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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Miyamoto: give the Wii U time.

JakDaSnack said:
AnthonyW86 said:

''The Wii U’s use of an integrated second screen poses a notable threat to Microsoft and Sony’s rival machines.

You already lost me on that first sentence. The Playstation/Xbox demographic aren't interested in gaming on a touch screen device.

maybe not now, but they could be in a few years

I really can't see how, a second screen requires you to look away from the main screen, wich kind of kills the whole experience. It could be great for local multiplayer but sadly almost everything is going online only these day's.

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Viper1 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Gamerace said:

My apologies viper - you must have posted that after I began my post.  I didn't see it.

Read it now.   You're correct, he's not suggesting it'll pose any threat to PS4/720 but I still think he's willfully or neglectly (is that a word?) oblivious to the fact that WiiU isn't doing anything that won't be commonplace in a very short amount of time.  It's going to seem very dated by end of 2014 and that's a big problem.

Willfully neglecting or willfully obvlivious is what I believe you are trying to say. (Willfully ignorant is another)

However, it's neither given that his comments were all encompassing of devices capable ot offering second screen functionality.

He wouldn't say, "I feel a device like Wii U..." if he meant, "Only Wii U".

The gist is that people will want a second interactive screen to do secondary actions.   To this I agree, my step-son does this now with TV/tablet (watching the game and browsing the internet / msging friends).     Having this functionality will help WiiU seem relevant longer but WiiU can neither compete with the power of 720/PS4 or the vast amount of apps/games on Android/iOS.   So if everybody is doing the same thing, WiiU loses.

I love Nintendo but WiiU looks like it'll have even worse 3rd party support than Wii.  In many cases I'd prefer to play a game with Wii motion controls over the dual analog (still dislike dual analog controllers) but WiiU's gamepad's second screen really adds nothing to 3rd party games, so I'll never get a WiiU for anything other than Nintendo games (I can watch TV/movies/internet/play games, etc. on tablet if I want portability) and if that's all I'm getting it for, it's hard to justify the purchase - not just the cost but having another, mostly unnecessary, piece of tech kicking around.    It's looking more and more likely I'll wait for Wii3 and just get any good games WiiU had to play on it.


oniyide said:
Pachofilauri said:
Max King of the Wild said:
MegaDrive08 said:
Thing is if Sony or Microsoft came out with a gamepad controller first with off screen play you know damn well the Sony and Microsoft fans would say it's amazing and the best thing since sliced bread, but its a gimmick because it's a Nintendo console, the U is a cracking console and half the people who talk crap about it haven't even touched the thing, maybe I'm old school but i couldn't care less about all these fancy features I buy a games console to play games, nothing else.

its so easy to make baseless accusations.

no its not...

what where the comments when move and kinect came out?

the comments were that they worked better than Wiimote and they did at that. YOu cant sit there and say that the wiimote was accurate cause it  wasnt. Motion+, we all know how much support that got, so much support. Should have been there day 1. Very few were praising Move or Kinect because they were from SOny or MS, they were praising it cause the damn things actually worked.

but thats not the point, the wiimote before the motion+ was worst than move. But the wiimote did well with zelda wii sports metroid and redsteel, and both sony and MS fans claim it sucked beacause its nintendo no because the wiimote was not so accurate.

AnthonyW86 said:
JakDaSnack said:
AnthonyW86 said:

''The Wii U’s use of an integrated second screen poses a notable threat to Microsoft and Sony’s rival machines.

You already lost me on that first sentence. The Playstation/Xbox demographic aren't interested in gaming on a touch screen device.

maybe not now, but they could be in a few years

I really can't see how, a second screen requires you to look away from the main screen, wich kind of kills the whole experience. It could be great for local multiplayer but sadly almost everything is going online only these day's.

You can adjust the precision on shooters on the fly with the gamepad, and the touchscreen allows for fast typing, which would make mmo's more appealing on consoles.  Pokemon mmo anyone?


Lyrikalstylez said:
Th3PANO said:
Gamerace said:
Aside from yes WiiU needs games...

Miyamoto's point here is absurd. Just by pushing the screen to a tablet (common device in an ever growing amount of households) PS4/720 equalize the WiiU's advantage (limited by how far you can get from the system with your wireless controller). MS will almost certainly offer this (smartglass) and Sony could copy the strategy easily.

I really don't see this being a big advantage. People are more and more watching TV off different devices as well and many homes have multiple TVs. Heck, if PS4/720 could send the picture to any smart tv in the house that would trump WiiU's gamepad for a lot of people - and that type of functionality will become standard over the next five years making Nintendo's solution appear antiquated.

Miyamoto is completely out of touch with modern technology and how the world works nowadays. The sooner he retires the better (but I hope he still designs some games).

wow, like every non-nintendo gamer you wish the company/developers to go out of buisness but in the same time you wish they go third party. that shows me every fucking time that nintendo games have a charme almost everyone appreciates.

Nintendo games are timeless and fun, which is why I wish they would go 3rd party. Its not that I hate nintendo but their consoles are horrible

I got burned with the n64 and Gamecube, while they did have some gems I missed out on alot of 3rd party games that pissed me off, never again nintendo!

you could have gotten another console...UNLESS you were like me and were too young to get one yourself and your parents had one video game system rule in place

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NintendoPie said:
Thanks for starting the obvious, Miyamoto. Obviously it'll take some time for the Wii U to shine. But, if you want the Wii U to shine, you at least have to put some effort into it. Time won't take care of everything.

Please understand.

AnthonyW86 said:

''The Wii U’s use of an integrated second screen poses a notable threat to Microsoft and Sony’s rival machines.

You already lost me on that first sentence. The Playstation/Xbox demographic aren't interested in gaming on a touch screen device.

That's because the article linked in was from MCV rather than CNN where the actual interview took place.     CNN nor Miyamoto never said anything about the compeition.  MCV added their own commentary for hits.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

Vinniegambini said:
NintendoPie said:
Thanks for starting the obvious, Miyamoto. Obviously it'll take some time for the Wii U to shine. But, if you want the Wii U to shine, you at least have to put some effort into it. Time won't take care of everything.

Please understand.

Iwata: *Laughs*

NintendoPie said:
Vinniegambini said:
NintendoPie said:
Thanks for starting the obvious, Miyamoto. Obviously it'll take some time for the Wii U to shine. But, if you want the Wii U to shine, you at least have to put some effort into it. Time won't take care of everything.

Please understand.

Iwata: *Laughs*

Reggie: My body is ready


NintendoPie said:
Vinniegambini said:
NintendoPie said:
Thanks for starting the obvious, Miyamoto. Obviously it'll take some time for the Wii U to shine. But, if you want the Wii U to shine, you at least have to put some effort into it. Time won't take care of everything.

Please understand.

Iwata: *Laughs*