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Forums - Sony Discussion - Are Ps4 fans getting annoyed by the "PC is better" people??.

raf40928 said:
Subie_Greg said:
I am not upset, just think it's retarded to compare specs found in Console with those in a PC for obvious reasons

Also think it's retarded to endlessly tell everyone that the Hardware you paid twice the amount for is better. No shit. Did you know the GT-R is faster than the STI? GT-R does cost $60,000+ more lol. Also water is wet. The fire is hot.



Ok.. I can agree with that statement..  High end PC parts cost more.. they should be better..

Only thought I have is whats the differene between a mid range PC, the PS4, and The Next Box ?  More or less - the sticker on the case !

Difference is the price. PC gamers love to tell you about how they assembled a PC that costs $500-$600 that is better than the Consoles graphics.

Again no shit. You are not paying for the thing to be built. You also save money not taking your car to a shop and instead put the part on yourself. It's not a fair comparision. 

Specs in a Console go further than they would in a PC. True. But a Console doesn't do all the other things a PC is supposed to do. So again another unfair comparision.

If we walk into a Best Buy for example, can you find a PC for $400-$500 that outperforms a PS4? No. Consoles are gaming machines. PC's even Gaming PC's are still PC's.  Entry level PC's cost more than Consoles do. A Gaming PC is even more

I like how someone on another thread said it. The PS4 is like the new Corvette. But we all know F1 cars are still faster. Does that mean the new Corvette is meh?

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ethomaz said:

raf40928 said:

PC's have never had the most games, but the ones they had were often way better.  Sure even PC's have crap - like the SIMs but consoles 12  years ago still had way better games then any console and the same is true today.

Funny enough you said if you want the best in gaming you have to go to a console.. The better and more true statement would be "If you want the broadest choices in gaming you have to buy a console.  Lastly the fact that both the Playstation4 and Next Xbox are both more or less PC's in a console body it will benefit the choice of games for PC's .. This means games on a console or the PC should be ported much quicker and cheaper then ever!  And games ported from Ps4 to NextBox or vice versa will be more uniform in quality as well!

I think he says more like consoles exclusives will be always exclusive... if you want to play almost all games the best choice is a console... you will miss only a few excluives... now if you go to PC then you will miss a lot of games.

Well... except PC gets more exclusives then all consoles put together including entire genres that either don't exist... or don't exist well on anyway.  (See RTS, Mobas etc.)

The only areas where consoles really have an advantage are Wii/Move/Kinect type motion games, and a very narrow range of high budget FPS/Adventure games.    Oh and JRPGS.

With the second advantage slipping as more and more games get ported to PC.   If you've got broad tastes there really isn't any competiton for PC.  If you mostl care about high budget adventure games and JRPGs you'd want to go console.

Kasz216 said:

With the second advantage slipping as more and more games get ported to PC.

What they don't seem to get is that due to the architecture in the 720/PS4, the number of games that'll end up on PC that may not have in the past, will increase exponentially.

Tachikoma said:
Kasz216 said:

With the second advantage slipping as more and more games get ported to PC.

What they don't seem to get is that due to the architecture in the 720/PS4, the number of games that'll end up on PC that may not have in the past, will increase exponentially.


It's already been going that way.  What with Steam and other download services offering easier less risk distribution models.  It's even going the otherway somewhat too, with Diablo, but just not to the same degree because well... consoles are a controlled architecture so they just can't get the raw numbers of indie stuff PC puts out and the need for a mouse and keyboard for some genres.

PCs will have always have the better graphs, cpu etc. No one can argue with that. It's not even a fair question.

I have a MacBook Pro, and I use it for assignments, checking e-mails, browsing web.... that's all. To me that's what a PC is for.

If you are using your PC for gaming, it's completely fine and great since you can upgrade your graphics card or ram whenever you have to.

I use my PS 3 and vita for gaming because that's what they were built for. I am getting a PS 4 on day one knowing PCs will always have the better specs....

Comparing them doesn't make sense because you can't upgrade your console whenever you want but at the end of the day console gamers know you don't necessarily need an upgrade every year to keep with the latest and greatest graphs , speeds, and feeds....

Nope, I am not getting annoyed because a PC gamer is getting better and smoother gaming experience...
As long as consoles like PS 4 and new Xbox is provided with greatest games, I am cool with PCs getting the latest graphs and specs...

If you are a true gamer, you wouldn't necessarily care about the platform anyways...As customers, we would like to see the competition so that we can be provided with state of art products.

I don't get into discussions like PS4 is gonna be better than the Xbox or ps vita sucks etc...We need competitive major platforms to be available in the gaming industry so that customers, us, can get better products...

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mamec said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
raf40928 said:
TheJimbo1234 said:
zero129 said:

So i have seen a lot of so called PC guys posting how the graphics on PC is better then the Ps4 and that console gamers are only now catching up etc etc.

