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Forums - Politics Discussion - North Korea makes one of the dumbest decisions in history- Decides to Nuke America

Assyrian612 said:
JayWood2010 said:
JazzB1987 said:
JayWood2010 said:
JazzB1987 said:
JayWood2010 said:
JazzB1987 said:
NintendoPie said:
Goodness, THE USA are like little children that think they can do whatever they want and not get punished for it.

Stop trying to kill us North Korea! This wouldn't be good for either side.

FIXED   :)   

(just look at what the US of A did during the last 15 years and what bad stuff north korea did in comparison. Can you name 1 really bad thing they did other than going "BLAH BLAH BEWARE OF MIGHTY N.KOREA BLAH!" ? I doubt that)

America may have some problems but we aren't threatening to Nuke someone either.  If N. Korea is so childish to do something like that not ONly will America respond but much of the world will respond.  Nukes are not something to play around with.

Yup  instead the USA invades countries     thats certainly much better :)

N.Korea will never nuke the USA  they are not dumb  people that believe this propaganda shit   should think about it... 

The USA would also not nuke other countries  because now (in comparison to WW2) other countries also have nukes and will take revenge. 

Noone will ever nuke some other country  because that would basically be the end of the world.

Invading a country is much better than nuclear warfare and you know that.  If you don't like America than so be it but don't be childish about the subject either.  Like i said, America has done some thing that has been wrong but in this case we are not wrong.  This is a situation that in my opinion needs to be dealt with and if force is necessary then so be it. I dont agree with needless war but this is a case that effects the entire world so if we attack N. Korea and kill innocent people we are still protecting many more innocent people at the same time.  

Now you can talk all the shit about U.S.A you want but this time i see it hard to to point a finger at us while we are not the ones threatening to nuke someone.  What country are you from?  And if we threatened to nuke you guys how do you think your country would react?  Do you think other countries would react as well?  And damnit this news effects you as well so think before you talk.

I am sorry but your clearly fell for the propaganda shit    dude :)    Invading a country that NEVER DECLARED WAR is not good at all. If you think otherwhise I am really sorry for you.  You also did what they want you to do   You take US-government critic and assume its "I hate america".   Why would I dont like America?
I play American games, I watch American movies, I listen to American music.  I speak English because of AMERICA (as If I would learn English because of Great Britain LOL  :)

The real country/government/whatever  that needs to be dealt with is the lobbyist  assholes all around the world.  That want to earn money.

There is no force needed at all since N.Koreas can say whatever they want within their own territory.   Do you feel the need to force everyone to be like you are?

If you invade countries and in doing so kill innocent people how is this good? Can you guarantee that the other country will attack you ? No you cant.   Remember the Iraq shit?    WE ARE 100% SURE THEY HAVE NUKES, CHEMICAL WEAPONS BLAH.  Guess what nothing!  Don't fall for this shit twice!  Germans felt for the same crap 70 years ago and it feels like Americans are their spiritual successors...

Sure you are not the ones threatening to nuke someone you already threatened the whole world to invade every country that doesnt play by your rules. You do this so great your own population doesnt even think its threatening anymore.   You sabotage other countries economy (sanctions etc.)  Thats certainly better than what N.Koread did (which was just USING WORDS to show the world that they are not IRAQ)

Seriously  think about it.  
You are N.Korea  you deal with your own shit  then there is the USA a huge powerful country that obviously can do whatever it wants because it is part of every major world council.  UN security council/economics/human rights whatever. There is not even 1 thing in the world that has influence without the USA being a part of it or being in full control.

The only way to prevend your country from being f*cked (no matter how shitty it is)  is to come up with  effective ways to defend.  In this case  the easiest way  are nukes which act as a deterrent.

Now there is the USA  they dont want you to have an effective way to defend so they come and tell you to stop having nukes etc.  HOW DUMB IS THIS?
The USA is basically  EA and in this case N.Korea is Nintendo lol.  Ask others to willingly have a disadvantage(Origin/no defence) and if they say NO  act all angry  and punish (no support/sanctions)  WTF?!?

I mean the USA is working on a ANTI NUKE SHIIELD   to have an advantage. People dont want the USA to have this   the USA doesnt care what others want. The usa will have the advantage soon enough....


  1. The USA wants the be the most powerful country
  2. The USA doesnt want non-kissass-countries to have a way to defend themselves against the USA
  3. The USA mentally and economically attacks those countries with sanctions, threats and anti-non-kissass-country-propaganda
  4. The USA starts to invade those countries as long as the USA knows their defence is weak
  5. The USA places marionette governments there to turn the country into a kissass-country
  6. If 4. is not working then the USA comes up with plan B (in case of N.Korea  NUKE-DEFENCE so the N.Korean nukes will have no effect)
  7. If non kissass-countries don't want the USA to have NUKE-DEFENCE  the USA ignores this because it doesnt have to fear sanctions etc (the USA would not put sanctions on itself)

    Seems fair! 

