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Not really. PC graphics will always be ahead of consoles, and that's not a bad thing. I think it's a happy cycle though. PC leads in graphics because it's a flexible architecture, and consoles (minus Nintendo) follows. Consoles lead in gaming quality because the best developers go where the consumers go, then PC adds the console game innovations.

Just like race cars and super cars and economy/luxury cars. They need each other.


On the other hand, I do get a sense that PC gamers are threatened because most don't actually own high end PC's.

On the other other hand, I find it hilarious that Xbox fans feel so threatened by the PS4 specs that they go out of their way to say that the specs aren't impressive. The next Xbox hasn't even been announced yet, so the specs could very well be inferior to the PS4. Will they say they're equally unimpressed, or will they get sudden amnesia?

I am the Playstation Avenger.