GuerrillaGamesX2 said: Rand Paul is trying to create fear and paranoia, claiming the "big bad government" is going to EXECUTE YOU via drone strike WHILE YOU SLEEP. |
If they're not going to, then why don't they just acknowledge the fact that it isn't legal for them to do so? All Paul wanted was for either Obama or Holder to disavow the notion that they have legitimately have this power, or for the Senate to unanimously pass a non-binding resolution to say that they are of the opinion that the executive branch doesn't have this power, and he would have stopped.
GuerrillaGamesX2 said: This is retarded. Waste of money and time. He's wasting money every second he's standing there on the floor, spewing this right-wing, redneck propaganda. I'm so tired of pathetic republicans senators and house representatives WASTING time and filibustering everything. |
This sure costs a lot less money than if they were being all bipartisany and Working Together to Get Things Done, so I'm all for it.
GuerrillaGamesX2 said: Over 80% of americans support the drone program. |
Not even close, even when you ask, "Do you think the US should drone strike teh bad terristz or are you some kind of damn hippy?" Even fewer support it when you ask them if they should be considered fair game.