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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Fans Same Excuse?

KingHades said:
KungKras said:
Counter question. If it's not games, then what is it?

The Console itself is unnatractive.

I tried the Game Pad and it feels like something new especially since it's portable,but no it's still missing something.

I'll agree that the gamepad doesn't add anything that people value. But it could have been worse, there could have been a serious error in the design, like the Game Gear battey life, the Jaguar processors or the entire Virtual boy. So far, it seems like a bland platform because nothing about it stands out.

But what is the number one thing that can bring appeal to a console and make it stand out?


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Sal.Paradise said:
Mr Khan said:

Kind of is, actually. Saying it's in trouble is opinion. Calling it "dead" is hyperbole meant to rouse a reaction. We've been debating locking this thread...

Many things are said on this forum that are hyperbole or meant to rouse a reaction that are not bannable. Very weak argument. He clearly states it's his opinions and goes on to explain it well enough for the average poster. You cannot ban someone for thinking a console has no sales potential, that's ludicrous, and if you think that one word is flamebaiting or worthy of moderation in a pretty innocuous post, then I think it's time for self-reflection. But then again I guess you didn't think it was worthy of moderation, since you didn't moderate him. Which tells me you just want to intimidate him into not posting his opinion from your position of authority. I've seen you do this before.

This thread as a whole? I haven't read it in detail so I can't say whether it's worth locking or not, but that's not what we're talking about here. 

Because the thread encourages the same kind of narrow-minded thinking. "It can't be saved, deal with it."

And i'm not trying to intimidate, except to the degree that i don't want to have to moderate people. Despite what my reputation might imply, i don't like to. Declaring it "dead" steps over the line, and would be the case for other consoles as well.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

KungKras said:
Counter question. If it's not games, then what is it?

I believe the real problem is in how Nintendo handled the Wii after 2010. They completely stopped releasing games for it, causing 3rd parties to do the same, thus making the system irrelevant in the market and throwing people's expectations of more awesome games through the roof(after 2010 which was the best year software-wise for the Wii, IMO). It wouldn't be a problem if Wii U was released 6 months after the drought, but it wasn't. After dropping Wii support, they took 2 years to release the successor. People lost confidence on Nintendo, and that's a hard thing to regain.

zippy said:
No excuses from me, i never thought for one minute the Wii U would replicate Wii sales. But overall Wii U is a much better product than the Wii and more catered to gamers which suits me. This obviously comes at a price,meaning you lose some of the casual base.But sales will pick up when the big hitters arrive and i wont have a problem with Gamecube type sales as Nintendo will still be profitable, they proved during the Gamecube era that they can still turn a profit with a small install base.

I am a realist so lower Wii U sales havent surprised me, and deep down i think a lot of Nintendo fans also knew it wouldnt do Wii numbers. We just want to enjoy our new console,be excited about new Ninty games in HD, and getting great content like Watch dogs which wasnt possible last gen. Instead we get doom threads and Wii U bashers infesting the Nintendo pages these days.

If Wii U is a much better product than Wii, why the market has rejected it?

You won't have a problem with GameCube-esque sales, but Nintendo will. Bear in mind that Nintendo is already losing money with the current Wii U price, HD games are much more expensive to develope so they need to sell more units to become profitable. Then we have a portable console that is struggling hard outside Japan. 3DS profit margin is tiny, even less if they decide to cut its price when Pokémon X / Y is released.

Nintendo could afford to sell Gamecube for 199 dollars without losing money, or very little at the beginning. I can't even think about the money they will lose when they cut Wii U price. Knowing Iwata I'm already seeing a 100 dollar cut. Most of the benefits from that era were due to Game Boy Advance, 3DS (and Wii U software) won't be able to offset Wii U losses.

Until last fiscal year, Nintendo never lost money. This fiscal year ending 31 March 2013 they will lose money too. Having losses for a third year in a row (and that's likely with the current scenario) would be a complete tragedy for this company.



I apologize in advance for my bad english.

