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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Deus Ex: Human revolution coming to WiiU?

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What do you think?

No, it won't be on WiiU 24 52.17%
I don't know 12 26.09%
Yes! It will be on WiiU 10 21.74%
Kresnik said:
Cobretti2 said:

and it didn't even crack 0.5m on PC where Deus Ex was a huge hit on PC when the first come out.

I really don't think physical sales are indicative of how well a game has done on PC.


OT:  That would be rubbish.  Not as in "it would be a rubbish game", but they'd have to give a pretty good reason for people to re-buy it.  It's been free on PS+ among other things since releasing.

Indeed, during the last Steam Sales (Autumm and Winter), the game was in the top 20 sellers almost everyday.

OT: As other say, portingthis game is rather pointless. Who will buy it at full price when it's available everywhere else for cheap? I hope this is not true, otherwise we are in front of another bomb.

Please excuse my bad English.

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Damn, and here I thought this would be great news, yet nobody likes this xDDD

I don't see the point either, the game is like $15-$20 on ps3 and X360 so it would be crazy to ask full price for a game this old. At $20-$30 it's hardly worth the effort to port it for the developer i think, considering it won't sell that well.

Why port this game to the Wii U? I've seen this game in Steam sales for $4.99. Who would pay full price for it?

Nintendo Network ID: Flanneryaug

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This game is far too old to bring over now, just bring the next Deus Ex to Wii U

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'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

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Another ancient game to be ported? This is too ridiculous to be true, most rumors are false.

very underrated game. i actually didnt care for it until it popped up on playstation+ and its defo one of the best stealth games of this gen. why all these very old games for wii u though? looking very bleak for wii u and 3rd party games.


very underrated game. i actually didnt care for it until it popped up on playstation+ and its defo one of the best stealth games of this gen. why all these very old games for wii u though? looking very bleak for wii u and 3rd party games.

Underrated? Wasn't it nominated to several Game of the Year awards?

Wright said:

very underrated game. i actually didnt care for it until it popped up on playstation+ and its defo one of the best stealth games of this gen. why all these very old games for wii u though? looking very bleak for wii u and 3rd party games.

Underrated? Wasn't it nominated to several Game of the Year awards?

i dont know. even if it was, it was still underrated.

And then they'll release Tomb Raider U in 2016.