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Forums - Gaming Discussion - These forums will be hilarious if Next Xbox is more powerful than PS4


Would the meltdowns be epic?

Yes 237 59.25%
No 107 26.75%
Maybe 53 13.25%

So do you think the OS RAM reserve will double for launch?

I dont really see why it would 512mb for an OS is alot and even it it does that still leaves 7gb for game development. My real question is why the xbox 720 is rumored to use 3gb of memory for the OS. To me that points to a whole lot of non game features for the xbox that the ps4 wont have, for better or worse.

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It would only be better if Sega came out with some super computer for $10.

The Xbox will most likely be around the same specs. PS4 was more than expected but we know Sony will take the financial hit for it. Microsoft wont take the hit but rather will make a payment plan for the 360. If they do it most likely wont be that great of a difference, but just enough to give them the edge with multiplats and thats where Microsoft loves to play hard ball.

arcelonious said:
Beyond technical specifications, one thing that I'm interested in seeing with the PS4 and Durango is how they will handle modding. Will Sony and Microsoft allow it, because I imagine Valve's console will retain the workshop. The reason I game on PC is more than just graphics.

Nope. If you want to be a PC gamer buy a PC. Consoles hold the sanctity of the art the developers created.

BenVTrigger said:
Kantor said:
I think you greatly overestimate how much people actually care about the amount of RAM inside a console.

There would be no meltdowns if the NextBox had more than 8GB GDDR5 RAM, because that would be a ridiculous waste of money and resources. Even 8GB is pushing into the realms of absurdity.

Sorry Kantor but the fact this thread is currently the fastest growing thread on Vgchartz shows people obviously care about numbers.

I dont think the next Xbox will be more powerful at all it will be slightly weaker.  That said you are a mod and should know better how much some people care about their console wars.  I assure you if this happens there will be meltdowns.  Have you forgotten what 2007 and 2008 looked like here on vgchartz?

Since I wasn't here for all of 2007 and half of 2008, I suppose I have, yes.

I'm not saying we're not going to get into a console war, because we are. I'm saying we're not going to get into a console war over this.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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BenVTrigger said:

For a console the specs for the PS4 really are fantastic.   Games running on optimized engines will look absolutely gorgeous. Currently most rumors point towards the next Xbox being a good bit weaker. 

However Sony fans have been extremely excited since the announcement of 8GB of GDDR5 RAM and honestly there's some pretty outrageous claims getting thrown around all over this forum.

So I just thought it would be pretty hilarious if MS comes out and announces better spec's than the PS4 the meltdowns would be immense. 

I know this is way off topic but will gamestop be representated at Sony's destination playstation tomorrow?

Train wreck said:
BenVTrigger said:

For a console the specs for the PS4 really are fantastic.   Games running on optimized engines will look absolutely gorgeous. Currently most rumors point towards the next Xbox being a good bit weaker. 

However Sony fans have been extremely excited since the announcement of 8GB of GDDR5 RAM and honestly there's some pretty outrageous claims getting thrown around all over this forum.

So I just thought it would be pretty hilarious if MS comes out and announces better spec's than the PS4 the meltdowns would be immense. 

I know this is way off topic but will gamestop be representated at Sony's destination playstation tomorrow?

Sorry cant really comment on that

Being a Sony fan I actually hope MS will go overboard on both specs and price.

But I think they won't. If the rumors prove true about the Durango, like they did prove true for PS4, then PS4 will be slightly stronger.

Power won't be the big key to win the stuff.
Its more the support and how easy it is to develop for the consoles.
Without the Cell Sony wouldn't have had any problems to begin with...Developers were just too bad or aren't in the mood to learn that piece of fine architecture.
Sony changed everything with the PS4 and even people who hated the PS3 like stuff you hate most are now pleased and in the "can't wait to see what we can do with it" mood.
Sony is still the more prefered Company for developers and now they have the architecture and console to make it easy for them.
Also it will be cheaper and faster to work with it so gamers in general will profit from it.

But most rumours showed to be true about the DevKits.
And if Microsoft isn't changing a lot in the next 2 months to push it over the PS4 it will stay weaker.

BenVTrigger said:

For a console the specs for the PS4 really are fantastic.   Games running on optimized engines will look absolutely gorgeous. Currently most rumors point towards the next Xbox being a good bit weaker. 

However Sony fans have been extremely excited since the announcement of 8GB of GDDR5 RAM and honestly there's some pretty outrageous claims getting thrown around all over this forum.

So I just thought it would be pretty hilarious if MS comes out and announces better spec's than the PS4 the meltdowns would be immense. 

No matter what the specs are, it will NEVER be more powerful that PS4.  Are you new here?