Mr Khan said:
Sal.Paradise said:
rrrnearrr said:
Pavolink said:
KingHades said:
Mr Khan said:
rrrnearrr said:
IMO the console is dead, appealing to the casual with the tablet makes no sense because it is nothing new and the "hardcore" won't buy a nintendo console because they want more than just the games( consoles are media hubs now) and the KNOW(yes, they know for sure) nintendo is gonna have the worst third party support, so this console is aimed at nobody and has no market at all.

You're really not allowed to say it's dead.

Incoming Nintendo defense force lol.

That is bannable as far as I know. You should edit. At least have a little respect for other users.

I didn't insult anybody, if that's bannable, then let it be. But it's my opinion.

Your post isn't, don't worry. He's just trying to intimidate you. 

Kind of is, actually. Saying it's in trouble is opinion. Calling it "dead" is hyperbole meant to rouse a reaction. We've been debating locking this thread...

Why close this thread when it's brining nothing,but good ideas no one is getting mad at anyone.

This is a good organized thread lol.

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Mr Khan said:
Sal.Paradise said:
Mr Khan said:

Kind of is, actually. Saying it's in trouble is opinion. Calling it "dead" is hyperbole meant to rouse a reaction. We've been debating locking this thread...

Many things are said on this forum that are hyperbole or meant to rouse a reaction that are not bannable. Very weak argument. He clearly states it's his opinions and goes on to explain it well enough for the average poster. You cannot ban someone for thinking a console has no sales potential, that's ludicrous, and if you think that one word is flamebaiting or worthy of moderation in a pretty innocuous post, then I think it's time for self-reflection. But then again I guess you didn't think it was worthy of moderation, since you didn't moderate him. Which tells me you just want to intimidate him into not posting his opinion from your position of authority. I've seen you do this before.

This thread as a whole? I haven't read it in detail so I can't say whether it's worth locking or not, but that's not what we're talking about here. 

Because the thread encourages the same kind of narrow-minded thinking. "It can't be saved, deal with it."

And i'm not trying to intimidate, except to the degree that i don't want to have to moderate people. Despite what my reputation might imply, i don't like to. Declaring it "dead" steps over the line, and would be the case for other consoles as well.

This thread was never intended to encourage that type of thinking. I was encouriging gamers and Nintendo fans to give me reasons why games are the Wii U's answer. Now before you say the 3DS is a good example it also had a price drop. Games are not the only thing as seen with the GameCube which is the reason why I made this thread. To figure out if games are the real problem here.

rrrnearrr said:
Pavolink said:

That is bannable as far as I know. You should edit. At least have a little respect for other users.

I didn't insult anybody, if that's bannable, then let it be. But it's my opinion.

No. I was talking about the NDF comment, not yours, which states in the first word that is your opinion and there's nothing wrong with it. Also, I'm not trying to intimidate you, that just the hyperbole of the other poster who didn't know the context of the post and just create misuderstandings.

And about the my post, labelling the fans of certain company as just "Defence Force" is insulting when the only thing we are doing is trying to discuss the topic presented in this thread. Maybe I'm oversensitive and any other poster would have passed, but I don't and at least we deserve to be taked in count with our arguments.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

KingHades said:

Every Wii U or Nintendo fan uses the same excuse for the Wii U.Their excuse is it's lack of games. Now here's where that excuse does not help there cause in the Wii U selling at least more than 45mil.

The GameCube had plenty of Mario Games,Two Pokemon Games,and Four Zelda games if I am correct yet it was the least selling console last gen and was outsold by the XBox the Rookie Console. Nintendo is an established company with a loyal following,but got ousted by the Rookie which was not established.

So can anyone give me the answer to why they rely on the games arguement when that isn't even guarenteed to boost the Wii U sales by alot.

Please no going off-topic keep it within the topic range and no trolling


Systems do not sell if there aren't games out that people want to buy.  It pretty simple actually and it's not just reserved for Nintendo systems either.

Stop hating and start playing.

