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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo and its lack of any reasonable sense when it comes to modern technology.

Is this a joke? Of course a 50MB Wii/3DS game is going to download faster than 22GB Wii U game. Have you guys never used Steam or PS3 before?

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

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You seem to have eliminated the thing I thought most likely QoS setting on your router.  All I can say is that I have had a very possitive experience with the downloads on the north american servers.  My install times are slow (it seems to download to the flash and then install to the external HDD) but my download times are all reasonable.  I have downloaded everything that did not come in the box and that was not a retail only title. (ZombiU, AC3, Sonic, Mario, Trine, JD4, etc... were all fine).

Is your ISP throttling large downloads? Some of the ISPs here do that.

I ran through a bunch of html5 speed tests with different servers across NA on my laptop and wiiU both on the same wiifi router. was about the same as yours, however, I had almost parity when using other tests like and using a variety of servers (some network hops are worse than others). I could not find a local test in HTML5 (I can in flash... but then could not compare)

try and see if it is better or the same.

irstupid said:

Downloading 20gb games can take a long time on any console or even pc.

Heck had to redownload witcher 2 not too long ago and that took a good 10 hours probably and is a 15 gb download.  

It doesn't matter what your connection is, you are downloading from a someone else.  Obviously Assassins Creed in this case didn't have enough seeders out there for this game.  Or however it works on consoles.  What I would be wondering about before bitching to Nintendo is who is the one sending you the game.  Is Ubisoft the ones in charge of the server sending out the download or is it on Nintendo?  

I hate people blaming someone before they know for a fact it is the person's fault.  I mean there have been games I have played that the online connection sucked ass, and it wasn't because of the console, it was because the games servers, which the game was in charge of not the console.

Maybe AC3 didn't think they would get many Wii U downloaders so they only have a few dedicated servers to sending the download.  Whereas on the PS3 they may have tripple that amount.  


Cause I've had super slow downloads on wii, 3ds, ps3, steam, 360, ect you name it.  I've also had super fast downloads on all of them.  So I'm not in a position from experience to say what would be th problem.  


What a concise and elaborated post. Glad to read that.

Seriously, nintendo haters just can´t get enough of their hate. Just blame everything to Nintendo and that´s all.

I have a very slow connection, but never had any real problem with downloading software for WiiU, so far

superchunk said:
Ail said:

It looks like your router does support 802.11 . Hard to say if it's 802.11e.

I would definitly check my  QoS setting and disable WMM support...


Disabled WMM.. no change.

Enabled and setup a DMZ for WiiU... no change.

According to: 26Mbps
linksys.speedtest 25Mbps (html5 based) 18Mbps

My WiiU gets ( 1.5Mbps in any set up.

This just can't be on my end as again a PC on the total opposite side of house and upstairs... gets 10x the Mbps as the WiiU.

If/when you find a solution could you pm me? I will do the same if I do.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

If laughing is the best medicine and marijuana makes you laugh

Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

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Ljink96 said:
Well, Nintendo is trying to go in the right direction but Physical copies are still outselling digital ones. I don't think Nintendo is trying to impress us technology wise. I think they're still up to their successful tactics: impress us game wise. I don't know how many times I have to say this but anybody can make an Xbox360 and a PS3. Not everybody can make a Wii. That takes creativity and imagination. Please don't give me any hate mail:D

I know most people always like to see ninty as the one creating but who brought the idea of online gaming and any sort of e-store to consoles? Wasn't that MS? So essentially, nintendo is copying everyone does whenever a good idea is introduced in any industry.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Well, online isn't something that you can sue over is it? No. Nintendo's Wii Motion and 3DS has been sued, and copied numerous times,"copying" microsoft's online intergration hasn't been sued once. That's like Applebee's suing O'Charley's for using sprite as a drink choice dude. And if you want to go that far the first home console to be able to go online to download games was the NES but the ability wasn't used until the SNES. The idea was only released in Japan and it allowed you to download titles like a remake of Dragon Quest 1&2, BS Super Ninja Kun, and BS Excitebike if you want to go that way. But hey, online was even on Dreamcast but not an eshop. I don't think Nintendo wants to copy anybody. If anything the last and this generation has shown that ebuilliently. No one thought of motion controls, or a tablet based controller and I'm guessing that it won't be copied soon due to high price of the controller. If Nintendo wanted to copy, they'd copy themselves.

You know man, I understand you're frustration. We all love nintendo and want them to stay around but why oh why can't they be forward thinking!!! They want this console to be around for 5-7 years and they give us that terribley low bandwidth smartphone ram, a powerpc processor from 1999 (Basically took the Wii CPU, doubled the clock speed, and gave it 3 cores and some more cache.) I think they will be ok this gen, but I really can't stand the way they are doing things. Also giving us 8gb of slow flash storage, and then taking up 6gb of it with the OS. And then there is no ethernet, and even worse, USB 3.0. This is gonna be a console nintendo will have to make a revision on in the next few years with better ram, more storage, and usb 3.0. I know they've never done something like that before but still! It's the same way on 3ds. The system has decent visuals but when my ipod from 2009 has a higher clock speed and screen resolution, you know somethings wrong. I love the gamepad so much, but If ninty could have just done a couple things differently i'd be happy. 

1. High Bandwidth memory!!!

2. USB 3.0!

3. A new processor architecture! (This isn't a big deal if developers utilize it properly but developers are used to doing things differently)

4. Give us a System under $300 that has graphics that are superior to a noticeable degree, to be a middle ground between last gen and next gen

Jankelope said:

You know man, I understand you're frustration. We all love nintendo and want them to stay around but why oh why can't they be forward thinking!!! They want this console to be around for 5-7 years and they give us that terribley low bandwidth smartphone ram, a powerpc processor from 1999 (Basically took the Wii CPU, doubled the clock speed, and gave it 3 cores and some more cache.) I think they will be ok this gen, but I really can't stand the way they are doing things. Also giving us 8gb of slow flash storage, and then taking up 6gb of it with the OS. And then there is no ethernet, and even worse, USB 3.0. This is gonna be a console nintendo will have to make a revision on in the next few years with better ram, more storage, and usb 3.0. I know they've never done something like that before but still! It's the same way on 3ds. The system has decent visuals but when my ipod from 2009 has a higher clock speed and screen resolution, you know somethings wrong. I love the gamepad so much, but If ninty could have just done a couple things differently i'd be happy. 

1. High Bandwidth memory!!!

2. USB 3.0!

3. A new processor architecture! (This isn't a big deal if developers utilize it properly but developers are used to doing things differently)

4. Give us a System under $300 that has graphics that are superior to a noticeable degree, to be a middle ground between last gen and next gen

Exactly, people need the basics right, if you dont have USB 3.0 you are nobody.

Why do people gripe so about stuff that I can't even notice while playing the game. I thought that's what game consoles were made for: games. And how fun they are determines the console's use. The NES-SNES days were awesome. When people just played games for how fun and interesting it was. Whatever the complaint is about the Wii U, I rest assured that when Nintendo comes out with their big guns we'll be like "What was I complaining about again?" It has happened to me several times. Especially when I saw the Wii and how stupid I thought the motion controls were. Then I played Twilight Princess and was like "Motion what?" Nintendo is just trying to be reasonable at this point in time. It's not like Nintendo is blind and can't see what Sony and Microsoft are putting into their consoles. They obviously have a different perspective on gaming, and they've always been put in a class on their own for that. Mr. Miyamoto spoke this profound speech, “having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and hasten their own extinction”. Just think about what he's trying to say. It's the truth if I've ever seen it.