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Max King of the Wild said:
Th3PANO said:
Desertghost said:
sethnintendo said:
sales2099 said:
Nintendo acts like MS and Sony can't release a peripheral in the future to compete......

But what they don't acknowledge is that the more time goes by, the more dated the WiiU will look by comparison. This aint like the Wii, where casuals didn;t care about graphics......WiiU is for core gamers, and in a couple years it will allready look ancient compared to PS4/Xbox

Wii U is for everyone.  I like the second screen because I can watch netflix in my bed (I have the Wii U in the living room), play some games off screen while lounging in my bed (it is where I get most of my high scores in Zen 2 since I prefer off screen play for the game over TV), web browse (it has a good web browser and since Wii U boots faster than my PC I have been using it more and more for web browsing), web browse / game while taking a shit and a few other things.  So to state that is just for the elite hardcore crowd is a false statement.  Nintendo markets to everyone.

I do all that with my PS Vita aswell. Truth is Wii U dosen't give the excluisve experience the Wii did whe it lunched, that's why it wont be as succesful. it's weird Nintendo fans thought Nintendo would keep dominating the market just because it's Nintendo, N64 and Gamecube got their asses kicked( in sales that is) and they had as much Nintendo as the Wii. The only way Nintendo could dominate again is by making a super universal appeling console, of course they tried with the Wii U but it didn't worked out.

no sane person ever claimed nintendo will be at top. succesful is when they get a profit out of it at a later time. they don't need to be at first place.

Except a good portion of people still believe Nintendo will be ontop. And not because Nintendo will start selling well but because they think Ps4 and 720 will sell less

Some of us (like myself) believe that Nintendo "can" be on top regardless of whether the ps4 or 720 sell the same or more, if they utilize the wiiU correctly, but are doubtful that they will.