RazorDragon said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
RazorDragon said:
GC's case actually didn't made any sense. It had games(1st and 3rd party), it had the controller, it had the online features, it had even an add-on that played GBA/GBC games and also GBA connection that allowed new gaming possibilities, it was the smallest and most reliable console of that generation and, most importantly for the gaming forums crowd, it had the graphics.

So, what can we conclude from all that? Gaming market makes no sense.

It couldn't be used for media and lets be honest, the games were not new or fresh. Fable was new. Halo, DMC, GTA, PoP, SotC, ES 3, KOTOR were new games. The list is huge. Splinter Cell, Ghost recon, Killzone, Hitman, Red Faction, Time Splitters, NFS etc etc etc.

Mario, metroid, and Zelda AGAIN were not new, but simple remakes. Yawn, I'll pass thanks. When they make a new game then maybe Nintendo have a chance.

Really? Geist was new, Eternal Darkness was new, Pikmin, Batallion Wars, Baten Kaitos, Resident Evil 0, etc. It also had every one of these IPs you mentioned(except Killzone, which is a Sony exclusive) and many 3rd party exclusives, mostly from Sega(since DC was dead) like Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Phantasy Star Online, Ikaruga, etc.

Your argument is invalid, except for the "it couldn't be used for media" part, which is somewhat true(if you didn't had that Panasonic GC which could play DVD movies).

Bar Pikmin and a Resident Evil exlusive (NOT a new franchise), I have not heard of those other games which says it all really.

Sonic was not new so no  one really cared, and the other games are targeted at a tiny Western Market and a Jap market. That is why it doesn't sell well. The West now wants new franchises every generation and a majority of Western styled games (a few slip past eg FF series, SotC etc). Nintendo do not offer that.


My argument is utterly valid, otherwise why didn't the console sell? Hm? Why not? There is a reason, so stop pretending like it sold well when it did not. That is simple denial.

TheJimbo1234 said:
RazorDragon said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
RazorDragon said:
GC's case actually didn't made any sense. It had games(1st and 3rd party), it had the controller, it had the online features, it had even an add-on that played GBA/GBC games and also GBA connection that allowed new gaming possibilities, it was the smallest and most reliable console of that generation and, most importantly for the gaming forums crowd, it had the graphics.

So, what can we conclude from all that? Gaming market makes no sense.

It couldn't be used for media and lets be honest, the games were not new or fresh. Fable was new. Halo, DMC, GTA, PoP, SotC, ES 3, KOTOR were new games. The list is huge. Splinter Cell, Ghost recon, Killzone, Hitman, Red Faction, Time Splitters, NFS etc etc etc.

Mario, metroid, and Zelda AGAIN were not new, but simple remakes. Yawn, I'll pass thanks. When they make a new game then maybe Nintendo have a chance.

Really? Geist was new, Eternal Darkness was new, Pikmin, Batallion Wars, Baten Kaitos, Resident Evil 0, etc. It also had every one of these IPs you mentioned(except Killzone, which is a Sony exclusive) and many 3rd party exclusives, mostly from Sega(since DC was dead) like Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, Phantasy Star Online, Ikaruga, etc.

Your argument is invalid, except for the "it couldn't be used for media" part, which is somewhat true(if you didn't had that Panasonic GC which could play DVD movies).

Bar Pikmin and a Resident Evil exlusive (NOT a new franchise), I have not heard of those other games which says it all really.

Sonic was not new so no  one really cared, and the other games are targeted at a tiny Western Market and a Jap market. That is why it doesn't sell well. The West now wants new franchises every generation and a majority of Western styled games (a few slip past eg FF series, SotC etc). Nintendo do not offer that.


My argument is utterly valid, otherwise why didn't the console sell? Hm? Why not? There is a reason, so stop pretending like it sold well when it did not. That is simple denial.

I've never heard of many games, and that doesn't change the fact that they exist. Your argument is invalid because every game you mentioned that wasn't exclusive had a Gamecube version, and the GC offered new franchises and Western styled games. Hell, GC even had an exclusive MGS game.

Also, I don't know if you read my first post, but, as I said there, there's no understandable reason GC sold so low IMO, and, whatever the reason was, it certainly didn't had any correlation with the games.