Zen 2 since I prefer off screen play for the game over TV), web browse (it has a good web browser and since Wii U boots faster than my PC I have been using it more and more for web browsing), web browse / game while taking a shit and a few other things.  So to state that is just for the elite hardcore crowd is a false statement.  Nintendo markets to everyone.

I do all that with my PS Vita aswell. Truth is Wii U dosen't give the excluisve experience the Wii did whe it lunched, that's why it wont be as succesful. it's weird Nintendo fans thought Nintendo would keep dominating the market just because it's Nintendo, N64 and Gamecube got their asses kicked( in sales that is) and they had as much Nintendo as the Wii. The only way Nintendo could dominate again is by making a super universal appeling console, of course they tried with the Wii U but it didn't worked out.

no sane person ever claimed nintendo will be at top. succesful is when they get a profit out of it at a later time. they don't need to be at first place.

Except a good portion of people still believe Nintendo will be ontop. And not because Nintendo will start selling well but because they think Ps4 and 720 will sell less

Some of us (like myself) believe that Nintendo "can" be on top regardless of whether the ps4 or 720 sell the same or more, if they utilize the wiiU correctly, but are doubtful that they will.


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Gamerace said:
Viper1 said:
Gamerace said:
Viper1 said:
Gamerace said:
Aside from yes WiiU needs games...

Miyamoto's point here is absurd. Just by pushing the screen to a tablet (common device in an ever growing amount of households) PS4/720 equalize the WiiU's advantage (limited by how far you can get from the system with your wireless controller). MS will almost certainly offer this (smartglass) and Sony could copy the strategy easily.

I really don't see this being a big advantage. People are more and more watching TV off different devices as well and many homes have multiple TVs. Heck, if PS4/720 could send the picture to any smart tv in the house that would trump WiiU's gamepad for a lot of people - and that type of functionality will become standard over the next five years making Nintendo's solution appear antiquated.

Miyamoto is completely out of touch with modern technology and how the world works nowadays. The sooner he retires the better (but I hope he still designs some games).

So you just read the headline (which he never said himself) and not the article?

I'm responding to the article:

The Wii U’s use of an integrated second screen poses a notable threat to Microsoft and Sony’s rival machines.

That’s according to design legend Shigeru Miyamoto who speaking to CNN said that the Wii U’s impact will grow considerably over time.

"I almost feel like, as people get more familiar with Wii U and these touchscreen interfaces, that there is going to come a point where they feel like 'I can't do everything I want to do if I don't have a second screen'."

Perhaps you should read it yourself.

I just linked you to the original article, not MCV's crap.   Read the actual CNN article.  hell, even the MCV article doesn't actually quote Miyamoto as saying anything directly toward the compeition nor does not say any of the comepition can't do the same.

My apologies viper - you must have posted that after I began my post.  I didn't see it.

Read it now.   You're correct, he's not suggesting it'll pose any threat to PS4/720 but I still think he's willfully or neglectly (is that a word?) oblivious to the fact that WiiU isn't doing anything that won't be commonplace in a very short amount of time.  It's going to seem very dated by end of 2014 and that's a big problem.

I don't even think he's suggesting the Wii U is unique in that regard.  He seems to be talking from the perspective of their developoment direction and how it was impacted by the DS.

He also states, "I feel a device like Wii U...".  If he were talking of exclusive feature sets of being unique, he'd speak specicially of the Wii U rather than "devices like the Wii U" which suggests PS3/4 and Vita and MS Suface like devices are also included in his statement.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

sethnintendo said:
LiquorandGunFun said:
sethnintendo said:
sales2099 said:
Nintendo acts like MS and Sony can't release a peripheral in the future to compete......

But what they don't acknowledge is that the more time goes by, the more dated the WiiU will look by comparison. This aint like the Wii, where casuals didn;t care about graphics......WiiU is for core gamers, and in a couple years it will allready look ancient compared to PS4/Xbox

Wii U is for everyone.  I like the second screen because I can watch netflix in my bed (I have the Wii U in the living room), play some games off screen while lounging in my bed (it is where I get most of my high scores in Zen 2 since I prefer off screen play for the game over TV), web browse (it has a good web browser and since Wii U boots faster than my PC I have been using it more and more for web browsing), web browse / game while taking a shit and a few other things.  So to state that is just for the elite hardcore crowd is a false statement.  Nintendo markets to everyone.

you mean it can do the same thing just about every smart phone and tablet out there, yes it does.

Most smartphone browsers suck. Tablets don't have buttons unless you buy add on which isn't supported by most games probably. You can't play Nintendo published Wii U games on tablets or smartphones can you?

Nope because i wouldnt pay as much as they want to play 2 games im interested in. hence my tablet deso just fine for every other app and i have no problems with firefox yet. and i enjoy all video apps i need. i just dont see the big thing about hat is already out now in mass. i have a vita maybe i will understand when i get the ps4.


