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PCs will have always have the better graphs, cpu etc. No one can argue with that. It's not even a fair question.

I have a MacBook Pro, and I use it for assignments, checking e-mails, browsing web.... that's all. To me that's what a PC is for.

If you are using your PC for gaming, it's completely fine and great since you can upgrade your graphics card or ram whenever you have to.

I use my PS 3 and vita for gaming because that's what they were built for. I am getting a PS 4 on day one knowing PCs will always have the better specs....

Comparing them doesn't make sense because you can't upgrade your console whenever you want but at the end of the day console gamers know you don't necessarily need an upgrade every year to keep with the latest and greatest graphs , speeds, and feeds....

Nope, I am not getting annoyed because a PC gamer is getting better and smoother gaming experience...
As long as consoles like PS 4 and new Xbox is provided with greatest games, I am cool with PCs getting the latest graphs and specs...

If you are a true gamer, you wouldn't necessarily care about the platform anyways...As customers, we would like to see the competition so that we can be provided with state of art products.

I don't get into discussions like PS4 is gonna be better than the Xbox or ps vita sucks etc...We need competitive major platforms to be available in the gaming industry so that customers, us, can get better products...