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Power won't be the big key to win the stuff.
Its more the support and how easy it is to develop for the consoles.
Without the Cell Sony wouldn't have had any problems to begin with...Developers were just too bad or aren't in the mood to learn that piece of fine architecture.
Sony changed everything with the PS4 and even people who hated the PS3 like stuff you hate most are now pleased and in the "can't wait to see what we can do with it" mood.
Sony is still the more prefered Company for developers and now they have the architecture and console to make it easy for them.
Also it will be cheaper and faster to work with it so gamers in general will profit from it.

But most rumours showed to be true about the DevKits.
And if Microsoft isn't changing a lot in the next 2 months to push it over the PS4 it will stay weaker.