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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U Can Still Outsell Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4

With the recent release of Nintendo’s Wii U console and the expectation of dominant sales, it seems that Nintendo may have hit a plateau in the eyes of gamers. As the sales surprisingly dropped down to barely over a hundred thousand a week only several months after release, Nintendo seems as if they may have run into a pickle. But this may not all be so true.

From what we have seen Nintendo’s brand name do over the past decade, I think it is safe to say that Nintendo knows exactly how to execute strategic moves throughout the video game industry very nicely. As much as the hardcore gamer and gamer enthusiast knows of the Wii U’s presence, the overall word on the street has only ever-so-slightly been tapped into. We all know how Nintendo and their marketing strategies are second to none when it comes to promoting their console. Besides its yet-to-be-released and highly anticipated games driving the Wii U to glory, it’s their marketing that is going to be key this generation,  and striking when the time is right.

Although the “gimmick” (Wii-motes, as the hardcore audience would say) isn’t as appealing this time around, I think it is safe to say that Nintendo will be back in this for the hardcore gamer. There is still plenty of time so strategize against the raw power that Microsoft and sony are about to unleash this upcoming generation. but more so, have a next generation Mario and Zelda come out with fire balls and swords blazing, as well as backed by a supreme marketing strategy.

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No it can't.

Unless they both block used games and do a whole lot of other things that people hate. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

No, just... No. I seriously doubt it. I hope Nintendo learns from this and come back swinging next gen.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

A system can resurge, but only if it has a Mario Kart or 3D Mario THIS holiday. A man will buy when DKC, Mario 3d, Zelda, MK, SSB, and Metroid or Starfox are on a system, not before.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers

Did you write this?

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Nintendo only has to do the same thing they did to the 3DS, give the Wiiu a price cut and Release a new Mario Kart and a new 3D Mario Game and the Wii U will sell like the 3Ds does now. Sony and Microsoft can not compete with a 230 Dollar WiiU plus Mario Kart and 3D Mario ready for Xmas and Blackfriday sales.

Yes, the Wii U can still "win." But so can PS4, and so can the successor to Xbox 360. But doesn't it seem too early to doom the Wii U, and too soon to crown PS4 or Xbox Next? The former console is three months old. And the latter two haven't yet launched.

Right now I would bet on the Wii U. Why? Because it's on store shelves.

But, again, the conversation seems premature.

So far it is outselling them both... point is, there's no garantuee as to how PS4 and Xbox3 will do untill they're actually out in the wild.

I have faith that Nintendo will turn this around with the coming games. I'm expecting huge things this E3!

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Its funny, we always see fans of other consoles say WiiU has no chance but when ask them when exactly will either of the other two pass the WiiU, they become silent. Are they afraid or something? I would say yes, the WiiU will make them look easy this holiday. I don't see how 400 dollar consoles will revive the market. Its not like they did wonders with their other consoles that were 400 bucks.