Are you guys getting annoyed by this type of stuff popping inot almost every PS4 thread??.

No, because it is true. PC's have been running DX11 for years and the GTX 680 has been out for a while. However, a console will cost far less (hopefully) so that makes up for it all.

First off the PS4 is a PC in a console case.. They are not using high end parts or the PS4 would launch at 1000 dollars instead of 400/450 for the entry level and 500/ 550 premium.. They are using mid range parts.. anyone who understands pc architecture knows a high end pc will look amd run better...Essentiallynsony is admitting the Cell proessor was a mistake,  they abandoned plans to use an updated Cell in the PS4... And now Sony fans can eat crow.. Last gen all you heard was 'Xbox is basically a PC' .. sony seems to have changed its tune after announcing in late 2012 that its lost nearly 6 Billion dollars and has had FOUR straight years of losses... Most Sony fans look at comsole numbers sold without realising just how much Sony has lost on the PS3.. The PS2 grew Sony to new heights.. The ps3 has even caused Sony to sell assets to raise cash to make this console happen..

There are alot of people that play consoles that know what PC architecture is.. I used to be a computer technician and built many computers for myself and friends...


just go read articles on the PS4.. You'll see in FACT the ps4 uses an X86 cpu!  What does X86 mean?  The x is a variable number that represent the evolution of Personal Computer (PC) Cpu's..... In example 15 years ago they might went from a 386.. To. 486.. Eventually they began putting an X where the first number went..


The PS4 uses an AMD x86 processor for the CPU.. Ive been using AMD ( advanced micro devices ) in my windows PC for over 10 years since Amd came out with the AMD athlon... 

Anyone who doubts the ps4 is now using a PC cpu please go look up a PC at best buy .. Choose amd processor and look up archictecture... Further more the xbox will be using pretty close the the same GPU as the PS4- even made by the same company .. An ATI processor, which was bought out years ago by who....?  AMD

You are partially there, but wrong on most things.

Firstly, it is "like a PC", but very far from one as they wiull have a custom board which will be nothing like your standard mobo. Yes the parts are not great (bar the RAM), but they don't need to be due to the high efficiency consoles can achieve.

The Cell was a good idea, but the issue was that it was Sony and IBM, not AMD or Intel. Since the Cell, APU Proc have come to the market and been a huge success, and the PS4 does use a APU, but it is not the Cell, but probably an A10 or one from AMDs range. The only issue was that the Cell did not use X86 architecture, and this was a rookie mistake as it made programming for it different (not harder, just different).

Sony changed its tune due to a new CEO coming in who has blitz Sony and seems to be doing a great job with redesigning the companies structure and approach.

NB. I have a degree in Electronic Eng so I know a lot about this.


About " high efficiency", we don't know anything about PS4 spechs refering power consume/performance. So talking about this whitout numbers...


¿?! About the Cell: No, Power Pc based is not a good idea in long term, ask Apple.

All consoles are efficient. This is due to not running antiviruses, a million windows or apple background programs, combined with knowing exactly what hardware every console comes with, and with makiong a mobo specifically for the hardware.

As for the last sentence, I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Pemalite said:

You still need to hook up 5+ 1080P Televisions and run the game across all of them at once just for it have as many pixels, there is graphics and there is Art.
It's impossible for the PS3 to match a PC in terms of graphical prowess, ever.

The game is for PS4 and not PS3.

Yes, and I say this as a big PC gamer myself.

Obviously it's not going to look as good as your $1000 PC. It is, however, going to look a hell of a lot better than a PC you buy for the same price. Besides which, you should be buying it because of its exclusive games and features, not because of negligible graphical differences.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

archbrix said:
brendude13 said:
I got used to them long ago.

Am I the only one that thinks the Killzone Shadow Fall demo looks better than any PC game?

Well, of course what looks better is subjective and I haven't played either first hand, but based on these videos (stylistic preference notwithstanding), Crysis 3 certainly has the edge when in comes to performance, IMHO. Compare the battle segments, both at 1080p, and decide for yourself:


Although that's expected, since framerate is dependent on PC hardware. Killzone couldn't keep up 30fps in that trailer though, hopefully it will have a more consistent framerate at launch.

My response to pc gamers:

The ps4 has enough power to run crysis 3 maxed out at 1080p 30fps on a pc equivalent counterpart.

Now the ps4 can be optimized a bit more than a pc with equivalent specs so how is the ps4 "not impressive"???

With 8gb gddr5 memory games can be vastly bigger so pc gamers can't say consoles are holding them back.

Graphics aren't all that. Keep in mind and that physics and bigger worlds are what needed to evolve this generation not graphics which is what ps4 conference showed ;)

Also I am a pc gamer and am excited about the ps4 as all of the other ps4 fans on the site. It's the first big step towards the Next-Gen.