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Forums - Sales Discussion - ALL marioboys bought SMG and Wii? Or speculations made on SMG and SMS sales

CrazzyMan said:
@BengaBenga, dude, that was over 20 years ago, most fo those people don`t play games anymore.

Well I do, and I'm not even that old (mid twenties) and I can guarantee you that A LOT of people on these forums played Super Mario Bros.  You really underestimate the number of people that played NES and SNES. SMWorld sold 20 MILLION. I think we can call them Marioboys also.  Mario64: 12 MILLION marioboys. As you can see, there's a trend. The more consoles Nintendo sells, the more Marioboys there are. Since Wii will definitely outsell N64 and probably SNES we can count on at least 12 million marioboys on Wii.

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If three cats shoot themselves in the foot, and 1 of them die, who should we have most pity for?

EDIT: post 500! 1/20 on our way to 10000!

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Wait... Crazy thinks that the max SMG will sell is 7 million...? Ok this is going to be WAYYYYY tooo funny. As it stands if SMG continues to sell the same as it did this week every week for the rest of the year it will add an extra 7.2+ million to what it's already sold. If it drops to half it's current sales it'll still ad another 3.6 million units. Either way it blows Crazies prediction out of the water.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

CrazzyMan said:
Don`t make excuses.
We talk about SMG and SMS only.

SMG reached FAST SMS numbers, because Wii sold faster then GC did, because it`s 5 mln. vs 4 mln., because Almost ALL mariofans ALREADY bought Wii in Japan.
SMG droped sales so FAST, because all Mariofans bought Wii, AND even if Wii will reach 10 mln. in Japan, SMG won`t reach 2 mln., because game bought mostly ONLY by mariofans.

And for now, this works only in Japan, in USA and Europe situation is better, but for how long, unknown.
800k Japan mariofans.
1.2 mln. Europe mariofans.
3.5 mln. USA mariofans.
All other SMG buyers are casual gamers.

Japan SMG sales reached it`s potential.
Soon europe and usa will reach it too.

How long wii is going to sell, time will show, But after Wii will reach 6 mln. in Japan, 7 mln. in europe and 14 mln. in USA, it can easy stop selling. Time will tell.
For now 80-85% of nintendo fans already bought the wii, high sales of games in first week and fast drops only proves that.

I love how when I bring in evidence to support what I'm trying to say, you tell me to stop making excuses and we are only looking at SMS and SMG sales. But then when I try and show that the real plunge in Japan of SMG numbers is more of the ending of the holiday season, you say I need facts to support that claim, so I brought in other games and consoles to show that during holidays, sales are much higher, even higher than first week sales of big games (even higher than the almighty FFX). And then you say, don't bring other games in... ok.

And the fact that it's reached SMS levels, again, doesn't mean it'll just stop selling. And like I said, if it averages 5k a week for the next two years (which I think is very likely) it'll be at 1.5 million at the end of that time. If it averages 10k a week (possible, but not completely probable), it'll reach 1.5 million at the end of this year.

Will it reach 2 million in Japan? Probably not. But why should that matter? If it sells 1.5 in Japan, is that not considered good? Is there something wrong with selling "only" 1.5 million in Japan alone?

And the fact that just about every game (except for Nintendogs) will sell the MAJORITY of it's TOTAL SALES in the first few weeks. So how is that bad? And if you start saying "FFX sold 1.9 million first week," then all I have to say is: Japanese love their jRPGs, and don't have much love for 3d platformers. Different regions, different tastes...

Also, the mere fact that the game has sold well for so long, despite an average first week, shows that it's selling not only to "Mariofans" but to casuals, because casuals don't run out to buy a game first week. And so who really cares if it falls to 10k in each region? That's 30k a week, and 1.56 million a year, and in NA and Others, it's far from dropping to 10k a week. I just don't understand what the whole point of this argument is, because the game has sold really well, and will continue to sell more over the next few years, and whether the game does only 5k a week in each region, or 15k a week in each region, it's going to be at least a 6+ million seller, and like DarkNight_DS said, it'll sell another 7 million if the weekly trends stay exactly the same, in other words, doubling what it has right now. And if the it only does 50% (which I think is more likely) it'll reach 10 million by the end of the year, passing even the "greatest game ever", FFX (note sarcasim). So please, just cut us a break and stop. The game has and is going to sell really well no matter what happens in Japan, and if anyone sales that 6+ million is bad, then they really need to get their head straightened out.

