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Forums - Sony Discussion - Are Ps4 fans getting annoyed by the "PC is better" people??.

PC will will always be better but At A higher price, Console is a great alternative to anyone.

but Console will always be ahead for one thing.

I dont see 4 friend playing on a same PC in the confort of the livingroom to games like Castlecrasher, Scott pilgrim, Little big planet, Halo .

One will divise the other will unifie.

at they end it only a question of taste.

its like choosing between a folk or a spoon.

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MoiseHnkel said:
PC will will always be better but At A higher price, Console is a great alternative to anyone.

but Console will always be ahead for one thing.

I dont see 4 friend playing on a same PC in the confort of the livingroom to games like Castlecrasher, Scott pilgrim, Little big planet, Halo .

One will divise the other will unifie.

at they end it only a question of taste.

its like choosing between a folk or a spoon.

Wii U baby!

CGI-Quality said:
Otakumegane said:
It's true though, they are.

Yes, but that doesn't answer his question.

OT: I don't how to answer, because on one hand, I am crazy excited for the new console. On the other, I know my PC will continue to lead. The only thing that bugs me is to see people that aren't PC gamers using it as a means to play-down the PS4.

This. If you don't own a PC then you have no right to call the PS4 graphics "just ok".

Nintendo and PC gamer

I think that it is dumb. I don't consider the PC a console, because for example my PC doesn't look as good as the PS4.

Not really. PC graphics will always be ahead of consoles, and that's not a bad thing. I think it's a happy cycle though. PC leads in graphics because it's a flexible architecture, and consoles (minus Nintendo) follows. Consoles lead in gaming quality because the best developers go where the consumers go, then PC adds the console game innovations.

Just like race cars and super cars and economy/luxury cars. They need each other.


On the other hand, I do get a sense that PC gamers are threatened because most don't actually own high end PC's.

On the other other hand, I find it hilarious that Xbox fans feel so threatened by the PS4 specs that they go out of their way to say that the specs aren't impressive. The next Xbox hasn't even been announced yet, so the specs could very well be inferior to the PS4. Will they say they're equally unimpressed, or will they get sudden amnesia?

I am the Playstation Avenger.


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Lawlight said:
Burning Typhoon said:
Don't they use PCs to MAKE PS4 games?... Maybe I'm missing something.

No, they don't use personal computers to make PS4 games or any game for that matter.

Yes they do use PC's!  Essentially  they use modified 'personal' computers  to make games for any console..  The PC would run program(s) called a SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT kit(s). software development kit (SDK or "devkit") is typically a set of software development tools that allows for the creation of applicationsfor a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, computer systemvideo game consoleoperating system, or similar development platform.

The computer may or may not be running windows... .. Buy you actually companies sit around and type in code on a console controller..?   Hahah good one!

Several types of PC's can be used in the making of games.. For example graphics might be rendered first on a Windows PC that is running graphics designing software...sound effects are also created on PC's long before they run the code on the console test platformsmat the studios

No, according to some one on the internet everything will be better than what you like. Actually, if the PS4 and Next box blocked used games I was and am fully willing to leave consoles in the dust and go PC . As a consumer I look out for numero uno.


But, yes, arrogance if any form is annoying.

chocoloco said:

No, according to some one on the internet everything will be better than what you like. Actually, if the PS4 and Next box blocked used games I was and am fully willing to leave consoles in the dust and go PC . As a consumer I look out for numerous uno.


But, yes, arrogance if any form is annoying.

It's already been confirmed that the PS4 won't block used games. Keep up please.

Haven't Sony's fans established that being next-gen is solely a function of graphics? Keeping that in mind, it makes perfect sense to have PC gamers brag about their superiority. Better graphics= better system.

PC fans are getting annoyed by the "Wow look at these PS4 graphics! They are THE BEST!" people. Us PC master race gamers are already past that point.