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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NVIDIA: PS4 GPU 3x less powerful than Titan, but more powerful than Xbox 720

Only 3x less powerful? But costs 10x less? Thats pretty good against a €1000 gpu.

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ethomaz said:

Pemalite said:

Titan is a new architecture, it's going to take time (Think months) for the drivers to tap some extra performance out of it, heck I would pitch my system to be what, 4-5x faster just for the graphics?

Sorry to dissapoint you but the Titan architecture was released in early 2012... it is the same Kepler already existent in profissional market.. why some guys here say Titan is a new arch???

GK110 almost had one year... Titan is part of Kepler Architecture like GTX 680... nothing new here... the Tesla GPU was already using the Titan GPU since May 2012.

The new nVidia Architecture, Maxwell, is to be released in 2014.

Titan is old/current tech.

Well technically it is. It's a SKU that wasn't in the consumer market.
My point still stands though, Titan has 25-50% more resources than the GTX 680 and it will take time for things like the memory management system, on-the-fly shader compiler etc' to fully take advantage of that extra grunt in the drivers.

And heck. Titan still isn't even a fully functional GPU, it still has an entire SMX disabled.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

Well technically it is. It's a SKU that wasn't in the consumer market.
My point still stands though, Titan has 25-50% more resources than the GTX 680 and it will take time for things like the memory management system, on-the-fly shader compiler etc' to fully take advantage of that extra grunt in the drivers.

And heck. Titan still isn't even a fully functional GPU, it still has an entire SMX disabled.

I just disagree with you in the "new arch" part... the others thinkgs you said is fine.

And nVidia will never enable the other SMX in Titan... maybe they can release a new GPU with other name with the SMX enabled but the Titan will stay like it is today.

What's the the point of PC fanboys trolling on a console? Is their labido on the line or what? So PS fanboys are excited about their upcoming new toy, can't you pc fanboys leave it be? Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo/AMD are not going to hurt the industry, in fact they may help it. So why not drop the egos since we aren't talking about your sexual parts here, or are we?

There is a point to nVidia be upset about the AMD choice in the next-gen... the games will be more optimized for AMD hardware than nVidia hardware.

A big win for AMD I guess.

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Ps3 and 360 GPU = on same level??

Ok Nvidia now you're just making shit up.

ethomaz said:
Machiavellian said:
Let me understand this.  So last gen the 360 and Wii had AMD/ATI GPUs and AMD is still in the red.  Now AMD will have a lock on all three major console OEMs and people feel that AMD is not going to make a profit.  If history is to be believed, AMD probably are not pricing their chips right and still we be in the red.  Going for the lowest bid but not being able to make a profit does not sound like a sound business stragety.

It appears to me that Nvidia has other interest and yes, whatever they are doing will be a competitor to the next gen consoles.  The key is will their solution be better which only time will tell.  There is no bitterness going on here, this is business and competitiors are always looking for the marketing advantage.

With all three consoles using AMD the company expect to account per 20% of the revenue in 2013... AMD is not only consoles... eveything else put the AMD in the red, not consoles.

Yeah, I read that line from AMD but now I am in more of a show me faze.  I know AMD is not all about graphics but I believe when ATI was by themselves they were in the red competing with Nvidia.  AMD was and still is in the red battling Intel so when both companies come together they are still in the red battling the same two companies.


It appears to me that AMD is still doing the same thing as they have in the past.  To gain market share they price their products where they are not making money.  People praise AMD for having lower costing chips then their competitors but it appears that AMD is sacrificing profits in order to do so.  I love getting more bang for my money but I also know a company cannot continue on this route as well.  There seems to be no overhead on AMD products so when the product is discounted they lose money.  The thing is, if you are always pricing at the bottom, you leave yourself no room to price at the higher point because of customer expectations.


It’s a double edge sword which AMD has not shone yet that they can do it successfully.


It’s like retail.  Most retail clothing cost way more than it cost to produce (I believe 75%).  This is done because those items prices will fall fast and thus the retailer can discount heavily and still make a profit.