How long wii is going to sell, time will show, But after Wii will reach 6 mln. in Japan, 7 mln. in europe and 14 mln. in USA, it can easy stop selling. Time will tell.

We have like 10 or so more weeks until Wii hits 6 million in Japan, and you think it'll just "stop selling?" We have only 4 or 5 more weeks in Others until Wii hits 7 million in others. We have a while to go before it hits 14 million in NA though, and since the GC (which came in 3rd place last gen, in case you didn't know) sold 12.7 million in NA, I'd be very surprised if the Wii only sold 2 million more than that. I'd say we have to wait until about the end of the year before we can know that for sure. Eitherway, that statement was completely wrong and would be considered flamebait if it wasnt for the fact that you actually believe that. And yes, time will tell. And no, I don't think it'll be in your favor either.

Edit: Fixed for clarity. 

@Stever89, use the ENTER button. It`s hard to read all this stuff. =)
1.5 mln. LTD in Japan? Very possible. By the end of 2008? No way.

Best way to wait, till Wii reach GC userbase, that is 21,5 mln., and then see at sales.

For now, it`s 4 mln. vs 5 mln. in Japan. let`s see how long Wii sales will be around 50-100k. Maybe after 5.5. mln. it will go down.
Europe reached 6.8 mln., that 2 mln. more, then GC, Let`s get 7.5 mln.
Usa need to reach 13,5 mln. atleast.

Then it will be very interesting to look at wii and SMG sales.
For now, we need more data.
Japan is down.
Others and usa still doing ok, for how long?

and you think it'll just "stop selling?
I THINK there IS such POSSIBILITY, since speculations made on SMG/SMS sales.

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

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CrazzyMan said:
@BengaBenga, dude, that was over 20 years ago, most fo those people don`t play games anymore.

I do and most of the people that i played with back then still  play I can safely say that most of the people i know that didn´t play back then are playing now and all of the people playing back then except for 2 are still playing.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

If laughing is the best medicine and marijuana makes you laugh

Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

CrazzyMan said:
@Stever89, use the ENTER button. It`s hard to read all this stuff. =)
1.5 mln. LTD in Japan? Very possible. By the end of 2008? No way.

Best way to wait, till Wii reach GC userbase, that is 21,5 mln., and then see at sales.

For now, it`s 4 mln. vs 5 mln. in Japan. let`s see how long Wii sales will be around 50-100k. Maybe after 5.5. mln. it will go down.
Europe reached 6.8 mln., that 2 mln. more, then GC, Let`s get 7.5 mln.
Usa need to reach 13,5 mln. atleast.

Then it will be very interesting to look at wii and SMG sales.
For now, we need more data.
Japan is down.
Others and usa still doing ok, for how long?
and you think it'll just "stop selling?
I THINK there IS such POSSIBILITY, since speculations made on SMG/SMS sales.


CrazzyMan, what are you going to do if (when) the Wii and these games continue to sell?  You're not going to off yourself or anything crazy, are you?  I mean I know being completely, 100% wrong can be a blow to the self esteem but we dont' want to see anyone hurt themselves, and you seem a little frazzled already, so that's why I feel the need to ask...


CrazzyMan said:
@Stever89, use the ENTER button. It`s hard to read all this stuff. =) Fixed
1.5 mln. LTD in Japan? Very possible. By the end of 2008? No way.

and you think it'll just "stop selling?
I THINK there IS such POSSIBILITY, since speculations made on SMG/SMS sales.

And why can't it reach 1.5 by end of 2008? It only needs 10k a week in order to do so, and if it averages 5k a week for the next 40 weeks, and then 25k or so for the next 8 weeks after that (those 8 weeks being holiday weeks, holiday weeks meaning higher sales), it'll reach 1.5 million, or close. "No way" is being way too limited.

