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Forums - Sony Discussion - GoW Ascension is JAW DROPPING

CGI-Quality said:
TimCliveroller said:
No, it's not.

OT: Yes, it IS jaw dropping. Kratos, himself, steals the show, though!

Not sure if that was intended or not but thats my video xD (like I mean: I uploaded that one)

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Girthquake said:
Play this game! Its easily on par with GoW III, if not better. Dont listen to reviewers, they mostly got this game wrong with their negative comments and score.

This is my favorite GOW in terms of Gameplay now. This gameplay and difficulty level + GOW3= godliness! The climbing and QTE are ten times better in terms of moving around than GOW3. GOW 3 still owns in fatalities. Climb Apollo and tell me you're not impressed by the sheer scale of this amazing hack n slash.

For me, jaw dropping implies a sense of novelty; something never before seen, not a bunch of tweaks. Jaw dropping comes from major steps, not from minor iterations. The first part of GOW 3 brought something new at the time; in GOWA everything was somehow expected.

Ex Graphics Whore.

TimCliveroller said:
For me, jaw dropping implies a sense of novelty; something never before seen, not a bunch of tweaks. Jaw dropping comes from major steps, not from minor iterations. The first part of GOW 3 brought something new at the time; in GOWA everything was somehow expected.

Yeah...I think the reasoning behind that is because Sony told SSM to make the games multiplayer badass. Thats novel in a GOW.

TimCliveroller said:
For me, jaw dropping implies a sense of novelty; something never before seen, not a bunch of tweaks. Jaw dropping comes from major steps, not from minor iterations. The first part of GOW 3 brought something new at the time; in GOWA everything was somehow expected.

before you continue to make comments like this i'd advise you to at least play the game first

there's little point in giving impressions like the one above if you haven't actually played the game imo

i wouldn't call the gameplay changes i've experienced thus far as merely tweaks; they actually change how the game plays in a major way from previous games ( or at least thats what i've experienced )

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I don't seem to understand what we're talking about.... gameplay, multiplayer or.... 'JAW DROPPING'. Switching context as usual.

Ex Graphics Whore.

Are we turning a statement into something subjective or vice-versa?

Ex Graphics Whore.

it does look great, the detail on Kratos alone is simply amazing!!!

btw, did they patch the trials yet?

This is setting the benchmark for GOW on the PS4. Can't wait to see it.

Everyone is bashing the professional reviewers but the last time i looked the metacritic scores (professional and gamer) were almost the same. I played it and yes it looks nice but i didnt see it as anything higher than a 8/10.