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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Team NintenDomination - Tbone51 Major N


Tbone51 now running NintenDomination!!! XD

Yay 9 50.00%
Horay 1 5.56%
Fiddle Dee 3 16.67%
woot Woot 2 11.11%
Awwh I love you <3 3 16.67%

you havent heard the last of me !

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So, after every team has their captain we will commence the attack? It would be kinda fun to actually makes this is in some sort of game :p

Nintendo and PC gamer

DélioPT said:
Hey, count me in!

By the way, what is supposed to happen?

Making a list so we can all be rounded up and sent to a gulag.

Why are non-Nintendo team members voting on a captain?

Name: N Nation or Nintendo Nation

Captain: NintendoPie or T-Bone (I'm assuming we are having a poll to vote later and these are just nominations)

*Edit* Poll is up...

M.U.G.E.N said:
wish Acevil was more active...he would had my vote easily

oh just realized Basil is in it..I vote for Basil as leader

But I am more of PC guy these day, with a minor in Sony and Nintendo, but I love the DS and 3DS. I personally would give it to Rol or Smeags. 


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I agreed to be part of a fanclub, not a war! Ah whatever, war can be entertaining too, so long as it's within the rules etc. etc. :D

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Damn I thought Ninpie would be winning lol. Who voted for me. Thank you Jaywood! You sneaky guy, even if its one vote lmao

Hey as Idea for all of threads, how about Sony has king,etc and Nintendo has President/Vice President/etc? Jus saying would be cool! We change things up every 3 months lol Vote for a week

Way to many good ones :D

Hmmm, I think I might just go with rol

This totally gonna be a Rolstoppable vs. NintendoPie race.
I vote NintendoPie cause we new guys kinda stick together!          

Mr. Khan should be in there somewhere. 

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