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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - RUMOR: Activision Upset at Black Ops II Wii U Sales, Says Nintendo Fans Are All Talk

^ Leave Luck To Heaven.

Nintendo has 3D Mario, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros -- plus whatever they've been holding back. No worries.

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Wii U might start selling better, but it's main goal is failing Nintendo so far. 3rd parties are not jumping to Wii U because of the cold market. Nintendo is gonna have to drive their own ship for the most part.

Either get a real source or I call bullshit.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

I cannot fathom what kind of business these people run. Somehow we are oblidged to buy their games regardless if we actually want it, or see value in it, just to prove our "hardcoreness". And every more freighteningly so, they get away with it with the "industry's" support.

Fine Activision, then stop making games for Nintendo consoles. I would happy give that to not hear your guys whining anymore.

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routsounmanman said:
I cannot fathom what kind of business these people run. Somehow we are oblidged to buy their games regardless if we actually want it, or see value in it, just to prove our "hardcoreness". And every more freighteningly so, they get away with it with the "industry's" support.

Yeah... The number one selling franchise in gaming history just happens to not sell on a wiiu, and you're attempting to blame the developer? Lol..

Good luck with that.                                                                                                      

Metallicube said:

Fine Activision, then stop making games for Nintendo consoles. I would happy give that to not hear your guys whining anymore.

Do you actually believe this article is real? It's a blogger with no source.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Jumpin said:
Metallicube said:

Fine Activision, then stop making games for Nintendo consoles. I would happy give that to not hear your guys whining anymore.

Do you actually believe this article is real? It's a blogger with no source.

I only believed what I read from the original post, which wasn't much lol. Guess I should take some more time to read the whole topic next time.

ShadowMarshal said:
routsounmanman said:
I cannot fathom what kind of business these people run. Somehow we are oblidged to buy their games regardless if we actually want it, or see value in it, just to prove our "hardcoreness". And every more freighteningly so, they get away with it with the "industry's" support.

Yeah... The number one selling franchise in gaming history just happens to not sell on a wiiu, and you're attempting to blame the developer? Lol..

Good luck with that.                                                                                                      

I'm not trying to blame the franchise. It's Activision's job to get their customer's attention, not the other way around. If your customers are not buying, you're doing something wrong, simple as that (Nintendo with WiiU as an example).

PS: By the way, "number one selling franchise in gaming history"? Really? Pikatchu, Mario, etc would like a word.

The whole thing is utter bullshit to be quite frank.

For one thing, just being honest here, and no offense to fans of the series, but in MY personal view, Call of Duty is garbage, even by FPS standards. I told a Gamestop employee one time, quite loudly in front of other customers (not really meaning to, it just happened) that CoD is "The McDonald's of gaming, it has zero substance, but lots of people consume it anyway". That's just MY own personal bent. CoD needs to go away, or at the VERY least, quit being an ANNUAL event. But then again, that's Activision these days....they won't purchase a franchise if they can't whore it to death.

But on a less personal note, how well did they honestly expect it to sell? It's sold (according to VGChartz anyway) fairly close to 200k, and that doesn't count digital sales. When you take into consideration the fact that several CoD games sold 1 million or more on Wii, vs. the MILLIONS of Wii owners, then I'd say 200k for a system that has sold somewhere over 3 million units thus far, is actually pretty solid, and certainly consistent with that previously established trend. Did they expect it to do half a million? Not likely. Not everyone LIKES FPS games, nor does every FPS fan LIKE Call of Duty. Their attitude towards the subject, if true, is rather arrogant. They can be unhappy with those sales all they want, but talking shit about (again, these alleged) "Nintendo Fans", that's not going to win you any new customers.

Fact is, ZombiU, another first person game, sold about twice as well as "BLOPS II" did, in fact it's the best selling 3rd party title so far. Considering the install base, that's solid, and considering there's bigger games coming down the road, and ZombiU has a console bundle in certain areas, the game will "have legs" as the saying goes. This thread is certainly based all on a rumor, and you can't give those TOO much credence. But at the same time, Activision is a sick joke these days, so I wouldn't doubt it being true either.