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Why will the Wii stop selling? There is a DRAMATIC difference between GC and Wii.

Wii in America alone, is selling better than the GC had worldwide at the time. Also, look here

The Wii's average week sales are increasing, while GC's were decreasing. You can see that even the Ps3 will outsell GC, as it is slightly increasing its average sales.

In your other thread, you stated that Ps2 /=/ Ps3 in sales. Look at Wii.

By your logic it should end at 200M + AND stop when it reaches GC sales, you're giving different views here - a little scisofren are we? Ok, bad joke sorry.

Look at Japan.

Wii is about equal to Ps2 (a little above due to holiday) while GC is way below, and sells less all the time.

Now that I think of it, SMG has an attachment higher than any PS3 game.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS