Well, it sounds like maybe your mind is always running at a greater capacity then just about everyone else, at least for visuals. (Yes, of course, that's why my post are so fun and aswesome!)
The Hobbit was only 48 fps per video image (3D). (Yes, and I thought it was about half were it should be - I would like to see 96FPS and I will let you know how that looks.)
I guess 60P should do it for you. (60P! Naw, that is still so pedestrian.)
I got to admit that CGI & Polygon graphics look a lot more better at 60P, and to see it in 3D at 60P a image is really cool. I do hate playing games in 3D at less then 48 fps per image, but luckily the only game to pull that low of a frame rate off, was Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed 3DS, but that got fix with Firmware 5.0.0-11 so now all 3DS games run at 60P with 3D ON & OFF. The other console versions of Sonic Racing Transformed only run at 30 fps in 2D only and locked at that, because the Sumo engine is appearately it's very demanding on all Home & Handheld Consoles. But to be fair, the 3DS version is the only one made from the ground up for its system.
But I guess the New Handheld Consoles in like 2018 or so might do 120 fps per image because the Handheld system comes with its own screen. (Yes! that will be fun, but I hate waiting.)
I know 3D TVs since the 1930's do no less then 60P per image. But there where 3D TVs in the 1920's but their frame rate was probably only 39 fps back then.
The reason why 24P became the standard for 2D is because it makes everyday walking look like a fashion model walking on the runway as well as other movements also look better when you don't notice the choppyness. 30P looks cheesy to us, and 48P & up looks even more cheesy looking. (That's different than my understanding - I understand it was because that is 'good enough' for the majority of people. And no! They don't look cheesy, they look better!)
60P per image became the standard for 3D because you need at least 48P to get rid of the Strobe Effect for fast pace anything happening in scenes.
Do you have a HFR computer? (Yes, and it was as some game designer talked about the support for the X360, it was like the heavens opened up, and I wondered why didn't I do this sooner! _
And do you ever see the strobe effect in 2D films? (Can you be more specific with what you are asking?)
I answered in italics.