The fact that the Wii has outsold the GC in two regions after only a year and a few months, just shows that it will NOT go down dramitically. And please, don't say that it's sold so well because all the Mariofans went out and bought one before or right when SMG came out. The game only has a 25% attach rate (5.5 million to 21 million), and the GameCube didn't sell this fast even though SMS came out in it's first year. In all reality, you say it the other way around. All Mariofans bought the GameCube, but Mariofans and others (casuals, hardcores, non-casuals, etc) are buying the Wii.

Best way to wait, till Wii reach GC userbase, that is 21,5 mln., and then see at sales.

For now, it`s 4 mln. vs 5 mln. in Japan. let`s see how long Wii sales will be around 50-100k. Maybe after 5.5. mln. it will go down.
Europe reached 6.8 mln., that 2 mln. more, then GC, Let`s get 7.5 mln.
Usa need to reach 13,5 mln. atleast.

Then it will be very interesting to look at wii and SMG sales.

And why after 5.5 million will it just "go down?" What PROOF do you have? If the GC could only sell 4 million in Japan with the 900k "Mariofans" why should the Wii pass 4 million? And why should it get to 5.5 million and then just stop? Only two possiblities work here, and neither of them support 5.5 million and then "going down":

  1. The Wii only sells to Mariofans/Nintendo fans, and they buy the WIi just like they bought the GC. Sales die at 4 million
  2. The Wii sells to Mariofans/Nintendo fans and all other types of gamers (including hardcore and casual players) and non-gamers. This is similar to the PS2, in that the PS2 sold to every type of gamer, except perhaps the non-gamers (or at least not as much as the Wii is), and thus the Wii should sell as much as the PS2 and possibly even more. That puts the Wii much higher than 5.5 million.
  3. The same logic applies to the other regions. Why would the Wii sell more if it's only selling to "Mariofans"? And if it's selling to more than "Mariofans" why would it only sell more than the GC, yet not much more?

You only the Wii selling 26.5 million consoles, and it's probably going to double that amount this year. Logical? No. Crazzy Logical? Perhaps.

For now, we need more data.

Yes we do. Unfortunately for you, the data probably won't favor your view.


Japan is down accross the board. When you look at sales in Japan, only 23 titles sold more than 10k this week, and 10 of those games were new releases. That means Japan is down.


and you think it'll just "stop selling?
I THINK there IS such POSSIBILITY, since speculations made on SMG/SMS sales.

When I was referring to the "stop selling" I was talking about if the Wii would stop selling, which I don't think will happen. I think you read it wrong (and then misquoted me for the 10th time) and thought I was talking about SMG. Either way, so what if SMG sales go down? Does that mean that the Wii will stop selling? If you think only "Mariofans" buy the Wii, look at my points above. If you think SMG will stop selling, I can only say that I've given my evidence and data and now only time will tell. And, just like in the "Wii will stop selling" case, I think you'll be very wrong.

Why will the Wii stop selling? There is a DRAMATIC difference between GC and Wii.

Wii in America alone, is selling better than the GC had worldwide at the time. Also, look here

The Wii's average week sales are increasing, while GC's were decreasing. You can see that even the Ps3 will outsell GC, as it is slightly increasing its average sales.

In your other thread, you stated that Ps2 /=/ Ps3 in sales. Look at Wii.

By your logic it should end at 200M + AND stop when it reaches GC sales, you're giving different views here - a little scisofren are we? Ok, bad joke sorry.

Look at Japan.

Wii is about equal to Ps2 (a little above due to holiday) while GC is way below, and sells less all the time.

Now that I think of it, SMG has an attachment higher than any PS3 game.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

UPDATE: Looks like the second-week drop was only about 50%. Maybe less.

If the third week has another 50% drop (from 2nd week) then it will already have beaten Melee sales in only 3 weeks! Does this change any of your predictions, CrazzyMan?

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!