Turkish said:

Only 3x less powerful? But costs 10x less? Thats pretty good against a €1000 gpu.

Without knowing the price of the PS4, no one really knows how much less it will be against a Titan.  Comparable card would be the GTX680.  Also it will be interesting how much Sony eats the cost of the PS4 so people can have a cheaper console.

Sony execs have come out and stated that they HOPE the PS4 will not have a starting price like the PS3.

ethomaz said:
There is a point to nVidia be upset about the AMD choice in the next-gen... the games will be more optimized for AMD hardware than nVidia hardware.

A big win for AMD I guess.

I do not see this happening on the PC end as OpenCL or DirectX is the API and they will not have hardware extensions like the NextBox or PS4.  On the PC end it will still come down to which company has the better hardware and drivers so I do not see an advantage.

ethomaz said:
Jega said:

I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this but I saw a couple times that the xbox 720 has a dual gpu.

PROCESSOR AND GRAPHICS - updated 26/03/13

As with the PS4, the Xbox 720 looks certain to use AMD graphics hardware. VG247 reports that multiple sources have confirmed to it that the console will use two GPUs in tandem, it goes on to say that these won't be used in the usual 'CrossFire' configuration seen in PCs. We're not sure about all this as complex hardware architectures have been the failing of many consoles in the past, as a simple architecture is easier for developers to get to grips with quickly.

In any case it's the RAM that really matters if the ps4 is using 8 gigs of memory, you can bet xbox 720 will at least match that.

The dual-gpu rumor is a late 2011 already proved false... no Durango devkit had dual-gpu... about the RAM the Durango always have 8GB and Sony did match that specs.

Thanks for acknowledging my comment in the first place.

Anyway it doesn't matter which console has the most powerful hardware, what matters are the games.

I know there are fans of each console which is fine and all, but you have to truthful to yourself as a gamer,

Nothing I mean nothing that sony has on the ps3 thats exclusive turns me on to buy the machine.

About 90% of the library of both consoles are on both systems the other 10% is made up of exclusive games both psn xbox live games

and bigger retail games.

Gears of War was my game this gen not Halo, Halo was all the rave on the first xbox. Those two franchise I love and that is the reason

I bought an Xbox 360 in the first place.

People bought a Ps3 for metal gear final fantasy and Grand theft auto. God of war is popular but not as popular as those other games.

I remember everybody raving about grand theft auto on the PS2.

Microsoft with their xbox showed what games sony had rights to and which ones they didn't. I am just going to name a few franchises that people

thought were exclusive to playstation.

Ace Combat

Devil May Cry

Final Fantasy


Metal Gear

Grand Theft Auto


All those franchises are now on the Xbox, Sony tried to convince the world they are the best, but all they had was just a bigger wallet to buy developers out

to beat sega and nintendo. Xbox exposed Sony for who the really are a no games electronic company. That's all really who the sony and the playstation is.

I know alot of sony fans will be upset but it is the truth.

Sony used money to make themselves look like something they are not which is a innovative games company.

Microsoft could have wiped out playstation, but they didn't if you don't believe you don't have to.

Microsoft chose instead to compete with sony and get as much business deals done, and sony could not compete with that.

Sony has the billions to compete with microsoft but sony is not backing the playstation like microsoft is backing the xbox.

The playstation has a budget limit. The xbox has a limit but it's much larger than the budget for sony.

Basically what I am trying to say is that the games division at sony can only spend so much on playstation.

Once again fans will cry bullshit but it's the truth watch the ps4 conference and you will hear the main speaker saying how sony gave

them the go ahead to make ps4 happen.

Anyway after seeing the ps4 conference I still have no interest in playstation.

Xbox is going to do all those features and then some.

Xbox fans have Halo 5, Gears of War 4, Forza 5, Kinect 2 and couple more Key games microsoft is not ready to reveal.

Playstation 4 is going to be an amazing system, but it will not be better than the NEW XBOX.

So playstation fans you can big up the playstation 4 all you want, but don't go around saying it will be better than the NEW XBOX

Before you even see what the NEW XBOX has to offer.


It's going to be like 2005 all over again except way better.