Max King of the Wild said:
Gamerace said:

My apologies viper - you must have posted that after I began my post.  I didn't see it.

Read it now.   You're correct, he's not suggesting it'll pose any threat to PS4/720 but I still think he's willfully or neglectly (is that a word?) oblivious to the fact that WiiU isn't doing anything that won't be commonplace in a very short amount of time.  It's going to seem very dated by end of 2014 and that's a big problem.

Willfully neglecting or willfully obvlivious is what I believe you are trying to say. (Willfully ignorant is another)

However, it's neither given that his comments were all encompassing of devices capable ot offering second screen functionality.

He wouldn't say, "I feel a device like Wii U..." if he meant, "Only Wii U".

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Double post (computer hung on first post - didn't think it went through)


Around the Network
Viper1 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Gamerace said:

My apologies viper - you must have posted that after I began my post.  I didn't see it.

Read it now.   You're correct, he's not suggesting it'll pose any threat to PS4/720 but I still think he's willfully or neglectly (is that a word?) oblivious to the fact that WiiU isn't doing anything that won't be commonplace in a very short amount of time.  It's going to seem very dated by end of 2014 and that's a big problem.

Willfully neglecting or willfully obvlivious is what I believe you are trying to say. (Willfully ignorant is another)

However, it's neither given that his comments were all encompassing of devices capable ot offering second screen functionality.

He wouldn't say, "I feel a device like Wii U..." if he meant, "Only Wii U".

I wasn't saying it was one or the other. Just commenting on "neglectly." It was awkward

Gamerace said:
Viper1 said:
Gamerace said:
Viper1 said:
Gamerace said:
Aside from yes WiiU needs games...

Miyamoto's point here is absurd. Just by pushing the screen to a tablet (common device in an ever growing amount of households) PS4/720 equalize the WiiU's advantage (limited by how far you can get from the system with your wireless controller). MS will almost certainly offer this (smartglass) and Sony could copy the strategy easily.

I really don't see this being a big advantage. People are more and more watching TV off different devices as well and many homes have multiple TVs. Heck, if PS4/720 could send the picture to any smart tv in the house that would trump WiiU's gamepad for a lot of people - and that type of functionality will become standard over the next five years making Nintendo's solution appear antiquated.

Miyamoto is completely out of touch with modern technology and how the world works nowadays. The sooner he retires the better (but I hope he still designs some games).

So you just read the headline (which he never said himself) and not the article?

I'm responding to the article:

The Wii U’s use of an integrated second screen poses a notable threat to Microsoft and Sony’s rival machines.

That’s according to design legend Shigeru Miyamoto who speaking to CNN said that the Wii U’s impact will grow considerably over time.

"I almost feel like, as people get more familiar with Wii U and these touchscreen interfaces, that there is going to come a point where they feel like 'I can't do everything I want to do if I don't have a second screen'."

Perhaps you should read it yourself.

I just linked you to the original article, not MCV's crap.   Read the actual CNN article.  hell, even the MCV article doesn't actually quote Miyamoto as saying anything directly toward the compeition nor does not say any of the comepition can't do the same.

My apologies - you must have posted that after I began my post.  I hadn't see it.

While you're right, he's not suggesting it'll be any threat to PS4/720, I still feel he's willfully or neglectly (is that a word?) oblivious to this (playing off TV - or in the case of smartphones/tablets - on TV) becoming commonplace very shortly.  Aside from Miiverse and Nintendo games I don't see WiiU doing anything that will really set itself apart in the next few years.   I think it'll start to look very dated by late 2014 and that is a problem.

I think you may have unintentionally posted this, or part of it, twice.  I responded above to the first post.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

''The Wii U’s use of an integrated second screen poses a notable threat to Microsoft and Sony’s rival machines.

You already lost me on that first sentence. The Playstation/Xbox demographic aren't interested in gaming on a touch screen device.

Pachofilauri said:
Max King of the Wild said:
MegaDrive08 said:
Thing is if Sony or Microsoft came out with a gamepad controller first with off screen play you know damn well the Sony and Microsoft fans would say it's amazing and the best thing since sliced bread, but its a gimmick because it's a Nintendo console, the U is a cracking console and half the people who talk crap about it haven't even touched the thing, maybe I'm old school but i couldn't care less about all these fancy features I buy a games console to play games, nothing else.

its so easy to make baseless accusations.

no its not...

what where the comments when move and kinect came out?

the comments were that they worked better than Wiimote and they did at that. YOu cant sit there and say that the wiimote was accurate cause it  wasnt. Motion+, we all know how much support that got, so much support. Should have been there day 1. Very few were praising Move or Kinect because they were from SOny or MS, they were praising it cause the damn things actually worked.

AnthonyW86 said:

''The Wii U’s use of an integrated second screen poses a notable threat to Microsoft and Sony’s rival machines.

You already lost me on that first sentence. The Playstation/Xbox demographic aren't interested in gaming on a touch screen device.

maybe not now, but they could be in a few years