    P.S. The reason why I have a different view than you is that I am not part of the crap thats going on to the same extent you are a part of it. My view is partially flawed by the somewhat biased media coverage but its not as bad as it could be. And because its just partially biased its easier for me to see the whole picture not just 1 part of it.

Lengthy comment so at least you put thought into it.  I don't agree with you but i appreciate that you put time into it.

I still believe N.Korea is wrong. If they want Nukes for defense that is one thing but they are planning to attack from many statements that has been said in the last few months.  America isn't going to do something until we are pushed and this is pushing the issue.  As far as Iraq, I live in the US and very few people agree with us being in Iraq so we aren't mindless people here like you are making us sound.  And once again Iraq shouldnt have attacked us and we would never have had an excuse to go there in the first place.  i still dont agree with us being there still but that was Iraq's decision to attack america.  

Iraq never attacked America. Obviously you are mindless and need to catch up with the truth rather than what you hear. Al Qaeda attacked the U.S., not Iraq or any of the innocent people that were murdered and still are being murdered bcuz of your genius president bush and his crooks. It is people like you who piss me off here, who act all patriotic, but know nothing except what they believe in the news. Accusing an innocent country then murdering its people and its minorities, then you still have the balls to say Iraq attacked us. LOL Why don't you do a google search. Thanks.

I'm very aware of Al Qaeda being the ones who attacked so once again why are you acting like we are mindless?  They was in Iraq and Afganistan which is why we were over there.  That isn't that hard to figure out now is it?  We aren't over there trying to kill innocent people.  It's not a war like you are acting it is.  We was searching for the leaders of Al Qaeda.  So where is all these innocent people that we went to go kill?  Did you see us bombing Iraq and Afganistan, or even pakistan?  Was we lining civilians up on the streets killing them?  

P.S. Most people dont like Bush or Obama so stop acting like you know shit about the U.S.


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JayWood2010 said:

I'm very aware of Al Qaeda being the ones who attacked so once again why are you acting like we are mindless?  They was in Iraq and Afganistan which is why we were over there.  That isn't that hard to figure out now is it?  We aren't over there trying to kill innocent people.  It's not a war like you are acting it is.  We was searching for the leaders of Al Qaeda.  So where is all these innocent people that we went to go kill?  Did you see us bombing Iraq and Afganistan, or even pakistan?  Was we lining civilians up on the streets killing them?  

P.S. Most people dont like Bush or Obama so stop acting like you know shit about the U.S.

It's quite simply not true. Al-Qaeda never had any presence in Iraq, not until a whole year after the invasion, nor Saddam had any connections with it. Heck, the fact it exists is thanks to you :D

North Korea is years away from being able to get a Nuke to us, I'm not worried about them. China has even recently reprimanded them. They won't last long.

The problem is, if they did manage to lob a nuke over here, our early warning system would detect it, and our nuclear arsenal would be immediately fired back at them. Mutually insured destruction. That would lead to North Korea, and South Korea most likely being completely wiped off the planet.

Overall, I'm not worried about a nuke touching the states ala NK, but I am worried about South Korea, North Korea could destroy them today if they wanted to.

It's time for China to go in there and crack some skulls.

If you nuke N. Korea wouldn't the radiation spread to S. Korea, China, Japan, etc.? So that's not really an option. But obviously we could destroy them without nukes also.

mai said:
JayWood2010 said:

I'm very aware of Al Qaeda being the ones who attacked so once again why are you acting like we are mindless?  They was in Iraq and Afganistan which is why we were over there.  That isn't that hard to figure out now is it?  We aren't over there trying to kill innocent people.  It's not a war like you are acting it is.  We was searching for the leaders of Al Qaeda.  So where is all these innocent people that we went to go kill?  Did you see us bombing Iraq and Afganistan, or even pakistan?  Was we lining civilians up on the streets killing them?  

P.S. Most people dont like Bush or Obama so stop acting like you know shit about the U.S.

It's quite simply not true. Al-Qaeda never had any presence in Iraq, not until a whole year after the invasion, nor Saddam had any connections with it. Heck, the fact it exists is thanks to you :D

lololol Searching.  As we did not know where they was. Who knows where all they went, but hey we found them.  Oh yes thanks to me, im just horrible person.  

Good job hating america though.  It does you a lot of good ;)


Around the Network

JayWood2010 said:

It's quite simply not true. Al-Qaeda never had any presence in Iraq, not until a whole year after the invasion, nor Saddam had any connections with it. Heck, the fact it exists is thanks to you :D

lololol Searching.  As we did not know where they was. Who knows where all they went, but hey we found them.  Oh yes thanks to me, im just horrible person.  

