Well, online isn't something that you can sue over is it? No. Nintendo's Wii Motion and 3DS has been sued, and copied numerous times,"copying" microsoft's online intergration hasn't been sued once. That's like Applebee's suing O'Charley's for using sprite as a drink choice dude. And if you want to go that far the first home console to be able to go online to download games was the NES but the ability wasn't used until the SNES. The idea was only released in Japan and it allowed you to download titles like a remake of Dragon Quest 1&2, BS Super Ninja Kun, and BS Excitebike if you want to go that way. But hey, online was even on Dreamcast but not an eshop. I don't think Nintendo wants to copy anybody. If anything the last and this generation has shown that ebuilliently. No one thought of motion controls, or a tablet based controller and I'm guessing that it won't be copied soon due to high price of the controller. If Nintendo wanted to copy, they'd copy themselves.