Good job hating america though.  It does you a lot of good ;)

Bad jokes and accusations whe you've got nothing to say? O-o-key.

mai said:

JayWood2010 said:

It's quite simply not true. Al-Qaeda never had any presence in Iraq, not until a whole year after the invasion, nor Saddam had any connections with it. Heck, the fact it exists is thanks to you :D

lololol Searching.  As we did not know where they was. Who knows where all they went, but hey we found them.  Oh yes thanks to me, im just horrible person.  

Good job hating america though.  It does you a lot of good ;)

Bad jokes and accusations whe you've got nothing to say? O-o-key.

Does it sound like Im joking? You can hate America, your more than welcome but you don't know much other than forming your own opinion based on things you know little about


JayWood2010 said:
mai said:

JayWood2010 said:

It's quite simply not true. Al-Qaeda never had any presence in Iraq, not until a whole year after the invasion, nor Saddam had any connections with it. Heck, the fact it exists is thanks to you :D

lololol Searching.  As we did not know where they was. Who knows where all they went, but hey we found them.  Oh yes thanks to me, im just horrible person.  

Good job hating america though.  It does you a lot of good ;)

Bad jokes and accusations whe you've got nothing to say? O-o-key.

Does it sound like Im joking? You can hate America, your more than welcome but you don't know much other than forming your own opinion based on things you know little about

Brrr, fail to comprehend. Are you drunk? What's so hating in stating the facts?

mai said:
JayWood2010 said:
mai said:

JayWood2010 said:

It's quite simply not true. Al-Qaeda never had any presence in Iraq, not until a whole year after the invasion, nor Saddam had any connections with it. Heck, the fact it exists is thanks to you :D

lololol Searching.  As we did not know where they was. Who knows where all they went, but hey we found them.  Oh yes thanks to me, im just horrible person.  

Good job hating america though.  It does you a lot of good ;)

Bad jokes and accusations whe you've got nothing to say? O-o-key.

Does it sound like Im joking? You can hate America, your more than welcome but you don't know much other than forming your own opinion based on things you know little about

Brrr, fail to comprehend. Are you drunk? What's so hating in stating the facts?

Read through your and the other guys comments and it is very easy to figure out where opinions was formed.  While there is a few facts in there they seem to be clouded with racist and biased opinions formed around what you all dislike about america


phinch1 said:
sethnintendo said:
KeptoKnight said:
What makes you people think that North Korea does not have the capacity for a nuclear strike against the mainland of the United States?

They haven't developed a nuke capable of fitting on a rocket (all their nukes that they have made so far are probably big bulky nukes that look similar to the first nukes ever made).

Their rockets just plain suck.  I believe most of their rocket tests have ended in failure.

So you've seen them?

I think you really under estimate north Korea...

also The USA's "rockets just plain suck"  especially their manned one's

2012 North Korean satellite rocket launch  exploded 90 secs after launch, 2006 North Korean missile test failed 42 secs after launch

"You probably already know that North Korea has a long history of firing long-range missiles into the air, with mixed success. The country first showed off its aeronautical prowess—as much as a secretive authoritarian regime can—in 1998 with a Taepodong-1 rocket. Neither the rocket nor its satellite payload reached orbit. The country's second attempt in 2006 ended 40 seconds after liftoff when the Taepodong-2 rocket exploded. For its third attempt in 2009, North Korean engineers created a more advanced version of the Taepodong-2, known as the Unha-2 ("Galaxie-2"), but its third-stage engine failed to ignite and the entire assembly crashed into the Pacific Ocean. And in April of last year, North Korea's latest rocket iteration, the Unha-3, also "failed to reach orbit".

In early December, though, North Korea's Unha-3 launch found moderate success. Which is a little terrifying, given its presumed specs and capabilities. While they can't be independently verified, we do know that it too is a three-stage rocket, based on the Unha-2 design, measuring about 105 feet tall and eight feet in diameter. Its primary stage engine carries 80,000 kg of fuel, its second stage carries an additional 7,000 kg, and its final stage shot a 220-pound weather satellite, the Kwangmyongsong-3, into polar orbit. A satellite which quickly, hilariously, and dangerously spun out of control."

"It will be years before the country can make a nuclear device that's small enough to fit on a ballistic missile, and years more until it has enough confidence in its launches to guarantee a direct hit."

"The American intelligence community assessment is that North Korea remains some years from achieving the capability to threaten the continental U.S. with a nuclear device small enough to fit on a ballistic missile, though it may pose a nuclear threat to its regional neighbors sooner.

South Korea said after last month’s test that it doubts Kim Jong Un’s regime has perfected the miniaturization technology. "



You ask me for evidence to back up my claim and I have.  What sources do you have?  None